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Chapter 10 - Rentals and Risks -

Getting into the truck, Felix let out a slow breath. Turning he looked over at Goldie.

She was dozing in the passenger seat and slumped low. Her head resting on the glass and her hands in her lap.

He’d ended up working the clerk over pretty bad on prices, credit, and what he could get from him. It’d taken the better part of two hours to get it all done as well.

It’d been worth it in the end though.

Through all the back and forth Felix had managed to get two cheap phones, a great deal of prepaid minute cards, prepaid gift cards that could be used as credit cards, and two-thousand dollars in straight cash.

Faith had done perfectly on what to hold onto and what to trash. Everything she’d kept had been solid ticket items to sell back to the pawnshop.

Unable to help himself, Felix was letting his eyes roll over the beautiful and lovely Dragon. There was no denying that he was quite attracted to her.

Almost regretfully, he yanked his gaze off her and then put the truck into reverse. He had things he needed to get done.

The first order of business now that he had a few tools was to get his foundation stabilized. He needed paperwork and identification.

All of that started with having a residence. A place that you could call home.

At least to a government official.

In his old world, it all began with a home address. If you didn’t have one, everything was impossible or at least nearly so. This one couldn’t be much different than that he imagined.

He probably couldn’t even get a library card without an address.

And if I don’t miss my guess, that means I’m going to have to hit up a place like where Jay was. A mobile home park.

Because if I was looking somewhere that wouldn’t ask too many questions if I paid enough money, that’d be it. I bet the manager of the park might be willing to just… look over it entirely with enough money.

That’s where we’ll start first.

I’ll just have to wake my poor sleeping beauty when we get there.

“I’m awake, but I’m enjoying listening to all that praise you’re throwing at me,” murmured the Dragon from where she lay. Her eyes were opened as slits and she was watching him. He could clearly see a golden glow in them. Then she smiled at him. “Can’t blame a Dragon for pretending to sleep to hear a little more, can you?”

Glancing over to Goldie, Felix grinned at her and then looked ahead. Putting the truck into gear he started them off.

He needed to invest in her just as he had Andrea, Lily, and Kit. Invest in those who invested in him.

Especially given how heavily she’d bet on him and what he could do.

“When we get a chance, I want to put some very permanent rings through your horns, Goldie. Do I need to buy a drill to do that or you think you can manage it with those pretty claws of yours,” Felix asked in a curious voice. “Then I think I want to put a number of whilte gold-chains through those rings so they spread from horn to horn.

“A very big, very obvious, very expensive display on those horns of yours. Do you think that’d be a problem? Somewhat like Taylor, but less clothes and more horns. Maybe I can upgrade them so they expand and contract with your shape-shifting. That way you never take them off.”

He’d almost said “that great rack of yours” but he wasn’t sure if her horns were considered a rack or some other distinction.

Felix didn’t miss the low rumbling noise that was filling the truck interior. A noise that was somewhere between an animal growl and rocks being ground together.

Every time he made Goldie feel especially happy, or excited, he’d heard it. To him it felt like the Dragon equivalent to purring.

“That’s right, purr for me, my Golden One. Purr for me while you contemplate how we can decorate your horns with my gold,” said Felix taking a turn through an intersection. “Wearing my gold like the proud dragon you are.”

“Stop before I force you to stop the truck,” Goldie said in a low guttural growl he’d never actually heard before.

It made his skin break out in goose bumps and his spine straightened up.

“Pretty sure there’s a grassy lot with trees about a mile before we reach where we’re going,” offered Felix as he pulled them onto the main highway out of the city, heading toward Hardysburg. Then he firmed up his resolve and his voice. He needed to make sure he took care of Goldie’s needs. She claimed she wasn’t like other dragons, and he believed her. But he was willing to bet she also had an itch that’d never been scratched, too. “You’re welcome to argue your point there. Though the only real thing to debate, is whether we drill holes through your horns, or you wear them like rings on your horns.”

Goldie continued to purr, her eyes glowing golden, the entire drive. All the while Felix force-fed her thoughts of decorating her horns with his gold.

Forcing her to wear it in a way everyone could see it.


Pulling up to the front of the community Felix saw exactly what he was looking for. A simple building that looked more permanent than most of the mobile homes they’d passed by.

There was a simple sign on the top of the building that read two words.

“Park Manager”.

In the window was a small sign that had a phone number and “available for rent” below it. Felix wasn’t sure if there was anyone inside but it wouldn’t hurt to go knock on the door.

Worst case, he could dial the number listed in the window. He now had the tools to act almost like a normal person.

Opening the door Felix got up and stepped out. Moving to the door he turned around and waited for Goldie. She was going to be acting the part of his wife in this.

Watching her, she was staring into the mirror that came down from above and was working at her hair. Trying to adjust it or something with it.

He wasn’t quite sure what she was about but he saw no reason to not just wait for her.

When she finally did get out of the truck, she didn’t look happy either.

“You… you tangled my hair to the point that I need to brush out several knots,” she hissed under her breath, coming over to stand with him in front of the door. She looked frustrated, but under all that, he could tell she was pleased.

Very pleased.

She’d had to forcefully cut off her purring rumble as they pulled into the community several times. It’d started back up without her even knowing.

Apparently the rough handling he’d given her in the truck was indeed what her Dragon had wanted. Perhaps even more so than he’d realized.

Seconds before his brain fired off a retort that would have been along the lines of “now tell me thank you for doing it” he brought his thoughts to a screeching halt.

Smiling instead he gave her a raised eyebrow.

“I’m not complaining,” huffed Goldie with a shake of her head. Apparently she’d caught where his thoughts were going. “Not really, at least. Just… more horn next time, less hair. My hair can get tangled somewhat easily.”

“Thats fair, I’ll keep that in mind for next time, my Golden One,” said Felix and then captured her right hand with his left and gave it a squeeze.

Then he turned and knocked on the door several times.

Unable to help himself, his mind thought on holding onto her horn more. Then it went straight to getting jewelry that would act as a guide on where to put his hands.

“You’re… are you actually—”

Goldie’s voice cut off as the door opened. A man that looked to be in his thirties was standing there. He looked incredibly tired and worn down.

He looked like someone who spent more time then they really should up at night. That or he’d been worked to the point of dropping dead.

He was tall, with dirty-blond hair and eyes that were almost metallic looking. Given his frame, and slim physique, it reminded Felix of the walking dead.

“Hey,” said the man, blinking in an almost owlish way.

“Are you alright?” Felix asked in an almost reflexive way. The man looked like hell.

“Uh… oh, yeah. I’m alright just… really tired,” muttered the man, finally making full eye-contact with Felix and then Goldie. “Hi, yeah, how can I help you?”

“Looking to rent. Willing to pay cash up front,” Felix said without beating around the bush at all. “Month to month and hopefully little oversight.”

“Yeah, whatever,” said the man with a shake of his head. “Come in then. We’ll do the simple forms and go from there. You stickin’ around for more than a month?”

“Possibly, not sure yet,” Felix answered honestly. Pointing at Goldie he followed up with an outright lie. “We’re a bit on the run from her brother. He’d never look here so… good place to be.”

Sniffing once, the man looked from Goldie to Felix then shrugged.

“Fine. You stay longer than a month and I’ll need more than just the upfront money. I’m just a manger for the place I don’t own it,” explained the man. “Deposit is five-forty. Rent is five-hundred. Need the rent and deposit up front.

“Don’t care otherwise about anything you have to say. Unless it’s that you’re staying for two months and that’s when the IDs need to come out.”

“Right,” Felix said with a frown, then he shook his head. This was likely exactly what one would expect for the area. It’s just how it was. “Let’s get that data you need filled in and we’ll go from there.”

“Yea, course, whatever,” grumbled the man. With a sigh, he went back into the small building without saying a word.

Entering behind him, Felix and Goldie stepped inside.

It was a small office with a desk and five chairs. Four were for guests and the desk looked like it was more of a place of study. It was almost completely covered in what looked to be medical school books and assignment work.

There was a small placard atop the desk with likely the man’s name on it.

Treston Cuzzort. Well, you’re bedside manner is terrible.

I bet you’re a know-it-all, too.

“Names,” droned Treston, staring at a paper in front of himself, pen in hand.

But at least… this is going to go exactly the way I want it. After we’re done here it’s a visit to the local library.

They used to have open computers for anyone with a library card. I bet I could weasel a little time out of the librarian.

A simple sob story and there we go.

“—die Campbell,” answered Goldie with a small nod of her head. Then she turned and looked at Felix. There was most certainly a faint glow in her eyes.

Apparently he wasn’t off the hook yet for thinking about buying her hand holds to wear on her horns.


“Thanks again,” Felix whispered quietly as the librarian unlocked the computer. She was an older woman with grey hair and soft eyes. He’d given her exactly what he’d planned on.

A simple sob story that he’d been kicked out, got a mobile home rented to himself, and was trying to start over. He needed to get some duplicates of his records.

That was all it took for the aging woman to take him right over a computer so he could get on that.

“Of course, and good luck,” replied the librarian with a small hand wave. “Just lock it when you’re done. It’ll need a password to get back in.”

Felix nodded his head minutely and then watched the librarian leave.

As soon as she was out of sight he turned to the computer and sat there for a moment. He was hopeful that the computer system would at least be similar enough to what he was used to that he could make it work.

Grabbing the mouse he gave it a small flick and found it to be responsive. Looking to the keyboard he was momentarily concerned about the fact that it was physical.

He hadn’t done anything with a physical layout in a long while. His light terminal had never really needed one and it’d fallen out of use since they tended to break.

Putting his wrists to the pad he laid his fingers to the keys. It felt very strange to have actual physical resistance rather than feedback.


Grabbing the mouse he moved it to one of the icons and then just double clicked it. He had no idea what the web browser would be named so he’d have to guess a bit.

Almost instantly an application opened.

It looked to be some type of database for newspapers.

Closing it, he opened another program through double clicking it’s icon.

This one opened, flashed a box, then closed.

So… not that one.

With a sigh, Felix tried the third.

Then the fourth, fith, and sixth.

It wasn’t until he got to the seventh that the screen flashed over to something he did recognize. It looked a lot like the Internet, or so his memory told him. It reminded him of what it’d looked like ten years ago from his own world.

Moving the mouse to the top of the bar he clicked into it then typed “search engine”.

Results were populated immediately.

Picking the top one, Felix felt like he was at least making progress.

I wonder how my Golden One is doing.

Typing out a simple search for “duplicate birth identification” Felix got back a suggested alternative.

A search for birth certificates.

It opened out onto another page and displayed a small box in the middle of the screen. Felix noted that it was asking his location so he simply hit the accept button.

The screen flickered twice more as it did something in the background, then brought up a new page.

Greene county clerks office. Well, I suppose that answers that. That wasn’t too terrible at all, in fact.

There was a note below the location that said that due to the current situation, it was linked to the Vital Records office and could provide all services from it’s location.

On a hunch, Felix typed in a search for vital records and a birth certificate, which kicked him out to a much more in depth page and search.

Hm. Seems like I’ll need to go there in person and see what I can figure out. I’m sure there’s some type of workaround to get this going.

The question is, would I find it in a random web-search, or directed telepathy at the clerk’s office with Goldie.

It didn’t take him long to realize the answer was simple. Going with Goldie to the clerks office along with some money for a bribe if he needed it.

That was going to be how this one worked out, he imagined.

If it didn’t, he’d have to see about getting one illegally through the underworld, rather than getting a legitimate, though still illegal, birth certificate made for him.

Guess that’s all I can do for it for now.

Though… out of curiosity… let’s try something else first. No sense in leaving immediately for that address.

Felix opened up the search window again and typed a search on how to get a driver’s license. Manuvering through the websites, he found his answer relatively quickly.

Two forms of residency, social security card, birth certificate.

Okay… residency isn’t too hard. Just get something sent to the trailer with a bill. Birth certificate, working on that.

A social security card though… hm. How do I get that one.

Once more he backed into the search engine and put in another query.

This one turned up an entire listing for the Social Security Administration.

So… birth certificate and driver’s license, school record, or medical record.

Alright. Can get the first one but the license requires the card. So… something else.

Felix scrolled down to the next page to see more examples.

He snorted at the fact he could use a church membership as a form of valid ID to get a social security card. Moving through the list he found that the most likely answer was going to be a medical record.

He’d just need to find a doc he could blackmail or bribe. That wouldn’t be very hard at all. They were just everyday normal people with normal people problems.

Just get them to bill me for some type of procedure, have them list out my birth date which will match my birth-certificate, get it all registered to the trailer, there we go. That’d be enough according to this.

Then this to the social security card, and that to the driver’s license. I can get most of this squared away relatively quickly but… not quick enough.

I’ll have to go slow with the mayor. That or take a different route.

What… does it take to start a business?

Several quick searches later and he managed to get an answer. He just had to get a registered agent to handle it for him. That meant a lawyer that would act as his touch point.

That’d solve most of the paperwork I need, I suppose. Just hit the lawyer with the same shot-gun double blast as the doc. Bribery or blackmail, whichever works better.

Leaning back in the chair, Felix was rather glad he’d taken the time to come here. He hadn’t been completely sure of how to go about his plan, or how to make it reasonably work given their lack of documentation.

Once I get mine all squared away, we can start working on everyone else. We should be relatively clothed in identity within… a month?

That feels about right.

Smirking to himself, Felix only had one search left to do. Finding a lawyer in that could represent them for the LLC.

Except rather than typing in the right search, he put in a broad search for Lillian Lux, attorney at law, criminal justice.

With a single click of the enter key, Felix felt the ground fall out from under him.

On the first result, at the top of the page, was Lily.

Unable to stop himself, Felix clicked that and more information came up.

Lillian Lux and associates. She… exists in this world.

Feeling his face starting to turn into a frown and his breathing becoming irregular, he forced himself to look away from the screen. He couldn’t look at her smiling face on the page for a single second longer.

It wasn’t his Lily, but this worlds Lily.

She was a stranger to him, but it still hurt.

Incredibly so.

Glancing back at the page, Felix backed it up so it came off that search. Then did the most damning thing he could probably do to himself.

He searched up Kit Carrington.

Her name was fairly uncommon but it wasn’t unique. The likleyhood of finding her was rather small.

Felix clicked on the images selector since he had no idea what kind of job she’d even be in. In fact he was rather certain this was a waste of time.

Except he found her.

Clicking on the picture of Kit with long hair, smiling, and looking incredibly happy, he was redirected to a new page. One that was about Kit.

Kit Carrington, charity organizer, psychologist Ph.D. Because of course she would.

Of course… she would.

Shaking his head, Felix did the only reasonable thing he could. He locked the computer, got up, and walked away.

Goldie was napping in the truck and right now he needed someone to talk him out of his mental funk. She was likely the only one who’d really understand him at the moment.

Fucking stupid, Felix.


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