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Finding the dukes tent took Nick only a few minutes. It hadn’t been difficult in the least in fact since there was a steady stream of visitors going through the camp.

Nearly every single one of them was being brought to the duke’s tent directly.

Though more than a few of them were bound in chains, leather ties, or being dragged along.

It seemed the duke was holding some type of impromptu judiciary hearing.

That didn’t make Nick feel much better about what he was about to be doing, either. He quite literally felt like a sheep wandering into the den of a lion.

Walking up to the handful of guards in front of the very large tent, twice the size of the count’s at least, perhaps even three times as large, Nick bobbed his head to them. He knew better than to try to do anything stupid at this point.

“Nickolas Dal, man-at-arms. I was sent here by count Distis under the command that the duke had summoned me,” said Nick in a differential tone. He needed to look the part of the cowed commoner right now.

Two of the guards looked his way while a third ducked his head into the tent. It seemed there was no standing order for him to be let in, which actually made Nick feel better.

The duke was interested in him, but there was no outstanding orders once he arrived. It meant that if he didn’t show up, there was the distinct possibility the duke might have forgotten about him for a time.

“I feel better about this as well, my boy,” said Lucian in a clearly relieved voice. “Let’s not drop our guard though. We still need to be on the defensive.”

The guard that’d poked his head out of sight came back into view.

“He’ll see you. Enter, move to the left, get into the line,” commanded the guard. The others pulled their eyes away from Nick. Since he’d been approved entry, he was no longer a concern.

No longer their concern, to be specific.

Nodding his head, still unarmed and unarmored, Nick entered the tent.

Right now he was dressed in little better than clothes suited for a commoner.

Which might work out for him, or might not.

As soon as he entered, Nick realized that the duke was most certainly not someone Nick could relate to. Not at any level, in fact. This man would be as far removed from him, as Nick would be to a bear.

Decorated expensively with furniture that would cost a fortune to own, an actual wood-tiled floor, and a mass of magic-candles that would cost a fortune on their own, this place was a display of wealth.

Wealth, power, and connections, Nick imagined.

Beyond that, the duke himself looked to be dressed in a similar belief as the way his tent was decorated. Wearing expensive clothes that were clearly custom tailored to him with expensive fabrics and dyes.

The subtle glow coming off the clothing also told Nick that it was all magically enhanced or reinforced. Putting even more gold into his accoutrement than most people would have made in their entire lives.

Surprising to Nick was the fact that the duke looked to be in his middle years. With dark black hair and green eyes the man was distinguished and handsome if over dressed.

There was only a very limited resemblance from this man to Erica that was only in the attributes of their looks.

They shared no resemblance except that they both had dark black hair and green eyes.

On the left side of the area was a line of people, exactly as the guard had stated there would be.

They were all ordered up neatly to speak with the duke. It looked to be people from low-birth up to the earliest levels of a second-promotion.

Okay, so we’re with those who aren’t of noble birth.

“Most certainly,” murmured Lucian as Nick’s eyes drifted to the far side of the tent.

There were a number of people over there who were all on their knees or laid out on the ground. They were clearly those who had been brought here as prisoners in one way or another.

Getting into the line, Nick kept to himself and just watched his surroundings. He’d get his turn soon enough he imagined.

Slowly, person by person, the line trudged forward. More prisoners were of course brought in and dropped with the others, though the duke didn’t address them at all. Not even with a casual glance did he acknowledge their existence.

To him at this moment, it seemed they were more akin to furniture. If not less so.

Most of the conversations the duke was having with those lined up were simple awards. Those who had served him well or had garnered some type of minor achievement.

Worthy enough to make sure the duke gave them a reward, but not so much as to have it before others in the nobility. These were the people who held everything else up, but were meant to be out of sight and out of mind.

“Nickolas Dal,” stated the man next to the duke. Nick imagined him to be some type of functionary to the duke but Nick had no idea what that title would be.

Taking two steps forward, Nick did the same thing everyone in front of him had done as they took their turns. He bowed deeply, kept his eyes to the floor, and remained in that position.

If Nick was honest with himself he wasn’t sure if this was right. Who to bow to, kneel to, or grovel to, was not part of what he knew.

Realistically, he was just trying to blend in as best as he could.

“Rise, Nickolas,” intoned the duke. “I heard of your heroic deeds for both my flank, and my count’s heir. I wished to speak with you and congratulate you personally.”

Taking that for what it was, Nick stood up and then put stood rigidly, keeping his eyes to the duke’s chest.

“Thank you, my lord,” said Nick after the duke didn’t say anything more. It seemed like the right point to thank the man.

“Oh, there’s no need for that. My duke, or Sire is perfectly fine. You should reserve the ‘my lord’ for our king,” said the duke with a dark chuckle.

“Of course, Sire,” Nick corrected once the duke finished speaking again. He really didn’t know what else to say in this situation.

“Well, I hear tell you killed several assassins with a… polearm, was it?” asked the duke, sounding confused. Nick didn’t actually believe that the duke wasn’t aware of what type of weapon it was.

This felt like a trap.

“Yes, Sire. I use a form of polearm in combat as well as a one-handed weapon,” agreed Nick. Nothing he said was false, but neither did he offer up any extra information.

“I see. Well,” murmured the duke, watching Nick quietly for several seconds. “And what class are you? I assume you’re a Fighter but I heard that you had a familiar as well.”

“Yes, Sire. I’m a Fighter right now, though I did start as a Caster. I failed in that regard and switched regardless of my losses.

“My familiar is the only real vestige of that except for some very—” Nick paused in his words and tried to put on an embarrassed expression “Very pitiful and weak skills. They’re not even worth utilizing unless I feel like wasting time, Sire.

“My companions in Ashcroft said that they were worth the lightshow that accompanied it but that was it.”

Nick followed up the small story with a self depreciating smile. As if he couldn’t even argue with that they’d told him.

“Ashcroft?” asked the duke, looking surprised for the first time. It was obvious he didn’t know everything about Nick.

“Yes, Sire. I did some adventurer work in Ashcroft for a time,” confirmed Nick. “I was in the party of Erica Fash. I moved down to Dayton when I ran out of coin to continue my stay in Ashcroft.”

The duke blinked slowly, processing that. His head slowly tilted to one side as he considered Nick and what he’d said.

“Erica mentioned a friend of hers had left,” mumbled the duke almost to himself. “She’s my niece, you know.”

“It came up once or twice, Sire. We did our best to treat her as a woman deserving respect but she fought against that quite strongly,” apologized Nick.

With a snort the duke let out an ugly chuckle. Apparently he’d run into that argument with Erica as well.

“Yes, well, I do hope you can continue to assist Erica in the future. She seemed quite annoyed at you for leaving her as you did,” rebuked the duke. Then he sighed, leaned back in his chair and finally looked at those who were being detained. After a few seconds he looked back to Nick. “Thank you for your time, Nickolas Dal. I’m awarding you with a chest of gold, a medal appointing you as a recognized member of my dukedom, as well as the right to purchase a home in the city of Ashcroft. Be well.”

Nick realized that he was being excused at this very moment. There was no reason for him to stick around.

“Thank you for your generosity, Sire,” Nick said, bowing low once more. Turning, he exited his place at the front of the line and began leaving.

“Oh, Nickolas, would you happen to know anyone who could tell me if someone was a criminal or not in the count’s court?” asked the duke toward Nick’s retreating back. “I’m afraid my bailiff is missing in action and I won’t be able to determine if someone is a criminal or not.

“I may even be forced to simply execute innocents and I’d rather avoid that if possible.”

Stopping in his track, Nick looked to those “criminals” to one side.

He knew without even checking that most of these people were more than likely innocent. Nick could see through what this plan was quite easily.

A plan developed for a child or an inexperience country bumpkin who wanted to do the right thing.

Turning around, Nick once again bowed to the duke.

“I’m afraid I know of no-one, Sire. My sincerest apologies,” said Nick. He knew he was going to be allowing innocents to quite possibly die, but he valued his life more than theirs.

Because even if he did reveal he could determine the guilt of a person, there was no guarantee the duke would spare them anyways.

In fact, it was more likely that the duke would have them all killed along with Nick. That or having them killed and turning Nick over to the king.

“Mmm. Thank you for your time,” said the duke.

Nick fled quickly without another word.

He needed to escape as soon as possible. It was obvious to him that the duke was suspecting him of being Dominic Randolph.

Suspected him and had planned several ways to catch him out.

Need to stay away from the duke and lay low. Do things that don’t draw attention to us.

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. The duke will remain here at the field of battle,” Lucian countered. “We’ll be heading back to Dayton while he’ll be forced to stay with the troops.”


That helps.


The ride back to Dayton was quiet.


Given how close Nick felt his meeting with the duke had been, he was thankful for the reprieve. That for at least a little while, he could just enjoy riding on Table, with Ker sleeping atop the carriage, in mostly silence.

Cynthia and Claudia often engaged him in small talk. Conversational things that came and went, but never for long.

It was awkward to speak to a rider outside of the coach for extended lengths of time. Not without hanging out the window and looking somewhat uncultured.

Upon reaching Dayton, Nick excused himself to go check on his cabin. He promised to return in a week but needed to at least ensure that nothing had happened while he’d been gone.

Realistically he just wanted to be alone for a bit.

Since coming to Dayton he felt like he’d been more or less on the run. Taking a moment to breathe, sounded great.

With that thought at the forefront of his mind, Nick was glad to come to a stop in front of his cabin. While there was clearly debris that’d blown onto the top of the roof, there didn’t seem to be anything actually wrong.

Dismounting from Table, Nick flicked the reigns over the horses neck. He saw no reason to leash it where it stood. Letting it wander around would be good right now.

“I’ll come get everything off you in a bit,” Nick said absentmindedly to Table. “Just… go have a nibble and whatever.”

Walking up to the cabin Nick reached out and laid a hand to one of the logs.

The home would only take him finishing the hearth and making sure it was sealed. Then he could perform the home and hearth spell and finish up.

It wouldn’t take him that long.

“So, after we finish up here and go back to Claudia, what’s our plan, Sire?” asked Lucian.

“Been thinking about that,” muttered Nick. “First hough, we should probably confirm our levels and talk about what’s our next move.”

“Agreed, Sire.”

Nick nodded his head while Ker wandered over. The fisher had rode out most of the ride back here on Nick’s shoulder but had gotten down a while back.

In it’s mouth was the remains of a rather large fish. It was obvious Ker had already eaten a great deal of the fish but hadn’t finished it.

Flopping down near the back corner of the house Ker spread himself out and went still. He was in the afternoon rays of the sun and looked like he was going to nap right there.

Focusing on his own issues, Nick brought up his status screen.

“Okay. So… we’re at the level and experience pit until we pick a new class. Right?” asked Nick, reading through his information.

“Quite right. We’ll only need to select our new class, or classes I suppose, and we’ll become them,” Lucian said with clear enthusiasm in his voice. Then he cleared his throat. “Though we’ll need to go see the Doctor to get our skills in order.

“Especially the Prince-In-Hiding skills. Then we’ll need to pick a skill to upgrade, you’ll remember. We have lots to do in Ashcroft.”

Nick grunted at that as he thought on what Lucian said.

“That kinda fits with what I was going to suggest to Claudia,” murmured Nick. “She should do as her father did. Leave the reagent to manage the count, just as he had been doing before Claudia returned, and go get some experience as an adventurer.

“If I go with her, and we pick up a couple other people, we’ll be able to start clearing some levels. Not to mention I’ll be able to level in peace. She won’t ask me many questions and even if she did, she wouldn’t get mad if I refused to answer her.”

“This is… true. She’s quite enamored with you,” agreed Lucian. “I don’t think she’ll disagree with your plan, fault you for it, or even really consider what that means for her.”

Unfortunately Nick couldn’t really dissuade Lucian of that belief. Mostly because Nick believed it, too.

It was rather plainly obvious Claudia held a fascination and odd form of what Nick would call puppy love for him. Nick was no clueless fool without sense, after all.

The problem was he just didn’t feel that way about Claudia.

He could admit he was attracted to her, but that wasn’t the same as wanting to be in a long term relationship with her. Just as he was willing to bed Julie, he didn’t want to consider anything long term with her.

“Alright, what classes do we have available to us?” Nick asked.

A second after that and a window appeared.

Promotions available!

“Well, we can just… get rid of Healer, Thief, and Trooper. Right?” asked Nick while shaking his head. “I can’t imagine being able to utilize with what our eventual goal is. Right?”

Nick regretted the fact that he wasn’t going to be able to cast a great deal more of healing magic, but he imagined enhancing his gear magically would be more useful.

That meant going down the Sorcerer line instead of Healer.

“You’ll keep the basic heal spell thankfully but… yes, Healer wouldn’t serve us as well as Sorcerer,” Lucian said. “Thief and Trooper would logically also be out. A Trooper goes into Halbidier, Soldier, and Monk. None of those would be great for you as a King down the road.

“That leaves Swordsman and Warrior as our possible choices for the Fighter promotion.”

“And Swordsman moves to Knight, Champion and Fencer. While Warrior goes to Berserker, Vanguard, and Reaver,” Nick said after searching his memory.

“That’s correct. Though Berserker, Vanguard, and Reaver become Barbarian, Axe-Lord, and Gladiator respectively,” added Lucian. “Honestly, none of those are necessary to us. Barbarian and Gladiator wouldn’t be terrible but given what our ultimate goal is, they’re not as helpful.

“That and once you become a King you’ll gain an Axe-Lord class attached to it so that makes it even easier to pass up the Warrior line. Every Noble house has a class that ends up attached and ours is an Axe-Lord.

“That more or less pushes us toward Swordsman I suppose if we’re looking to maximize your prowess.”

Nick grunted at that, then selected Sorcerer and Swordsman from the list.

He really would need to head to Ashcroft to get his skills ordered and set from here on out.

“Well, here we go then,” Nick muttered as the window vanished.

The plan was simple. Settle everything at the cabin, go see Claudia, convince her to go back to Ashcroft with him.

“Don’t forget the letter from Julie,” warned Lucian. “You’ve refused to open it so far. Probably should do that.”

Sighing, Nick let his gaze drop to the ground in front of him.

Lucian was right of course. He did need to read the letter.

Pulling his pack off his back he dropped it down to his feet. Opening it up he rifled around it briefly before he pulled out the letter.

Breaking the nondescript wax seal he unfolded the letter until it was spread open.

It was rather simple, yet also ominous.

“It’s a bill,” said Nick, reading it over. “At least she thought sex with me was worth decent coin. I only owe her something like… sex every day for two years before this would be paid off.

“Too bad I never agreed that I owed her diddly-squat. She’ll never collect and she has no legal grounds for it.”

Nick rolled his eyes and dropped the bill into his pack again. He had work to do and the last thing he needed to do was fret over was her crazy ass.


clinton cuzzort

Debt wouldn’t be an issue if we could work it off that way 😂


Depends on who -you- are, and who's collecting. I'm afraid not everyone... uh... has good "value" to everyone.

Tetsu-nii (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-22 04:59:32 I just love that Julie billed him, presumably for his bed & board. Especially love that she valued his "bed work" as worth so much! 🤣😘
2021-10-24 20:22:26 I just love that Julie billed him, presumably for his bed & board. Especially love that she valued his "bed work" as worth so much! 🤣😘

I just love that Julie billed him, presumably for his bed & board. Especially love that she valued his "bed work" as worth so much! 🤣😘

Atom Smashes

I am thinking that Charles will try to lash out at nick since he cant at claudia

Atom Smashes

Also it seems to me that this may be a good book, based off the number of times a day I refresh to see if I have a new chapter waiting.

Cheyene Adams

Small Error. "Been thinking about that," muttered Nick. "First hough, we should probable confirm our levels and talk about what's our next move." it should be "First thought, We should"

Ernie 3

Small Error He should have picked sorcerer and Swordsmen. Not sorcerer and warrior. Lucien just explained that warrior turns into Axe-Lord a class hill already get when he levels up to king.


Fixed. It was correct in -my- copy, but not this one. Which means I fixed it after posting. Good catch :)