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Good morning everyone. Changes incoming on the next books.

TL;DR- Next Book-> Super Sales on Super Heroes 4 -> Wild Wastes 4 -> SSOSH5-> WW5

Chapters for SSOSH4 start next week on Patreon

Longer Version:

I'm not infallible. I made choices that I thought were correct for the story I wanted to tell in a larger universe.

In trying to do that, I ended up shunting myself down a story path that just wasn't going to work.

So I'm pivoting and shifting rapidly.

HoD2 is being put on the backburner despite it being so well received. I need to tell the right story at the right time.

We're moving back to the starting point as a close out to the first Arc of the universe. Felix and Vince leading the way to the avengers story.

Felix is coming back and with a vengeance. He lost last time through believing he could conquer anything.

He's going to get another crack at global domination and his sponsor, Runner, needs a favor.

Legion of course will gladly take the opportunity to rise again.

It'll be on a new planet, with no one the wiser to what's coming.

Except for Felix. Who's been given a sneak preview as to what the world is about to go through.

Realistically speaking, he's not even the biggest problem it's going to face either.



This news brings me much joy. Super Sales was my first book by you and I am thrilled about the return!


I have a question. I think I read somewhere that you're retiring Random Darren. So will WW be ftb?

Corwin Amber

YAY! SSoSH is still my favorite series. Wonderful to see the next in the series after so long. :)

David Hoerner

Oh I can't wait. Wild Wastes was my first series by you followed quickly by Super Sales on Super Heroes so I'm looking forward for more!


Oh, Hell Yeah! Let's Goooooo!!!!!!!!


William, we are all just along for the ride through your imagination. You are the pilot for this incredible ride. I think we understand that sometimes you hit a little turbulence but we know the outcome is worth it!


I have been waiting for a Super Sales for a long time. Decided to start rereading it just last week. I guess I will be stepping that up so I can refresh myself. I can't wait to start it


Darn that post gave me goose bumps

Beau Bryant

I'm looking forward to SSONH and WW!


If I've learned one thing about writing, it's that some stories don't stop pushing at you until they're written the way they want to be. Looking forward to reading more about Felix and Vince!

Kenneth Darlin

I’m sad but excited at the same time!!


This is huge news!

Alex Lindsay

Just as long as the stories keep coming, I keep following you!


Sad for HoD2 being delayed. Digging more WW though.

Davonne Smith

I'm fine with this the those 2 series were finished so early on that there's a huge time jump and it just leads to so many questions especially since we don't see Vince until ror3 and don't know anything about Felix until ss3 and those interactions are just 2nd hand messages.

Stephen Chernishoff

Goosebumps... I got goosebumps :) excited to see where you decided to take this.

Jonathan Campbell

So when do we expect to see more of Count Britt and Riker?

Logan Carl

As someone who mildly enjoyed HoD but found you through Super Sales, this is INCREDIBLE! I wasn't expecting Super Sales for at least another year, so this is a VERY WELCOME surprise! THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT!!! =D