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I'm contemplating a dumb idea.

People have been asking about streaming my writing, as I write, again.

I swore off doing it in twitch as there was some very strange situations arising from it.

I know I can put up some disclaimers in discord and possibly do it that way. Similar to what Andie is doing, I suppose.

Would there be any interest in that at all?


Jaymes Wiles

I think that could be cool! Would have to see and hear it to know for sure though.


My recommendation is to not do that sir. The final product may be different in the end after edits and whatnot. But it's your choice

Kori Prins

I enjoyed watching and learning your writing process whenever I could join. If you can share, what happened to the Twitch streaming?


Twitch, in general. As well as people asking if they would be paid for helping. I can put up a disclaimer for anyone joining the channel.

Feron Araneia

I think it would be cool, but don't do it if you think it will bother you with your writing.


Ya I'd say it's your choice I'd toon in when I could.

David Fletcher

Writing is different than narrating an already written book. If you think it’ll be another negative experience and don’t want to do it, then don’t. It’s not worth ruining writing for yourself to put on a show for your fans. We won’t judge you for it either. It’s not like it’s an interactive thing like narrating can be sometimes.


Mm? I've done it before. It was very interactive. lol. I actually kept up a rolling banter even as I worked. :D

Morgan R. Fawcett

Dumb ideas are dumb; you should do it.

Morgan R. Fawcett

On a serious note, you should do what you think is best. Connecting with your fans is always a boon but it also carries risk and you should come up with a structure for the broadcast before you start. That way you have a rubric you can judge against and make informed decisions going forward. Would it be cool to interact with you while you write? Sure. I'm horrible about sitting for streams, so I'd probably only stop in to say hello, like I use to do when guildmates stream. But I'm sure there's something we can all learn from the experience.

Michael Liebenow

As much as I love the idea I found that the actual streaming times didn't line up with my schedule very well when it was on twitch. The two times I was able to join in the experience was quite enjoyable. I doubt there is anything to do about the scheduling misses unless you were to stream an unfair number of hours which would be, by definition, completely unfair to you. If you do start up again I look forward to hopefully having some sessions line up with my availability so I can join in again.

joshua hampton

Up too you mahaps instead of streaming. Advertise on discord when your doing an open writing session and that your open to a public discussion/banter sess. Use this as a time to discuss what your up and get feed back or opinions for story lines and just to talk shit with people ;)


if you do end up streaming, would you consider putting a recording of it up on youtube? I am always working or doing something else, like not at home, when those I would watch are streaming.


Do what you feel is right for you.

David Morrissey

Your call, not something I will follow. That said don't see it being an issue in my life :-)


I have no interest tbh.

Alex Lindsay

I would be interested to try it once at least but it is often difficult for me to coordinate my schedule with things like this, unfortunately.


I really enjoyed it when you did it in the past. I'd love to see more of it.

Nathan S

I think it's a risky idea. There are always going to be those who try to backseat write if it's being written live.


I mostly just follow Andie's discord to know what she is working on. I tried to listen into it, but couldn't get into it, not very entertaining to me. But I like seeing what she is working on...