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Standing outside the duke of Fash’s tent, Nick felt somewhat odd. From what he could tell, the duke had gone to the kings command pavilion, received his orders, than came back here.

Now he was in the middle of dispersing his orders to his own vassals. Which of course included count Distis though Claudia was brought in as well.

All around Nick were people who were clearly in their second promotion. Men and women who were primarily in their thirties who were very well versed in what their business was.

He was not only likely the youngest person in this group, but the lowest leveled.

I feel like we’re always just… there. I’d be more useful holding a tray with drinks on it I imagine.

I mean, could I even land a strike on any of these people?

“Unlikely. But that’s just how this world is. It’s also the reason why anyone in their second promotion has to receive it from their liege lord, Sire,” Lucian advised. “Otherwise there’d be a lot of very strong people running around without anyone holding the reigns to them.

“I couldn’t even imagine how that’d work without it. There would be no royal families or any such nonsense of people in charge, without being the highest possible level. The whole of the world would just be warlords. Warlords everywhere.”

Nick nodded his head to himself, staring out at the middle distance and nothing at all.

The very idea of having someone that strong without being locked into some type of contract, pledge, or oath that would limit them, sounded absolutely asinine. It would depend entirely on the good will of the person involved.

And no one should ever depend on the good will of another.

People began exiting the duke’s tent and dispersing. Counts, barons, their inheritors, and knights flooded out of the large tent.

Claudia and the count came out side by side, turned, and went straight for Nick and the count’s people. They both went for Nick rather than anyone else, however.

“Master Dal,” the count said with a smirk, coming to stand before Nick. “The king sent you a commendation for not only acting the part of the runner, but returning with valuable information.

“He was apparently unaware of how badly the encirclement was. Being the one who brought that information, you’re to be rewarded.”


In other words, I’m being rewarded for providing the information that sealed those soldier’s fates.

“Yes, I can understand your feelings,” the count said, apparently able to discern what Nick was thinking from how his face looked. “Though, the commendation is rather generous. A hundred gold coins, a medal of valor, and enrollment into the king’s knighthood.

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t present you with the last, however, as I would like to counter with a knighthood of Distis when we return home.”

Yeah, I’d rather not swear to being a knight to the king.

The count’s contract is far more benevolent and it wouldn’t be as mind boggling to break a knighthood with a count, than it would a king.

“Agreed, Sire,” offered Lucian.

“I would appreciate that, Sire,” Nick said with a bow of his head to the count. “And I would accept, as well. I would ask that you please hold onto my… prize until we get home. I would have nowhere to put such monies.”

“Of course, of course,” said the count, this time with a far more genuine and wide smile. Next to him, Claudia was grinning ear to ear. “Well, the orders given to our duke today are very simple. Take the flank and hold it. Since the previous flank no longer exists and the count in charge of it has no other troops to utilize.”

Nick grimaced and shook his head slightly. He didn’t like that idea at all but there wouldn’t be any changing of those orders. If they were ordered to hold the flank, that’s what they would do.

“Thankfully our county won’t be responsible for the extreme edge, though we will be placed next to it,” Claudia said with a relieved tone and smile. “The duke is taking that position himself as his troops are far more seasoned and has a greater number of veterans than we do.”

“Yes, he sees this as a chance to show off a bit,” the count said in a much softer tone, looking around to those who might be listening. “Not that I blame him. I’d likely think the same if we were given the opportunity. Distinction in battle is always a good way to receive benefits in war.”

The count turned from Nick and walked off to his own body guards.

Claudia, however, remained. Gazing at Nick with that silly and wide grin.

“A knight of Distis, rather than the king, hm?” she asked, looking like she wanted to say something else entirely.

“Indeed. The king… killed his own troops. Admittedly it was likely that they would die anyways but… there was no guarantee of that. Not at least until he dropped a tornado on them,” said Nick in a very low voice. “And I think he didn’t hesitate to do it, either.

“I’d rather not put my life and loyalty to a man that could do that so casually. Maybe that’s naive on my part but it’s none-the-less my thought process.”

Nodding her head as he spoke, it was obvious Claudia was in complete agreement with him.

“Cynthia and I were talking about that,” confessed Claudia. Said lady-in-waiting was with Table and Claudia’s horse. She apparently wasn’t comfortable around all the body-guards. “I can see how it would be a valid tactic, and I can’t deny that I have to admit it was incredibly effective, but it didn’t help morale at all. Nor did it put any confidence into the troops that their lives had value.”

“Exactly. Now… shall we go? I believe your father is already on the move,” Nick said and pointed to the count as he walked away.

Starting slightly, Claudia looked to where Nick was pointing then nodded her head. She rushed ahead to catch up to her father and then fell in next to him on his right.

While Nick had a considerably more favorable position to Claudia as of late, she still reminded him of a young woman who hadn’t been prepared enough for her current role.

“Being a parent is very demanding, Sire,” warned Lucian. “Being able to see your children for what they are is very difficult and far different than a stranger’s point of view.”

Not being a parent, Nick could only let the statement lie. He had no argument that’d hold any water.


Claudia looked considerably more confident today than she had yesterday.

On his own suggestion she’d spent the evening going through the camp of the soldiers that’d been assigned to her. Going so far as to visit those who were in the medical tents and being treated.

Her awareness of the common lay person had increased exponentially in a very short period of time. Those who served under her didn’t quite trust her, but they didn’t distrust her either. They weren’t in favor of her, but they’d follow her orders.

It was a solid starting point for a countess in training.

Charles, on the other hand, was in anything but dire straits.

After his father had more or less put him in a form of house arrest quite a number of his lackeys vanished. Some even going so far as to kill soldiers they encountered in their mad attempt to escape.

If Nick didn’t miss his guess they were likely thinking that they’d be arrested for misdeeds now that Charles was essentially not in power. Given how the count had been acting, that was actually quite likely.

“Okay… okay,” Claudia said, lifting a hand to point at her soldiers. They were holding their own in a very straight forward line battle. “This… this looks normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. My security detail is helping th eline and we’re getting a lot more force because of it. Right?”

Cynthia, who was standing next to Claudia, didn’t respond. Instead, she turned her head slightly as if she were going to look to Nick but stopped herself.

While he hadn’t gotten a chance to speak with Cynthia, or be alone with her, he got the impression that when he finally did, she might not reject him if he asked if he could court her.

“Master Dal?” Claudia said after it was obvious Cynthia didn’t have a response.

“I believe so, Miss Claudia. There’s some… unusual classes in the line that one wouldn’t normally expect,” Nick said after looking over the fight one more time. “Though… I think that’s more an issue of getting whatever one can. I imagine they’re looking for whatever troops they can gather, rather than… the right troops.

“And yes, I would agree that the soldiers assigned to you for security are certainly helping. Though I can’t help but worry that it’s leaving you a bit out in the open, so to speak. It’s a risk”

“Agreed, Sire,” said Lucian.

“It’ll be fine. My company needed more hands and there wasn’t going to be any otherwise. Now… unusual classes?” Claudia asked in an uncertain tone. Her head snapped back to the line and it was obvious she was looking it over yet again.

“There’s clearly people using hand to hand, axe classes, and those who are in medium or light armor, in the actual line,” explained Nick. “The classes who do all those things aren’t bad by any means, but they’re not exactly ideal for line fighting. Not at all.”

“Oh, I see it now,” Cynthia muttered. “I didn’t even notice it.”

“They don’t have the luxury of choice, just as you said,” said Claudia. “They hired, brought in, or coerced anyone they could and threw everyone into this. That’s also why they’re utilizing tactics that aren’t standard. Though with that being said, it does make me nervous for what else they’ll do.”

Nick couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. It was obvious the dukes were more than willing to go to extreme lengths to reach their goal.

Like throwing attacks at us from across the line.

Throughout the battle this time, the enemy had launched a number of attacks over the combatants. Arrows, bolts, and spells heading to the commanders had been a constant thing.

More than a few had even come toward Claudia though they were stopped by those employed by the count. Being negated or halted completely.

It never let up and would take a few minutes between each volley before they occurred again. To the point that you could expect them at a certain interval.

It was a waste of effort.

A weird and sudden thought sparked off Nick’s thoughts in a troubling direction. That the enemy wasn’t wasting their effort at all, but focusing the king’s forces and their attention. Pulling it forward without the ability to turn away.

Gramps, do they ever attack commanders directly in battles like this? Other than like what they’ve been doing?

“I… what? I don’t understand,” said Lucian.

Nick turned in place and looked to the sides of their position. Then backwards and behind.

Nothing stood out to him but there was a strange feeling in his gut. Like he was missing something.

Do they launch physical attacks against commanders? Like sending an assassin?

“Not in the time of your fore bearers. Though as you know that was a bit ago, Sire,” Lucian said. “I’m not up to speed on current tactics.”

“Miss,” Nick said slowly letting his eyes come back to Claudia. “I think you should mount your horse. I have a very strange feeling about this but… it would be best if you were prepared to flee if needed.”

Right now Nick was feeling like something was happening. That the dukes were preparing to attack the commanders. That they were going to launch an assault on everyone that they could.

“What? I will most certainly not do—”

Claudia’s words were cut off as she was thrown forward suddenly. Appearing behind her was a black silhouette of a person.


“Table! To me!” shouted Nick, storming forward toward Claudia.

The young woman was on the ground and looked to be unharmed. The black blade in the shadow’s hand had clearly been slammed into her, however.

“She must have some type of charm that prevented a fatal blow!” Lucian advised. “It’s probably expired or will! Get her out of here quickly!”

Whipping his poleaxe around in a flat arc Nick attacked the shadow directly.

They neatly rolled backward, moving outside of the reach of the weapon. Catching the stroke before it went too far, Nick reoriented it and thrust out at the black wraith. Aiming directly for where they’d stop in their roll.

No sooner than the assassin stopped then they realized they were in trouble. The spike on the poleaxe was moving quite quickly toward them.

Holding up their left hand they squirmed to the side.

With a wet thump, the head of the poleaxe smashed into their palm. The spike going clean through their hand.

The shadow screamed in a very masculine voice as they were propelled backward a step. The force of the poleaxe moving them even though only their arm had taken the blow.

They’d done what they’d wanted to regardless.

Nick’s poleaxe had been successfully directed away from stabbing right into their torso.

Table appeared along with Ker in the next second. The latter of the two leaping from the saddle straight at the wraith. With a great deal of speed it lashed out at the assassin’s back leg and sank it’s teeth into it’s thigh.

“Get on Table!” shouted Nick, jerking his poleaxe out of the wraith’s hand.

A second later and two more appeared next to the first, all moving toward Claudia and Cynthia.

Fortunately, the two women didn’t need to be told a second time. They both clambered up onto Table, who reluctantly let them mount him. Nick had taken the time to designate them as allies rather than enemies which meant Table would tolerate their existence.

“Table! Charge!” screamed Nick as he brought the poleaxe back toward himself and swung it out in a wide attack from the left.

Ker jerked his head back and tore out a mouthful of leather armor, skin, and muscle from the wraith. Spitting it out it sprang toward the other two living shadows even as they fell backward from Nick’s attack.

Table responded tot he command and took off at full speed. Cynthia and Claudia were barely fully seated on the warhorse as it ran at full speed.

Nick recovered his poleaxe from it’s swing, drew it back, spun it, then brought it down on the shadow that Ker had maimed.

The hammer-head smashed down into their skull.

Critical hit!

Skull fracture!


Clint Wring slain!

Crumpling to the ground the man went limp. Nick’s poleaxe skidded off to the side of the man’s head and then slammed into the ground.

Taking several steps back, Nick brought his weapon up in front of himself and pointed it toward the two shadows. Both were watching Claudia escaping on Table.

“Sorry there spooky-pants,” Nick said with a chuckle, spinning his poleaxe around and putting the axe blade to the front. “But your target got away. All that’s left is a shitty body-guard that isn’t even level ten.

“And I already killed one of you. Who wants to go next? Cause I’m ready if you are.”

Ker was side-stepping quickly and had now put himself on the other side of the two shadows. They were between Nick and Ker now.

Admittedly they could easily separate and go in two different directions, but that would immediately leave one of the pair in a pincer attack. It wouldn’t take long for Nick and Ker to bring that shadow down.

Apparently realizing that, the two shadows stayed back to back for the moment.

“Damnit all,” said a feminine voice to the side. “You really are just a level nothing nobody aren’t you?”

Turning his head, Nick saw a fourth person coming into view. Whatever spell they had used faded entirely leaving behind a woman who was completely visible.

Short black hair, pale green eyes, pale skin, and armor that looked like it belonged on a caster. In her right hand was a long-staff, in her left, a small glowing orb.

“A-yup,” Nick said with a smirk at the woman. He was feeling rather nervous right now. He was no match for these people he imagined, but that didn’t mean he’d back down or beg for his life.

He’d go out with his weapon in hand and fighting for all he was worth. If he got the opportunity to escape, he most certainly would.

Ker chose that moment to lunge at the shadow facing away from them. The one that’d been watching Ker had looked to the caster.


The big fisher clamped its jaws down around the shadows wrist, then ripped its head to the side. Once again tearing out a large mouthful of flesh and muscle.

As quick as he was Ker easily dodged away as the shadow facing him turned back to him, having realized it’s mistake.

Bringing the head of his weapon down toward the ground Nick then swung it upward. Targeting the same shadow Ker had gone for.

It’d clearly forgotten that it was facing Nick and the reach of his poleaxe and was more concerned with it’s wrist.

With a whistling noise the axe blade slashed through the air and then embedded itself in the side of the shadows middle. Nick felt no resistance at all until the head of his weapon slapped into the shadow, the blade completely submerged.

Leaning into the shaft of his weapon, Nick pulled it out in a way that would hopefully tear out the shadow’s guts at the same time. If he could kill this one now, he’d be all the better for it.

As the poleaxe came free the axe blade had caught a loop of intestine and pulled it free as it came loose. A second later and loops of black organs began to spill out and pool around the shadow’s feet.

Going to the ground in a heap, the shadow went into a fetal position and went still.

Critical Hit!



Lauren Vast slain!

Moving quickly Nick shifted his position. Putting the caster in his periphery vision, the last shadow in front of himself, and Ker on the other side.

“Oh shit, that was like watching a pot of spaghetti get knocked over,” Nick said with a chuckle. “Two down, two to go? Unless the pretty caster isn’t involved in this?”

Nick glanced over at said attractive woman as he spoke.

Grimacing, she shook her head, then pointed her staff at him. A massive black cloud launched out of the head of the wooden weapon and enveloped Nick entirely.

He resisted it as mightily as he could. Pushing his thoughts to drive back the force that was invading his mind.

Except it was too powerful.

Whoever this woman was, she was at least a second promotion if not a third.


A second later and he knew nothing more, the darkness having taking over his mind fully.



Loving this story can't wait for more!


Unconscious on an active battlefield? That can’t be good. Thanks for the cliffhanger. Was looking forward to the next chapter as it was.

Nukin Futs

Is it supposed to be the good way of others?

Atom Smashes

I knew that thing would be a terror on the battlefield. I hope he gets it some spiky armor. I like the feeling of danger here, like he capitalizes on their mistakes to get his kills, if they rushed him all at once the would kill him but the pole arm (and likely dragon fear aura) gives them pause.

Cheyene Adams

Small Error. "Okay... okay," Claudia said, lifting a hand to point at her soldiers. They were holding their own in a very straight forward line battle. "This... this looks normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. My security detail is helping th eline and we're getting a lot more force because of it. Right?" Another small Error. Table responded tot he command and took off at full speed. Cynthia and Claudia were barely fully seated on the warhorse as it ran at full speed. It should be "Table responded to the command" it should be the line, instead of th eline