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Nick wandered down the main boulevard toward the general store.

Everything seemed to be exactly as it had been the last time he’d visited. People going about their own business, giving him a side-eyed glance, then ignoring him.

People in arms and armor weren’t exactly terribly common in Dayton it seemed. That or everyone else had the sense to not be wandering around in their gear.

Huh. Given that I’m kind of a stupid bastard I’d bet that it’s the later, isn’t it?

“I’m not sure, Sire. But there is no legal prohibition against wearing ones equipment, especially if one is a registered adventurer,” Lucian countered. “I would venture a guess it’s more akin to those with arms don’t come to Dayton. Reason unknown at this time, though I’m sure we’ll find out eventually.”

Snorting at that, Nick stepped up onto the walkway and moved toward the general store’s storefront. The window display had a variety of objects put up inside it. From fruits to shovels, it clearly was advertising that it had it all.

Nick had found that to be true the last time he’d come through.

Opening the door Nick heard the bell chime above him as it was struck. Entering he closed the door behind himself and looked around.

Saw blade, whet-stone, maybe another axe, carving knife, more camping gear, then foodstuffs. Let’s buy an actual hand-cart this time and take it with us. We can use it to move shit around at the campsite.

And uh… let’s get a bunch of fish for Fucker. Looks like they actually have some fresh fish. Even if we just save him the guts and the heads. He likes those.

“A good idea, Sire,” agreed Lucian.

Moving to the counter Nick saw the clerk there, a young man in his early twenties, talking to another young man. Their voices were subdued but there was some energy in them.

Nick realized they were likely his own age, or older than him, but he just didn’t feel as old as they looked anymore. He felt older.

Significantly more worn down.

The dungeon ages you. That’s what they say, right?

Setting his poleaxe down against the wall near the counter, Nick nodded his head to the clerk. He’d done the same thing the last time he’d come by. It was easier to put his weapon at the counter so he could keep an eye on it, rather than moving around the store with it.

Moving toward the tool section of the store Nick began to grab everything he thought he’d need. Though he sorely under-estimated the amount he could carry.

Holding onto the saw blade, a new axe, and the whetstone he already felt encumbered.

When he’d picked up the carving knife than he realized he couldn’t actually carry anymore. That he was already likely going to drop everything considering the different sizes of everything.

Ugh. Let’s get the handcart sorted out first and start paying as we go. This isn’t going to be easy.

Walking awkwardly back to the counter Nick stood there as the two young men were now arguing with one another.

“Excuse me,” Nick said and moved right up to the counter. He began setting everything down, not waiting for either man to acknowledge him. If they wanted to have a quarrel they could yell at each other all day, Nick wasn’t about to stand around waiting for a “by your leave” however.

“You’re not excused at all,” growled the customer.

“Great, anyways,” said Nick, ignoring the other man and looking to the clerk. “You got a handcart I can buy as well? I’m going to need a fair bit of supplies and at this point… I could use something to-”

“How dare you ignore me you simp-”

Nick turned his head and gave the young man who was now shouting at him a flat stare. A stare Nick had developed through long hours of staring at goblins with Erica’s group.

At the time they’d been more like co-workers than friends to him, but he’d gotten a good deal of battle experience. Add to that the bandit that’d nearly killed him and he really didn’t fear much of anything outside of death anymore.

When danger was cheap and flavorless, one learned to accept it as easily as water.

The young man stared back at Nick, his mouth hanging open.

Only now did Nick pay him any true attention. The young man was handsome, athletic loking and seemed to be in decent physical shape. His clothes were a cut above and looked to be more in line with a merchants family.

His eyes were a dark brown, several shades darker than his brown hair, in fact. Those eyes looked like they were filled with trying to figure out how to proceed with the situation.

Several seconds passed before Nick clicked his tongue and sucked in a breath.

“You looked like you were causing trouble even before I showed up,” said Nick in a flat tone. “Count Distis made me a man-at-arms and I take that seriously. Those duties include the security of the lands and keeping the peace. You seem like you’re not very peaceful.”

Nick patted his one-handed axe that rested in loop on his belt.

“I don’t carry a truncheon, probably should get one, so you’ll have to forgive me if I just punch you out,” said Nick. “That or pull this here axe and cause a bit more damage than I should.

“But that comes with keeping the peace, I suppose. Things do happen in a scuffle and there’s no going back once it starts.”

The entire time he spoke, Nick held the other man’s eyes. Not letting him look away without backing down in doing so.

“Now, how about you talk to the nice clerk here in a tone that’s peaceful and we both go about our business,” suggested Nick. “Because I have coin to spend and I’m sure you do, too.

“On top of that, I’m sure neither of us wants to find out what happens if we decide to try and knock each other out. Though… I’d probably bet on myself.”

“Do you have any idea who-”

“No, I don’t,” Nick said, interrupting the man. “Don’t care either. Distis told me to be his man-at-arms, so that’s what I’d be. Don’t care who you are. As my lord he can deal with my actions after the fact.

“But on his land, in his domain, it’s the kings laws, then the count’s laws. No one else matters. Everyone follows the law and that’s that.”

Resting his hand on the head of his axe, Nick waited. He wasn’t going to pull any punches if this went down nor was he going to treat the situation delicately.

The young man shook his head once after a pause, then backed away from Nick. Exiting the general store quickly he fled.

“Anyways,” Nick said, looking back to the clerk. “Hand-cart, got one? Anyone in Dayton got one I can buy? I got a lot of shit to buy then move around. I’ll be paying upfront as well, no need for credit or anything like that.”

Standing there a landed fish with two legs the clerk just stared at him.

“Hello? Anyone in there?” Nick asked and then lifted his hand up, snapping his fingers in front of the man’s face twice. “Ya dead?”

Jerking away from Nick and then looking at him as if he were an idiot as well as a rude individual, the clerk glared at him.

“Yeah, hand-cart, got it,” growled the clerk then shook his head. “Whatever.”

“Great, I’ll be back with more stuff. You can just start loading it all up into the cart after you mark it down on a bill-of-sale,” Nick said and waved his hand, wandering off to find more supplies.


With a grunt, Nick dropped the bag of dried meat atop the others in the hand-cart.

“Heavy fucking thing but… this is far easier than anything else,” Nick grumbled under his breath.

“Considering we wouldn’t be able to buy much more than what a normal backpack could carry otherwise… yes,” agreed Lucian. “This is much preferable to admitting we have a dimensional backpack. We’d become a target for others very quickly. Very… quickly.”

Nick could only nod his head at that. He was always concerned over his wealth. Both monetarily and equipment wise.

What he had on him was more than enough to bring about someone in their last promotion. Someone only ten percent of the population could reach.

Let alone the possibility of a rare or unique class holder. Those did exist and Nick was proof of that. He didn’t think for an instant he could hold out against one of them.

“Nickolas Dol?” asked a voice from behind him.

Looking up from the cart, he saw a man in livery and chain mail standing there. He had a simple-spear and a shield on his person as well. It was obvious he was a guardsman for Dayton.

There were three others with him.

“Yes?” replied Nick, looking at the man curiously.

“Count Distis has asked if you would be willing to see him,” replied the guard. “May I escort you to him? I can have one of these guardsman watch over your goods in the meanwhile, sir.”

Only just being to hold back a grimace, Nick gestured to the guard.

“Lead the way,” he murmured. While it had been a request on the behalf of the count, it also really wasn’t. As a man-at-arms a request from the count was nearly an order.

But at least it really was a request.

He’s playing nice-nice.

“To be fair, he has no reason not to that I know of, Sire,” remarked Lucian. “Only those who don’t understand that danger lurks everywhere, even in those you don’t suspect, are stupid enough to act like a fool.”

One of the guardsman peeled off from the group and went over to stand next to Nick’s handcart. The other three made a wedge around Nick with him at the center.

It wasn’t a formation that felt threatening. If anything it felt more like an honorable position to him. As if they were really escorting him somewhere rather than bringing him.

“Any hints, fellas?” Nick asked, unable to help himself. He felt very awkward at the moment and any information at all would be useful.

“War, sir,” said one of the guards.

Huh. War?

Mm, well, huh… huh… okay. In other words, I have to go to war with the count.

“Indeed. Though their address of you as sir sounds like the count has a special duty planned for you,” advised Lucian. “After all, these guards are likely already in their first promotion while you’re still in the starting classes. They wouldn’t address you as sir without them getting a hint to do so from the count.”

“Right. Thanks. We going against the king or with him?” Nick asked further then sighed. “Nevermind, doesn’t matter. They’ll point the noble finger at each other, and we’ll go die in the middle.”

One of the guards scoffed at that while a second chuckled.

“Right at that, sir,” said the one who’d spoken first. “Right at that.”

“While I wish this happened later, Sire,” said Lucian in a measured tone. “I am thankful that it’ll happen. It would be good for you to see the life of a soldier up close and personally. These will be the types of people you have to go ‘die in the middle’ for you at a later date.”


Not waiting at the front door of the count’s residence the guards walked straight in. The door being held open by the two door guards that were on duty.

Heading to the study as soon as they entered the three kept moving. They clearly knew where the count would be. Or more likely they had just left the him with orders to go find Nick.

Entering the study, Nick felt his throat constrict and his heart shudder.

Sitting next to the count in a chair was the young man from the general store Nick had threatened.

Shit, was he family?

“Sire, Nickolas Dal,” said the lead guard, coming up to the count’s side.

“Good work and thank you for coming Nick,” said the count, looking up to meet Nick’s eyes. He smiled warmly and then indicated the seat directly across from himself.

Taking the cue, Nick sat himself down in the chair even as the three guards left the room. Leaving him alone with the count and his son.

“I hear my idiot boy here was causing problems in the city,” the count said and made an open handed gesture to the young man.

Only now did Nick notice that the person in question had a very reddened cheek. As if he’d been slapped quite forcefully.

On top of that, he wouldn’t meet the count’s eyes, or Nick’s.

Think daddy scolded him for being a shit? If so… honesty is the best policy here.

“I would tend to agree,” said Lucian.

“He was causing a disturbance in the general store,” confirmed Nick. “I told him to keep the peace or I’d keep the peace for him. Laws the law.”

The count suddenly grinned at that and then promptly nodded his head.

“The law is indeed the law. My idiot son Charles here could learn a thing or two from you,” said the count with a chuckle.

He’s not mad. So… that’s good. I’ll be honest I wasn’t quite sure which way this was gonna go.

“I’m glad to hear that someone did what I’ve been asking everyone to do and wrapped his knuckles accordingly,” the count continued before sighing and clearing his throat. “Though that is not the only reason I called you here today. I’m not sure if you’re heard or not, but we’re to be at war. It’s been formally declared amongst the dukes and we’ll be participating.

“We’ll be fighting for Duke Fash and the king. We’ll be taking the field in roughly two weeks. Use these two weeks to settle your affairs and report back here. We’ll need to be on the move by that point for the front.”

“Two weeks… alright,” Nick murmured aloud, then ran a hand through his hair. He felt like that wasn’t enough time but it wasn’t critically short either.

He could probably finish up his cabin in say a week if he really put his being into it. Or at least get it to the point that it would survive without him being there. That primarily meant getting the roof in place and sealing it up.

After that came prepping for war, which meant a trip to Ashcroft for armaments. Going in the armor he had right now to war sounded like a losing proposition.

Using some coin now to buy gear would likely be overlooked as there would probably be a great deal of people doing the same. Though that also meant it was quite likely that there’d be issues with supply

Might have to dig into the ledger at that point. At least it’s an option.

And while I’m in Ashcroft… should we see Doctor Palt? He could tell us what the hidden skills are. We might need to know them while we’re in the field.

“Regardless of knowing them we likely wouldn’t be able to use them,” Lucian said with a heavy sigh. “I would argue that we should finish the cabin, use the ledger, and simply report back here earlier than expected. We’ll also need a mount and possibly a retainer or two. We have a lot to prepare.”

“Wonderful. I’m glad to hear that,” said the count and then stood up. “I must confess I was somewhat concerned that it wouldn’t be enough time for you considering you’d only taken the rights for your land recently.”

Turning to one side the count walked over to a table that was set near a bookshelf. Atop it was a small iron bound wooden chest.

“Here is your war-funds as dictated in our contract,” said the count and picked it up. Coming back over to Nick he set it down in front of him. “Please outfit yourself according to the rank of a knight, though you’re not one at this time. Better to look a knight and for them to wonder why you’re not one, than to look a soldier, and never be considered.”

“He’s no knight,” whined Charles.

“Not yet, but that’s likely to change in the coming war,” countered the count with more than a little anger in his tone. “And watch your words. If you say things like that, it’ll be as a reflection upon me. You’ve already been enough of a disgrace, do not push me further.

“Lest I strip you of your inheritance completely and give it to your little sister. It already seems as if she’s more likely to become the next countess than you a count, Charles.”

Nick was staring at the chest and didn’t know how to respond to what’d just occurred. He knew he hadn’t read the contract he’d been given in detail, but he hadn’t thought he’d missed a clause that concerned war.

“Well, do forgive me Nick but I have to attend to my recruitment,” apologized the count, who grabbed Charles by his shoulder. Pulling him up and off the couch. The count and his son headed for a door that wasn’t the same one Nick had entered from. “See you in two weeks.”

Sitting there, Nick could only nod his head a bit before he opened the chest.

Inside were golden coins.

Closing the chest almost as quickly, Nick realized he’d need to stuff it away into his backpack quickly and sort it out later.

I think your idea about the ledger is the better one. Let’s head back, finish the cabin, buy gear, then come back.

“Indeed,” murmured Lucian. “Let’s go see what we can wrangle up in the way of equipment. Maybe we can even purchase our mount from the ledger as well. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea.”



Is this the first time one of your MCs is going to war and its not on a commanding position?? But let's be honest he is probably going to distinguish himself by swinging that big'ol pole axe around

The Agent Colson

I love that you're taking your time with the story and letting the characters develop organically.