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“How do you want to enter?” Jia asked in a tired and worn voice.

For the last day they’d been traveling along the road by wave. Moving at an incredible pace that had taken a three day journey on a fast horse, or five with a carriage, and turned it into two days total.

That’d forced Chunhua and Jia to swap back and forth on controlling the wave so the other could rest, but it’d happened. Their travel speed had been incredible to say the least.

“I’m not sure,” Ash admitted. “We need to get to the palace as quickly as possible. Except if we enter with a great deal of fanfare, or… you know, riding a wave, it’ll bring attention to us.

“But if we did arrive by wave, it’d make it that much easier to assert our authority as well. I’m very torn on choosing either if I’m being perfectly honest. I can see the value of going in loud and dumb but—”

“Never mind. We are going in by wave, straight to the palace. We will enter exactly as I would expect someone arriving with this mission to enter,” Jia declared and interrupted Ash. “I am going to retreat to the Hall and take a nap as I do not think I will be able to stand once I let this go.”

“Okay,” Ash said simply. He wasn’t going to argue with her when she likely understood the cultural situation better than he did. “I trust you, Jia Sheng the Bound. Thank you for your hard work, and please reset well.”

Right now Chunhua was currently sleeping in the Hall.

Na and Tala were there as well, though they were likely only relaxing.

There’d been no need for them to all remain in the sphere and it was only making everyone feel cramped. Locke had suggested they join her in the Hall quite quickly, to which they all agreed.

Ash had remained in the Qi sphere just in case he needed to act in any way. Either on the sphere or something else.

That and he didn’t feel like it would be good for him to not be with whoever was controlling their means of travel.

That it wouldn’t be fair.

While Ash had been thinking about all this, Jia hadn’t been inactive.

His words had apparently an effect on her as she seemed to be considerably more active now.

She’d stood up straighter and then lifted her hands up to the level of her shoulders. She spread her feet apart and the sound of the water around them began to grow in volume.

Ash noticed that they were also starting to rise up into the air. As if the wave was growing in size as it rolled along.

In that moment, Ash felt the momentum of it all shifting. That the water was building energy and storing it even as it rose upward.

Dipping ever so gently into his Dao, trying to not drain his Qi-Sea, Ash began to guide the momentum of the wave. Pushing it to greater heights without any need for more effort from Jia.

“Ashley, are you doing that?” Jia asked suddenly.

“Indeed I am,” he murmured as he felt the wave they were riding slowly come under his control. Moving away from Jia. “My Dao is that of momentum after all, and what is a wave if not a display of just that. We shall build our energy and then crash.”

The weight of the wave felt heavier by the second as Ash continued to guide it. Pushing it grow and expand. Taking in all the free Qi around into itself just to reach that goal.

Turning the entirety of the wave from water-Qi, into pure Qi instead.

Something that would disperse as soon as he released it, in fact.

In seconds Ash could feel they were at a height and needed to go no higher. From this point they would land upon the front door of the palace itself if he let the wave crash the moment they reached the walls of the Imperial City.

The wave would break upon the walls, the face of the wave demolishing itself upon it. The tube of the wave would deposit the Qi-Sphere right where Ash wished it and the peak would splash Qi everywhere beyond the palace and into the gardens that surrounded it.

“To the Hall with you,” commanded Ash and sent Jia there.

Ash then reached down and brought the Qi he’d used to make the sphere back into himself. Forming it into bricks and storing them all in the hall.

A stray thought struck Ash that at this point he must have a lot of Qi bricks in the hall. He often just made them to store him whenever he was bored and had more Qi than he could reasonably store.

“Quite a few, my Chosen One. You could make a considerable wall of them. It’s quite an arsenal if you think about it,” Locke told him even as the wave struck the walls of the city. Terrified screams began to rang out from all quarters of the Imperial City. “You could just hand one of those bricks to any cultivator and they could absorb it for whatever use they wished. It’s pure, after all.

“If we weren’t so good at taking in free floating Qi, we could use them ourselves but… your ability to drain the area around you is significant now.

“Though… I wonder if we could start trading the bricks out as currency. Could we make our own spirit stones? Ha. Sheng spirit bricks. Or our own type of currency. A single brick is probably worth a hundred stones or so.

“I bet I could cut them into coins and the like. Can I experiment, my Chosen One?”

Do as you will, Locke Sheng, they’re your possessions as well as mine. Are they not?

Ash was feeling quite powerful as he watched his wave of power falling toward the palace. That there was nothing that could stand in his way and that all should know and understand his coming.

In that moment, he realized he was being swept away in the momentum of the situation.

“I… okay, Ashley. I’ll remember that,” murmured Locke in a very demure voice that was quite unlike her.

Folding his arms, Ash lifted his chin, spread his feet apart, and prepared for the impact.

Then the wave of Qi slammed down into the space just before the entrance of the palace, depositing Ash dead center into the exact spot he wished to be.

The monstrous wave of Qi washed over everything, through everyone that was around, and dissipated into the environment without a pause. As if it’d never been there.

Before Ash could say anything, Na, Tala, and Chunhua appeared around him.

Na and Chunhua were wearing the veiled appearance, though Tala was dressed as she always was.

A split second after and Locke joined them, dressed in the same way as Na and Chunhua. Only Jia remained in the Hall.

“Greetings, I am Ashley Sheng,” Ash said to the royal guards who were all now pointing spears at him. He’d thought about what he needed to say to get his point across. It’d be harsher than he wished, but he needed for others to know the situation quickly. It would be easier for him to act that way.

“I’ve come at the behest of Hu Langye,” he continued. “The new king of the Lower Realm. I bear the seal of his majesty as well as a letter of announcement, a death certificate for his father, the late king, and a demand for the royal guard to submit to inquiry. There are traitors amongst their number and I must speak with the their commander as soon as possible. Additionally, close all the gates to the Imperial City. No one in, no one out. Should anyone attempt to break that order, kill them.

“Next, please summon the dowager-queen as I must discuss this with her at length, I imagine. Her son is now the king and there were succession issues already. While I wouldn’t want her to find this out through a messenger of a messenger, I’m afraid this is the most expedient way to make my needs known.”

As he spoke, Ash summoned out the seal of the king and held it out in front of himself.

This was an item that wasn’t a simple ring signet ring as Ash had originally suspected, but an actual thing all of it’s own.

It was solid gold, a foot tall, two inches square, and held the seal of the king at the bottom. It was pressed into wax seals and would confer the will of the king to whatever it was set to.

To hold it, was to hold the power of the king.

Several royal guards went off in a rush, likely to get their superiors as well as to inform the queen, now the dowager-queen, of what Ash had said. This was news that would spread quickly.

Ash sent the seal back into the Hall. He didn’t want to stand there and hold the gaudy and heavy thing as if it were a gift for someone.

Putting his hands behind his back, Ash decided he could wait quietly here. There was no need for him to force anything at all.

Due to Jia and Chunhua’s actions they’d more than likely arrived before anyone else. There was no guarantee of that, but Ash felt fairly certain.

The idea of someone moving faster than they had seemed ludicrous to him. He wasn’t about to dismiss the possibility, however.

That’d be foolish.

Ash smirked to himself at the thought as he felt the currents of Qi around him. The way it rolled through the area and how it swirled around the guards, yet entered Cultivators so easily.

There were a few guards he noticed that were tacking in trace amounts of Qi. That while most of it went past them like a water moving around a rock, there were a few streams that entered them.

As if they were able to absorb a tiny portion.

Undersized Dantian?


Their gear?

Something to test and poke at later I suppose. It’d be interesting to figure that one out. If it was equipment that’d make sense. It’d have to power itself from somewhere, obviously.

Especially if the owner itself couldn’t provide it to the item.

A guard that’d rushed off was now coming back at the same rush he’d left in. Running right toward Ash he made a curious sight.

Na stepped forward in front of Ash and flung her hand to the side, a spear made of jade manifesting in her hand. She stood before him as a guard would and was prepared to fight.

Looking up close at the uniform she was wearing he saw that it looked as if plates were sewn into the clothes. As well as perhaps other things that might provide other benefits.

It really is more like a military uniform.

The royal guard clearly realized he was posing a threat with his speed and slowed to a jog. He stopped a respectable distance away from Na and Ash.

“Lord Sheng the Qu— dowager-queen will of course see you. May I escort you there?” asked the guard.

“Yes, and while you’re at it, please send whoever is in charge of the royal guard in the Imperial City there as well,” Ash said with a small dip of his head to the guard. “I will need to speak with him and make appropriate arrangements obviously given that there’s traitors in amidst the ranks.”

“It is already being done, Lord Sheng,” said a different guard. One of those individuals who hadn’t run off and had remained in position.

“Wonderful, then lead the way,” said Ash to the guard acting as a guide.

Only waiting for a moment, the guide began to move off at a light jog.

Ash strolled casually along behind the man. He was in no rush at this moment and he wasn’t about to be hurried around by a royal guard.

That just wouldn’t do for someone holding the seal of the king.

Na slid into a position on Ash’s left, while Tala went to his right. Chunhua and Locke fell in behind him. All four were moving at the same speed he was.

“I do like watching from behind,” murmured Locke suddenly. “I can see why Mei and Jia look so often.”

Tala made a noise that sounded like she’d choked on her own spit and Na nearly tripped over her own jade spear. Ash wasn’t sure but he guessed it was those two reactions that caused Locke to start chuckling behind him.

“You’re not wrong,” agreed Chunhua.

“I mean, it’s not like I don’t look at you all,” countered Ash. “So that’s perfectly valid. How’s Jia?”

“Already asleep,” Locke replied. “Though she did speak with her brother for a moment. And speaking of that. Remember when I said there might have been an oopsie?

“There was totally an oopsie but she doesn’t know it yet. Give it a few weeks though and she’ll find out. That’ll be an interesting conversation later down the road. Though it does make it more fun for Tai to try and bug Jia later.”

“Ehrinis is pregnant?” Na asked in an incredulous voice.

“Well shit,” grumbled Tala.

“We’ll have to tell her immediately,” Chunhua added. “So she can decide what to do before it gets any further.”

“My, my,” Locke said in a curious way. “I didn’t realize you’d all become so friendly with her. I promise I’ll tell her and Tai when I go back. They can talk about it and plan on what to do from there.”

Ash was surprised as well. He knew they’d all been in the hall, and of course that’s where Ehrinis was, but he hadn’t figured they’d all become that close with her.

The royal guard had finally noticed they weren’t rushing after him and came to a full stop. Standing off to one side on the path and now waiting.

When Ash and company reached him, he began to walk, though this time at a more sedate pace. Each step looked measured and taken with determination. As if he’d suddenly turned on whatever switch that allowed him to rely on his training.

A minute or two later and Ash was brought into a large room that was very similar to the meeting room the previous king had died in.

Seated on the throne was a woman who looked nothing like Ju or Hu at all. She was in her late middle years with dark brown hair and dark eyes. There was a frown that was nearly a scowl on her face.

Ash looked to the guard and dismissed him with a handwave, then fully entered the meeting room. He was followed by his party who spread out around him after entering, with Locke closing the door.

Throughout the room were a number of what looked like servants, familial servants, and even slaves with a brand upon their face. They were all apparently waiting on their mistress to make a command.

There was also a number of royal guards spread through them as well.

Without looking Ash easily identified someone who was clearly a spy for whoever these Life-Qi users were. A servant off to one side had a good sized chunk of Life-Qi in him, though they didn’t look the part of a cultivator otherwise.

“Good… actually, I don’t even honestly know what time of day it is,” Ash said with a long and guttural sigh. “We’ve been on the road from Xing city since the king was killed, do forgive me for likely looking worse for wear. We rushed here with all due haste.”

“How dare you speak to me in such a way,” growled the woman. “I am the queen of the Lower Realm and you will show respect to me.”

Ah. Well, this won’t go very well.

Pity. It would seem I’ll need to restrict my mother-in-law.

“I’m afraid you’re not the Queen and I suggest you remember this moment and think before you speak further,” Ash said and then reproduced the seal of the king and held it aloft. “You’re now the dowager-queen, or queen-mother if you prefer, and you no longer hold any power at all.

“The king is Hu Langye and the queen is whoever he is wed to. The crown princess is now Ju Langye, my wife, and I come bearing the seal of the king and his word and writ.

“If you’re going to behave like this, I’ll just have you locked in your rooms until your son arrives. I don’t want to deal with you while I’m trying to root out a rotten element in the royal guard.”

The entire time he’d been speaking the dowager-queen had been growing redder and redder in the face. As if she were slowly becoming a cherry rather than a person.

“I am the queen!” shouted the woman. “You are beholden to me you oafish thug and—”

Na flashed forward and held her spear out. The tip of it placed against the dowager-queen’s throat.

“You live for the reason that you are his mother-in-law,” growled Na in a Qi infused voice. One that was enough to cow the royal guard near the queen.

We’ll have to let Hu know that there are those in his employ who lack a spine.

“As a Bride of Sheng, I will not allow you to insult him or his presence,” Na continued. “You will speak calmly, woman, or you won’t speak at all.

“You are no queen, nor are you a royal any longer. You’re not a Langye any longer as your husband is dead. Your only connection to the family is your son, and he has sent us on his behalf. Best you wake up to the reality you are set in.”

“No,” whispered the woman. “This wasn’t what I was promised. You said I’d be in charge.”

Reacting without thinking, Ash threw out a wall of condensed Qi between the queen and the Life-Qi holding servant. Then he began rushing straight toward them.

Yank them into the Hall as soon as you can! Strip them of anything and look for poison!

Had Ash been even a second slower, the beam of Life-Qi that’d been directed at the queen would’ve struck her. Instead it hit the barrier Ash had thrown and was deflected upward into the beams.

The servant looked surprised at the deflected attack even as the Life-Qi inside them ran out. Then their face turned to look at Ash as he drew closer.

With a flutter of hair, the man vanished.

“Got him,” Locke said aloud from somewhere behind him. As soon as the man was gone Ash came to a stop. “Oh, he had a great deal of poison on him. Do you think he would have taken it himself? I’ve removed everything of course.”

And probably stuck him in that impromptu jail of yours, didn’t you?

“Of course,” replied Locke.

Ash turned around and faced the queen who was watching him with wide eyes.

Sunlight came down through the large hole in the roof that’d been neatly seared through it.

“Let’s discuss what you were promised, mother,” Ash said in a cold tone. “Because I think… maybe… you were involved in this. That you were part of what killed your husband, and would have killed your children.

“And the act of filicide is just something… something that sticks in my craw, ya know?”

Na grabbed the queen by the shoulder and yanked her out of the throne and cast her down at the foot of it. Then she stepped on the woman’s back and leaned into her partially, causing her to groan.

Ash took a seat in the throne, set the seal down beside himself, and sighed.

“So… let’s begin,” he said quietly, already not liking his role in this very much.


David Fletcher

I wasn’t expecting the queen to be the traitor. Nice twist! Unless she’s traitor part 1…

Drew Risch

Saw that coming! Still excellent!


That was fkng good!


Damn good.

Jeff Ford

This book has momentum

John Curtis

uhhh more please


Makes it easier this way. No need to suborn the guards when you already have the queen. Now to see if the royal siblings are allied with the traitor. Also, methinks Yan marries Hu. Might not be Queen, but she can protect him while Ash is out and about.

Nukin Futs

Whoa, the Queen was in cahoots.... anyway, things seem to quickly come to a head. Remember how Bao "sabbatical-ed" Ash to limit his power <= LMAO.

mitchell kaiser

Wow loved this chapter! Love the political intrigue.

Alex Lindsay

Once again, I’m reminded why I’m supporting WDA. HIs stories are always so good.

Cheyene Adams

"There were a few guards he noticed who were tacking in a trace amount of Qi" is tacking right here or should it be taking

Kenneth Darlin

Wow, didn’t see that coming…