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“It was Bao?” asked Moira in an incredulous tone. “Really? That’s… rather unexpected.”

The Owl woman was seated in one of the chairs around his table. Her white and black hair hung loosely around her face, framing her giant yellow eyes and making them almost brighter. Almost larger, at times. Giving her a slightly alien look.

Her large wings were pressed to her back in their natural place and dressed in her usual form-fitting leather armor.

After retreating from the street and back into his home, they’d been joined by Moira and Tala. The only open seat at the table was Chunhua’s who was still undergoing her tribulation. One of Gen’s assistants was helping her with hers.

Na laid a hand to Ash’s back and lightly began to stroke her hand back and forth. Pressing into his arm she leaned in close to his ear.

“You’ve yet to eat anything and I don’t think you ate last night,” Na whispered for his ear alone. Her lips dragged over his earlobe as she spoke.

“It is most certainly unexpected,” Jia agreed, sounding rather annoyed.

“May I fetch you a light snack and a cup of tea?” continued Na, not really participating in the conversation.

Ash nodded his head, feeling a little fuzzy with Na so close to him. While he’d given in to his desires and bedded her, she still made him feel rather odd when she was close.

Mei and Moira had a similar effect on him.

Then Na was gone, drifting away towards where food and drinks were stored. Left behind was the lingering warmth of her hand.

“They’re trying to sell the entire sect to the Flaming Mantis. It is pitiful that Bao is involved,” Mei said with a growl. “Despicable. Between the Deng family, Bao, and the Inner sect, this whole sect is rotten.”

“Curious coming from the last of the Deng,” mused Locke with a chuckle. “Then again, she refers to herself as Mei Sheng. Just as Na and Jia do. Mmm. Would I be Locke Sheng, then?”

Call yourself whatever you like. I’ll never refer to you as it.

“Aww, that’s no fair. You’re my Chosen One, I’m your blushing bride, Locke Sheng. I mean, who gave you all those pointers on how to make Mei squeal? On how to really make Moira moan?” Locke asked in a pointed and direct way. “It certainly wasn’t something you came up with. Now was it? Who was it that helped you pop Na like a bottle-cap?

“It was your precious Locke Sheng. Was it not? I’m giving you all the tips that would work on me, you know. You can admit all this, or we can have a nasty husband and wife argument about it.”

We’re not-we’re not talking about this, no! No.

He couldn’t deny that Locke had give him countless pointers before and after he’d fooled around with Moira and Mei. Even going so far as to interject what to do when he was with Na.

He’d never responded to any of the “tips” as Locke had called them, but he’d been unable to not think of them. To the point that Ash had actually tried a few of them out.

In implementing them, he’d indirectly admitted he’d listened to Locke though she’d never made a comment about it previously. Beyond that, her advice had been correct and even worked.

“Hmph. Have it your way. I’m going to go work on a few things. I’ll be around later and we’ll have that argument,” Locke said and then went quiet.

“-not outside of what we suspected. It just means that we were correct. On top of that, that we will need to be doubly cautious moving forward,” Jia said with a pat to the table. “Though I’m quite concerned for the situation with Bao. I do not think it is over.”

“Hmph. Over or not, Bao is fortunate my elegant self was not there,” Tala said, her dark black fur bristling along her ears, her long hair of the same color pulled back into a loose ponytail.

Giving her head a small shake, her long rabbit ears that hung forward moved with the motion. Then she lifted one long leg, and changed which one was on top and folded her arms in front of herself.

As always, Ash felt the strange way he always did when he looked at her.

She was quite pretty with delicate features and a lithe athletic figure. A beautiful face and warm bright green eyes that belied the fact that she was actually a fierce warrior, and a prideful one at that.

“I’m afraid I would have not valued his life and put my sword through him as he laid there,” Tala said with some heat. “Crushed testicles or not. He is not a useful man to be kept in the sect.”

“Gen fears that without him, others who are stronger than he would attack the sect directly,” Ash said, relaying their master’s fear. “Perhaps even the Flaming Mantis. Maybe what they couldn’t take by crook, they’d try by hook. Or in this case, sword and fist.”

Yue, who was seated on Ash’s right, was still clutching to his hand. Locked deep within both of hers, her fingers clenched tight to his skin.

“I’ve already been making arrangements for us,” Yue said, looking at the rest of the group. “Either to leave the sect entirely, or stay. I’m planning for both. I’m keeping most of my assets liquid and I’ve started looking into other locations elsewhere just in case. I can just back out and sell my store and location easily enough.”

“It would be most unfortunate if we were forced to leave,” said Na, leaning over Ash’s shoulder and laying a small plate of snacks in front of him. Followed by a cup of tea on a saucer plate.

Leaning in closer to him, she kissed his cheek, then went and took a seat on the other side of Yue. She was behaving as she always did, though was now adding affectionate twists to it all.

Mei and Moira had grins on their faces. The exchange between Na and himself had apparently met with their approval. Jia looked envious though had a weak-smile on her face. Tala and Yue both looked to be unsurprised and uninterested at the same time.

“It’s something we should at least consider,” Ash said, trying not to let the flow of the conversation go. “There’s always the possibility we have to move on. I refuse to let-to let my goals end here and now. With the jade sect. It’s far too soon.”

“Goals?” Moira asked, her large eyes closing slowly then opening again. “Did you discover your intent while you were fleeing the assassins?”

“I… somewhat. Maybe?” Ash muttered then shook his head and looked to Moira. Meeting her eye he let out a sigh. It was somewhat awkward to discuss it given Rou and Yue were at the table.

A Qi Healer that would have never been and a young woman who suffered at the hands of a cultivator without morals. They were the same problem on opposite sides of the coin.

“I hate to make this worse… but Chunhua is coming. She’s only ten seconds or so away,” Locke warned in an apologetic voice. “I only now sensed her at the edge of my scans. If you’re going to answer them, and you should, you might as well wait for her to show up.”

Ash sighed again, then looked down at the table in front of him.

“I did,” he admitted then paused. Saying nothing more, he was determined to wait for Chunhua.

“Ash? Could you-”

Before Jia could ask for anymore, the door opened behind him with a clack.

“Oh!” was Chunhua’s surprised response.

“She cleared her tribulation. It seems as if she’s already consumed her tribulation crystal as well given her level. She is a level-two mortal refiner. Everyone else around you is a level-one, except for Na. She needs to finish her tribulation. You’re a level-one as well,” Locke offered helpfully. “No one else has consumed their crystal that I can tell.”

“I’m so glad everyone’s here,” Chunhua said, the sound of the door shutting behind her followed by her footsteps.

Ash turned his head to watch her as she moved over to take her seat at the table.

With a figure that could match Mei’s, Chunhua didn’t fit the mold for beauty. On top of that, her ghostly white eyes and irises set her apart from everyone else. Her brown hair was neatly pulled back from her face in a tight braid.

“You knew she was coming,” Tala said with absolute conviction. “You… waited. You knew she was coming. There is more here. Far more. You will tell my elegant self wh-”

Tala stopped in mid-sentence, her mouth hanging open and her tongue pressed to her front teeth. Suddenly her mouth closed, she gave her head a shake, then put her elbow onto the table.

“I would appreciate you telling me what’s going on Ashely Sheng,” she said in a much more soft tone. Then she gave him a smile that even reached her eyes. One that made Ash’s mind run around in a small circle and collapse on itself. “I cannot demand it of you and I won’t. But… but I’d appreciate it if you could tell me everything. Especially as-as… as someone who willingly wishes to share a bed with you, and cares for your well-being.”

“Holy shit,” Locke muttered. “I uh… wow. I’ll just try to keep that smile of hers permanently in my memory. There really isn’t much else to tell them as far as the truth goes. I’d just tell them you sensed her with your Battle Cultivation.”

Staring at Tala for several seconds, Ash slowly looked to the face of each person around the table.

“I sensed her with an ability of mine,” Ash said then held his hands up. “Everything else you already know. I can make abilities, change them, carve enhancements into your bodies, provide you with papers that transfer abilities or information, and I have an artifact that houses all of that and as you all know firsthand, a full library.”

The way Tala was looking at him was something he hadn’t seen from her before. It was trust and belief in his words. That he was telling her everything.

“I don’t think-”

“There’s also a voice only I can hear. They’ve been with me since I came to this veil. They live in the ring, in the Hall. They help me with the abilities, transference papers, and carvings,” said Ash, ignoring Locke before she could warn him against what he was going to say.

There was a surprised look that flashed across everyone’s faces.

“Their name is Locke and they’re the reason I’m in the veil as well,” Ash finished. “Now… are there questions or should I go on to my goals?”

Tala’s bright smile had grown after her surprise vanished. Now she was leaning toward him, both elbows on the table, and gazing intently at him. The way she was presenting herself also did a great job of showing off her neckline.

“Move on to the goals. My elegant self waits upon your words,” she said in a silky and warm tone.

“Oh fine, use me to earn some pussy points. That’s fine. I don’t mind,” grumbled Locke. “Locke Sheng is a gracious wife and will support her man in all things. Even bedding the other wives. And when the time comes, don’t grab her ears. But stroke the inner furry part with your finger-tips.

“You hear me? Acknowledge that you heard me. You will treat her delicately.”

Ash was feeling more and more off about Locke. Ever since they’d gone to the veil-overlap and come back, she’d seemed far more alive. Far more filled with a personality that had needs and wants.

As if she were indeed among the living. A far cry from the robotic personality she’d started out as. He also knew he needed to respond to her.

I… acknowledge that I heard you. I had no intention of treating her roughly anyways.

“Good! Thank you for listening. Maybe I won’t have to have that husband and wife argument with you after all,” murmured Locke. She sounded appeased.

“My goals are very simple. I want to find the Rou’s,” Ash said and then indicated the Qi-Healer. Then he indicated the massively talented sorceress. “The Chunhua’s. Give them a chance to become all that they can.

“Because let’s be honest here. Chunhua had garbage for skills and cultivation. Someone would have snatched her, used her up, then tossed her to the side. She had no backing, no money, and no way to move ahead.

“The same goes for Rou but perhaps worse. She has almost no martial abilities, I’m sorry Rou but you don’t, but she’s the rarest type of cultivator of all. A Qi-Healer.

“Had I been an evil man I could have walked off with her and done what I willed. No one would have stopped me and that’d be the end of Rou.

“I can’t help but wonder for the countless thousands of vanished cultivators over the course of the last decade alone across all the sects. Through all the realms. How many countless talents and unique people just… removed.

“I obviously can’t protect citizens in the same way. They’re only citizens. But someone with a Dantian? Someone with the potential to become a cultivator? Even with just above average talent… I can mold them into so much more.

“My goal is to make a sect in the future. At some point down the line. Where I can achieve that goal. Build up those who would have been cast out and turn them into people who can then shape the world.”

Everyone was staring at him with a strange sort of realization and surprise.

“I… me?” Chunhua asked in a quiet voice.

“Chunhua… you’re… the most talented person here. There’s perhaps one person more talented than you in the entire sect,” said Ash.

“Correct. Our dear aggressive Liu has more talent, but that’s it,” Locke confirmed. “And it isn’t by much.”

“I put a cultivation skill in you that will empower you all the way to a Heavens Defying Immortal. There will be precious few who can compare to you once you reach the top.

“The runes I engraved on your back will grow in power with you as they’re based on you. Not set limits,” Ash continued. “And you were at my mercy without a way out. You had skills and a cultivation that had set you on a path of absolute mediocrity.

“You’re… you-you’re a fire that was being fed twigs and sticks. Now I’ve shoved a forest full of logs into your flame and I’m watching the massive bon-fire grow ever higher. A flame that’ll lick at the heavens and scorch it if they wished. You’ll reach the peak and probably surpass it.”

Ash turned and looked at Mei, pointing a finger at her.

“Mei, do you even use your old skills anymore? Now that I gave you your own set that was put together just for you?” Ash asked, getting straight to the heart of his points. “Even as talented as you are, did I not shift your potential instantly?”

“I don’t. Everything you’ve ever given me has been a blessing. You did indeed move my power up significantly, my beloved Ashley,” said Mei with a tender smile. “Will you carve into my back this evening? I suddenly feel the need to have you bring me to my full potential as you see it.

“And I’ll of course support you in your goals. They’re very worthy and I find I’m suddenly incredibly motivated.”

Ah. That’s right. Jia, Mei, and Na are uncarved.

“Likewise, Master Sheng. For both the support and being enhanced,” Na said with a smile. “I would like to have your blessing upon my skin. Painful or not.”

“I… I as well, Ashley, would like you to put your carvings upon me,” Jia interjected before anyone else could speak. “I have seen how painful they are but they clearly empower people.”

“We should probably take the opportunity to over the next few days to lay carvings on as many people as we can,” Locke suggested.

“I’ll arrange it, Ashley Sheng,” promised Na, as if thinking in line with Locke. “I’ll also bring a number of people from the alliance to receive their own blessings from your chisel.

“Such as Liu. She has made herself known to me as wishing to receive your carvings and there are few who can hold up against her when we spar. It would be good to have her brought to an even higher level. Perhaps closer to us.”

“Oooh, Na, the beautiful handmaiden!” called Locke. “You’re such a little wonder. All we ever needed was you, wasn’t it?”

“But, anyways, that’s my goal. So, staying in the Jade Fist sect isn’t the only place it can be completed,” said Ash. “In all honesty, we’ll have to leave to go form our own sect at some point if I really want to make it work.

“But that’s a long ways off. Years, even. So far away that I can’t even begin to contemplate how to start that task.”

“To be fair, the time to move from Spirit Refiner to Empowered Mortal will take us a number of years. Years of simply training, cultivating, taking pills, and trying not to interact with the world,” advised Locke. “Doing that soon wouldn’t be terrible. Closed door training while the sect recovers would be ideal, even.”

“Well,” Mei said and then turned to look at all the other women at the table one by one. “Does anyone have any questions?”

Chunhua and Rou couldn’t seem to look at anyone. They were both staring hard at the table. Each did shake their head in the negative to Mei’s prodding.

There was a slow chorus of no’s and head shakes as she looked around the table. Except when she settled on Tala, the Kin seemed to be ignoring Mei to a degree.

She was still staring at Ash.

“No, my elegant self is very satisfied with Ashley’s words. Though, I must warn you who are looking to have him carve into your back tonight, he promised me he’d take me to dinner, and bed me,” Tala said in a firm though warm tone. “He’s kept this lady waiting for quite a while. I could be convinced to wait another day I suppose but… it would be quite rude.”

There was a collective look of surprise at that, though no one seemed to want to argue with it.

“We can all absorb our tribulation stones,” Chunhua suggested. “I still need to take mine in.”

“Damn. She hadn’t even absorbed it and has already hit level two? She really is a terrifying talent,”Locke said in an amused tone followed by a laugh.

“A good idea. Let us separate for now and reconvene tomorrow morning,” Jia said and then held a hand out to Mei. “Would you spend this time with me, Mei Sheng?”

“Of course, Jia Sheng,” Mei said and put her hand inside Jia’s. The two had clearly grown closer and become quite a great deal friendlier while they were away.

Slowly, everyone began to leave the interior of Ash’s home. Everyone except Moira, Tala, and Na.

“You’re welcome to remain, Handmaiden,” Tala said, finally looking away from Ash to address Na. “I have the utmost respect for you, and your position. Even when Ashley is being rewarded with the gift of my body and first experiences, you’re welcome to stay here.”

“Ah, thank you, Tala,” Na said and then shook her head once. “I am not insecure in my role and know that I am cared for.

“Instead, I shall ready myself this evening for my tribulation which will occur early tomorrow morning. I’ve yet to have mine, you realize. I will leave Ashley to you and Moira.”

Leaning in to kiss Ash’s temple Na paused long enough to run a hand through his hair.

“Enjoy your day, Ashley Sheng. Master Sheng,” whispered Na. “Thank you for allowing me my selfish desires. I’ll see you on the morrow.”

Kissing his temple a second time, Na then left. Leaving Ash alone with Tala and Moira.

“Perfect,” Moira said, turning her head to look at Tala. “Do you need me around?”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if-”

“Remember. The inside of her ear and only with your fingertips. If Moira decides to join in, spend your time with Tala, and only cuddle or give any attention to Moira when Tala is recovering or tells you to,”Locke advised, ignoring Tala and Moira. “Have no fear, my Chosen One. I’ll be here for the whole thing. I can’t wait to hear what she sounds like underneath us.”


David Fletcher (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-17 19:29:48 Oh Locke, you mad woman you. It’s nice to see everyone growing confident in their abilities without being arrogant or unrealistic. The big reveal he dropped on everyone was great! Especially with how they handled the news and the new ideas it likely has given them.
2021-12-16 18:22:28 Oh Locke, you mad woman you. It’s nice to see everyone growing confident in their abilities without being arrogant or unrealistic. The big reveal he dropped on everyone was great! Especially with how they handled the news and the new ideas it likely has given them.

Oh Locke, you mad woman you. It’s nice to see everyone growing confident in their abilities without being arrogant or unrealistic. The big reveal he dropped on everyone was great! Especially with how they handled the news and the new ideas it likely has given them.