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Chapter 3 - Unstoppable Object -

Unable to help himself Felix let did get more than an eyeful of the three women. He didn’t even hide that he gave them a once over before he made sure his eyes were head level.

“Goodness. This is certainly an odd world,” murmured Faith, causing Felix to look her way.

The blue-eyed over sexually developed Dryad was watching him with some confusion lingering in her face. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail behind her head and every bit of her was on display.

Normally her skin had a bit more green tint to it but right now it seemed far more normal toned. Her slightly triangular ears had also shortened down a considerable amount and actually appeared human.

None of that was what concerned him though, it was the sudden mischievous smile that blossomed on her pretty face.

A smile he’d come to interpret as her contemplating smashing him with a lot of sexual magic.

When she hit him with it he felt a deep desire to pin her down in the grass and take everything she always offered him. Except it wasn’t as compelling as it normally was.

It didn’t have the same bite it used to.

In fact, he was able to ignore it.

“The air tastes so similar to the way your own world did. Slightly toxic and not as it should be” remarked Goldie, standing not far from him.

Then she turned to look at him head on along with directing the front of her body toward him. He’d come to realize previously Dryads and Dragons would always turn to face him completely whenever he was around.

Golden horns came up from her bright gold hair. She often wore it in a simple fashion that came straight down without any braiding, ties, or bands. Her elongated ears stuck out from it as well.

Her full hourglass figure made every other woman that she came around look almost masculine. To say it simply, Goldie reeked of a woman made of fantasies and artistry.

Thankfully she didn’t have any of the golden scales that typically came along with her human guise.

It meant one less thing to worry about.

“Field!” blurted out Andrea who promptly started running around in the grass. Her tail whipping about as she sprinted one way than the other.

“Well, thank you for agreeing to come with me,” Felix said, glancing up at the blue-sky above them and away from those around him. As far as he could tell everything seemed rather normal so far.

“Of course. I’m delighted to be chosen,” Goldie said, laying a hand between her well endowed chest. “Among all of the Legion of Yosemite, I was hand picked by you. I’ll not disappoint you, Felix.”

“Exactly,” added Faith, coming to stand next to Goldie. “I know we Dryads are new to Legion as a whole, but it was very flattering to know that one of us was requested. That I was requested.”

Felix gave them a wide smile and focused all of his thoughts on keeping his eyes at the level of their face. He needed to keep himself at a certain level of awareness with these two.

Otherwise they’d drown him in their own desires while inflaming his own.

Andrea bounded past Goldie and Faith in that moment to jump up at Felix. He had only a single second to put his right foot back and brace himself before she slammed into him.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms over his shoulders.

Her bright mis-matched eyes were wide and staring at him from inches away. He noticed that in her ear was a bronze-earring.

“Third?” he asked with some confusion. He certainly hadn’t expected Andrea Prime, Second, or Third to come with him. He’d honestly been betting on just a handful of regular Others.

“Nn!” declared Andrea, her ankles locked into place at the small of his back. “We decided you needed our best efforts that we could provide.

“I brought with me Third Adriana and Third Myriad. Though we can’t separate right now. We’re still… adapting… to the changes. I know I can separate, I can feel it.

“I just know that I shouldn’t yet. Not for a little while at least. It wouldn’t be good, I think.”

Smiling, Andrea then kissed him quite roughly, only to pull away.

“That’s okay. It’s nice to have all the Third’s in one spot. It’s like we used to be now. Somewhat interesting as well though since all our personalities were so much more well defined,” continued Andrea who seemed completely uncaring to how she was hanging on him. “I’m kinda surprised though. I thought you’d bring Miu along after I heard it all.”

“Oh… I did bring Miu along though,” argued Felix as he begun pushing Andrea off himself. She didn’t fight him and let him pry her off. “See, Miu is exactly who she always was. Always will be.

“I know her. Know her as well as I know all of you. She’s going to decide that she needs to be with me. Then she’s going to go after Runner. Go after him and become the biggest annoyance he’s ever known.

“Every single time she figures out what bothers him, she’s going to amplify that. Her powers make that easy for her. Up until the point where he literally will be better off just sending her here, rather than dealing with her.

“Especially since I didn’t say goodbye to her. I left it hanging as a question. She’ll get paranoid and think everything he says is wrong or twisted over.”

“Ah, yeah. I could see that,” Faith admitted with a deep chuckle. She move to the side, popping one hip out and stuck her hand on the other hip. It was an eyecatching pose.

Goldie and Faith often acted in a similar way to how Lily used to. Doing a multitude of things simply to catch his attention and then leveraging it.

“Can you blame us? It always worked for her. It’ll work for us,” questioned Goldie, reminding him in that moment that she could actually get into his head.

There was a moment of panic in him as he realized Goldie would be able to delve to the absolute limit through his mind and thoughts.

Legion rings don’t exist here.

I can’t seem to lock her out as her owner, either.


“For what it’s worth, I’d be happy to fall into such a rut,” purred the golden Dragon. “Though I promise I won’t let that happen. We’re here for bigger things.

“Here to get what we lost back. I’ll be your Lily, Felicity, and Kit, all in one to the best of my ability.

“And to answer your unspoken question… Runner came to us immediately after you vanished. It was only a second or so after. Then he took us off individually. I was the last to be spoken to and by that point Miu was extremely agitated.”

“Ah… I see. Then I imagine she’ll be here soon enough,” Felix mused aloud, turning his head and peering up into the sky. “He did say it’d cost him too much, not that he couldn’t do it.

“Well, let’s see what we have to work with. Then we can plan accordingly while we wait for Miu.”

Felix called up his power. He wanted to see the points available to him as he’d grown accustomed to seeing it.

First names, points, bonuses. Just like always.

A blue screen appeared in the thin air in front of him. It was similar to his normal screen, though it also appeared different.

Even the font is a little different.

“Huh. Marital bonus,” muttered Felix, reading over the screen that floated in air before him. “And why am I worth so much? In fact, why am I even listed? That’s kind of surprising. I see what he meant about it being more like a bank account, though.”

“Oh! How much am I worth? Tell meeeeeee,” demanded Andrea, bouncing in place directly in front of him. It was terribly distracting and Felix had to force himself to ignore her.

“You’re worth five-hundred, Andie. Though I think that’s you and your others, really. Perhaps a hundred points per person,” Goldie filled in for Felix. “As an example, Faith is worth two-hundred. I’m worth nineteen-hundred. Though surprisingly, Felix is worth a thousand for himself. Which is very different.”

“What? Only five hundred? I’m worth more than that,” grumped Andrea, folding her arms across her bare chest.

“Andie, I’m not even worth that much,” lamented Faith. “I’ll suppose I’ll have to… earn… my keep in different ways.”

He felt the cudgel of sexual magic lash out at him from Faith once again.

“Stop hitting him with that ‘come hither’ magic, Faith. He’s right, we need to focus. Go over to that tree-line and see if the trees can tell us anything of use,” admonished Goldie with a warm and kind voice. She’d even reached over and laid a hand to Faith’s back as she spoke. The dryad gave her a smile and then began off at a light jog toward the indicated trees.

“Andie, go start stalking the area. We have no idea where we are and what’s around us. See if you can’t spot anything that might help us in the immediate area but don’t get spotted. Remember, this is almost a human only world. You and I don’t fit in here,” warned Goldie, making a gentle shooing motion with her hands at the Beastkin.

“Hai! I’ll do that Goldie!” stated Andrea with an odd military like salute toward Goldie. Then she was off in a flash, running for the distant horizon.

Smirking, Felix was rather grateful for Goldie being here.

He still rather regretted not having Felicity, Kit, or Lily with him, but Goldie was clearly working to make that regret non-existent.

“Thank you,” murmured Felix as he closed up his point screen.

“Of course, Nest-mate. I’ll be your everything and do anything,” emphasized Goldie with a purr. Then she shook her head a bit and grinned. “I’m going to enjoy this I think. My poor Dragon had swooned for you so long ago and just wanted to Nest. It’ll be quite lovely to start an organization with you here.”

Nodding his head, Felix couldn’t disagree. He was really looking forward to starting again.

Looking at Goldie he called up her stat screen. He wanted to see all the ins and outs of her.

I… what?

Awareness type?

Goldie Campbell?

I didn’t marry her though. So… what?

Also, why is she listed as a Progenitor Dragon? Have… I ever looked at her stats before? They’re also somewhat different than the expectation.

And is fourteen luck low, or average?

I need a baseline, this was almost pointless.

“What’s a Progenitor Dragon, The Golden One?” asked Felix as he turned his head to look at Faith’s retreating backside.

He pulled up her stat-screen as well.

Okay, right.

I’m married to all three, I bet.

And there’s also a Stamina type in addition to the Awareness type.

This must be what Runner was talking about.

Additionally, based on Faith, compared to Goldie, it seems like a human baseline might be somewhere in the ten to thirty range?

Though I didn’t expect Faith to have a higher intellect score than Goldie. Maybe that’s the competency aspect. One can apply what they have better?

Things to learn.

“Oh. That. I’m just really old, Nest-mate. Don’t you worry about it. I spent most of my early life sleeping and letting the world go by,” Goldie said in an offhand way. As if it didn’t matter at all that she literally had “progenitor” in her race name. “Not being a normal Dragon I had no interest in most things and it was easier to doze.”

Felix didn’t quite believe that and gave her a pointed glance. Then he looked off to where Andrea had vanished.

He couldn’t see her.

I’ll have to check her screen later.

“Yes, yes. I hear you,” assured Goldie. “It really is nothing. I’m just a bit different than a normal Dragon. That’s all. I really did just sleep it all away and—”

There was a boom of thunder above Felix followed by what felt like an insane roller-coaster ride of extreme nausea and vertigo.

As sudden as it began, it ended. With only the appearance of Miu heralding that anything had happened at all.

Standing several feet away she looked incredibly angry. Angry, cross, and absolutely at wits-end.

She was athletically built and fit right in the expected body type for her asian heritage. Her pale skin, dark eyes, and short black hair were all part of that expectation as well.

Where she might have been only cute or pretty several months ago she’d taken an order he’d given, to take care of herself, to an extreme. Miu was an incredibly beautiful woman now that radiated that beauty out around her.

“You left me,” came a hissing voice from between Miu’s clenched teeth.

Ah… shit.

I guess I didn’t think of the fact she’d be angry at me.

Even sounded like when she became a zombie.

“No, he didn’t,” Goldie countered before anything further could be said. With a shake of her head she looked at the other woman with a smile. “He actually said he expected you to be here soon. That you’d bother, pester, and annoy Runner until he brought you here.

“It was the very reason he didn’t pick you. That he could rely on you showing up all on your own. Letting him get the best deal he could manage by relying on you.”

Felix nodded his head while holding Miu’s gaze. That was exactly what he’d been thinking, in fact.

Goldie had plucked it all out of him like using a net to catch fish in a barrel.

The anger and hurt look on Miu fell away in an instant. Her eyes began to twitch and her body started to shudder. Her fingers began to curl reflexively and pull at her own upper-forearms. Then she started to breathe harder.

“F… Felix, please… look away,” she asked instead, all sign of her being upset with him fleeing. All that was left was the mentally broken and shattered Miu he’d known all along.

“Of course I won’t,” Felix stated flatly. “I needed my Miu. My Miu came to me just like I knew she would. She did exactly what I was expecting and needed. I’m going to look at my Miu. She’s not Legion’s Miu, she’s my Miu.

“Aren’t you? Aren’t you my Miu? My beautiful Miu?”

He knew he needed to push on her just a bit. This would set the tone for her for the rest of their trip here.

If she was his, not Legion’s, than he could control her powers to fit his needs. Her being his, after all.

“In fact. Your name isn’t Miu Mikki anymore,” continued Felix, slowly walking over toward the psychopathic diminutive woman. “By coming here you changed your name. I can see it in your stat screen. Can you guess what your name is? I bet you know. In fact, I bet Runner told you. Seems like it was part of the condition for me to get points from you.”

Miu wasn’t able to look away from him. Instead she continued to tremble like a leaf in a windstorm.

“Can you tell me your name, my Miu?” asked Felix in a soft whisper, reaching up to cup her cheek with his right hand. “Because if you have a different name, wouldn’t that mean the time for control is over?”

That did it.

There was a sharp twitch from Miu who then went completely still. She stared at him now as if someone had just opened a door in front of her.

“I’m Miu Campbell. I… I know my name. He told me I’d have to be your wife to be here,” whimpered Miu in a tiny voice, her breath coming out in ragged gasps and sharp exhales. “He also… also told… told me—”

Miu blinked, dove forward, and bit down on Felix’s shoulder. Her teeth sank in deep and her arms wrapped up around his middle. Clutching to him with her entire being.

Holding her in return Felix laid his arms over her shoulders and began to rock her back and forth. The whole time she was gnawing at him.

Which was quite painful if he had to be honest with himself.

“The Overgod told her, to tell you, that while that was a nasty little trick you pulled on him, he’d get you back later. Also that Miu is worth eight-hundred points,” Goldie offered, filling in what Miu couldn’t finish. “From what I can see from Miu’s mind she… really… really made an annoyance out of herself for him.

“Apparently she even started a religion dedicated to Runner the fallen-god of dirty toilets. There were a number of priests who were already starting to gain faith powers in that belief. That was the point Runner gave in. It’s been about a month by the way. A month in the other world since we’ve been here. Time is flowing very… strangely.”

Unable to help it, Felix snorted at that and just held onto Miu. It sounded rather amusing to him.

Runner was fooling around with time and that wasn’t very surprising to Felix at all.

“Feeeeeelix!” called Andrea in the distance.

Turning partly, he looked toward where the call had come from.

Andrea was heading his way at a dead sprint. In her arms was a massive bundle of clothes in a variety of colors.

“Did he tell them all they’d be my wives, my Golden One?” Felix asked quietly, laying his cheek to Miu’s temple.

“I… yes. He did. It was part of the agreement. All your wives. You’d receive points from us unless we divorced you officially by the laws of this land. And just Goldie is fine. Or… or your Goldie. That’d be perfect,” Goldie requested, her tone becoming almost pleading at the end.

“My Goldie. Thank you,” muttered Felix as he called up Andrea’s stat screen. Ignoring the fact that it looked like Goldie’s eyes were actually glowing.

Stamina type… huh. But only on anything that end’s on nine.

Damn. Her luck is incredibly high in this world. I can’t even remember what it was previously, but it wasn’t that high.

Clearly some stats have shifted around since coming here.

Also, somewhat curious about the fact that it hits both the negative and positive side for being in love.

Same thing for the ready to nest issue.

By the way, my Goldie, how long have you been holding the reins on that need to nest? I couldn’t even tell from the outside.

“You’re lucky I haven’t tied you to a bed in the vault and taken what I crave from you after ripping out the birth control with my claws,” Goldie chirped brightly with a great deal of warmth in her voice.

“He ties me to the bed sometimes,”whispered Miu after releasing her bite and rubbing her cheek to his shoulder. “I like it. I give him all the control and let him do whatever he wants.”

Andrea came to a stop next to them, her tail swishing back and forth behind her wildly. In her mouth looked to be a pair of women’s underwear. She was also smiling from ear to ear.

“I found clothes!” she said in a partially muffled voice. Then spat out the bright yellow panties into the pile in her arms. “Well, stole clothes. Found them, then stole them. They had them on a washing line behind their house.

“I also found a road. There was a sign not too far off. We’re about three miles away from a place called Brandonville.

“That and there’s apparently a correctional facility on the way. We could probably get some equipment from their armory. It’s been a while since I broke into a prison.”

Looking thoughtful Andrea than shook her head.

“Nevermind, that’s wrong. Hehe. I never broke into a prison,” she corrected with a wide smile that showed off all of her teeth. “I only ever broke out of them! You’d think they’d have learned after the third time.”

Ah… yeah. I didn’t take a moral compass with me.

Didn’t I.

Sorry Kit… morality only plays into effect if it doesn’t impede me.

“No. No prison. We’re heading to that city. Town. Whatever. We need supplies,” Felix stated firmly. “We’re going to go into town on Goldie’s back, find some businesses that are chains owned by larger companies, and take what we need. All under the cover of night.

“Thats the second order of business though. For right now… let’s sort through the clothes you’ve brought and see what we can do. Later one… we’ll give something back to whoever we stole these from. It’s one thing to rob a company, it’s another to rob a person.”


Drew Risch

I was so fucking sad Miu got left behind, but this is so perfect. I fucking love the crazy ones!


okay I whiffed on Felix exploiting the time bug. But I love that he basically had Miu heckle Runner into going along too