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<<Please note. This is a LitRPG story and it is not a Harem story.>>

“Good evening, Sire,” said a cool and calm voice.

“Uh, who did what now?” Dominic asked, looking around the room.

He half-expected to see his uncle and father standing at the door with a stranger.

Yet no one was there.

He was alone in the small home he shared with his father. Only the light of the candle he was reading by made any noise at all.

Searching from one corner of the room to the other, Dominic saw nothing.

No one.

Shit. Must’ve started to doze off.


Sighing, he closed his eyes and rubbed at them with the heels of his hands. It was already later than it should be for his dad to come home. To the point that he was starting to actually worry.

“I said, good evening, Sire,” repeated the same voice from earlier. Pulling his hands down, Dominic looked around to find the speaker. “I’m afraid that your family will not be returning home. Neither your uncle, your father, nor your cousin. You, as the holdout heir, will receive one hundred percent of the covenant’s penalty award.”

“Ah… wh— how?”

“Forgive me, Sire, but we must be swift. At this moment, your uncle is taking his final breath,” said the voice. “In a few moments, you will be in receivership. We have very little time to discuss this.

“My name is Lucian and I’m your eternally bound and loyal servant. I have served your family for sixteen generations. While I didn’t— ah… please hold on for one moment.”

A large blue rectangle appeared in front of Dominic. One that looked a lot like his status window.

Multiple blue rectangles, in fact. One atop the other.

Your Family Head has passed to the afterlife. The next family head is Rupert Randolph.

Your Family Head has passed to the afterlife. The next family head is Dominic Randolph.

You are the Family Head of the Randolph family.

What? Rupert? My uncle? But that’d mean—

The Covenant between the Randolph family and the Fash family has been broken.

Penalties and awards in accordance with the Covenant will now be granted.

Full awards are granted to the Randolph family.

Full penalties are levied against the Fash family.

“I don’t—”

Before Dominic could even process what he’d read, more screens kept appearing.

The ancient bloodline of Randolph rises again!

A false king sits upon the throne bearing the name of Fash. The true royal family has returned!

All hail the royal line of Randolph!

The pretender must be punished!

No sooner than Dominic had read those messages then they vanished. The original messages were also gone now.

“I… but… what?” Dominic asked no one in particular.

“You’re Dominic Randolph. Last of the Randolph line and King-in-Exile,” replied Lucian in a smooth voice. “And we must leave. Those who slew your family are on their way here.

“We must take the inheritance, and flee. Without another moment wasted. For now, I’ve pushed back many of the awards you were due to receive. We can allow them to activate once we’re safe.”

“I… inheritance? I don’t—”

“Go to your father’s room,” interrupted Lucian. “No more arguing, we must go. Now.”

Dominic got to his feet and went straight to his father’s room. He wasn’t going to argue any further. There was clearly a lot going on right now and dragging his feet might just get him killed.

It was obvious to him that his father and uncle truly were dead given the messages he’d received. There really wasn’t another way for him to be the family head without the previous ones dying.

“The chest at the foot of the bed. It’s unlocked now. Open it, take the contents, and put it all in the bag that’s in the corner,” instructed Lucian. “Then load everything from the bookshelf into the bag, as well.

“After that, go out the window, and begin heading west. We need to get to Ashcroft and make it our base of operations. That’ll be the last location where the Fash family will look.

“By the time they get around to it, we’ll be established enough that we can hide amongst the population. Our goal is to survive for the time being. That is all.”

“You said you’re a bound spirit?” Dominic asked while following Lucian’s instructions.

Opening up the chest that had always been locked, a part of him felt broken. There was no way it’d be unlocked unless his father really was dead. The magic lock that sealed it was tied directly to him.

Sitting on top of everything was a handaxe of bright silvered metal. The handle was made of a hard wood, though it was bound along the sides with langets of the same metal.

“Inspect it later, and yes, I’m a bound spirit,” Lucian commanded.

Grabbing the bag Lucian had mentioned—which looked to be roughly the size of a backpack—Dominic stuffed the axe in. Only to find that it vanished as soon as it passed through the opening.

“Yes, it’s spatial magic. Hurry it up,” said Lucian with some actual heat to his voice finally. “Everything from the chest, the bookshelf, and your father’s axe behind the bookshelf.”

Behind… the bookshelf?

Dominic hurried the hell up and stopped paying attention to what he was doing. Instead, he just ransacked the chest and then the bookshelf. Pausing only long enough to put the backpack down, he dropped the large poleaxe—that was indeed behind the bookshelf—into the pack.

Swinging it over his shoulder, Dominic pushed open the window, then clambered out.

“If you don’t mind, be sure to toss in a fireball. No sense in leaving anything behind for others,” Lucian remarked dryly.

Somewhat surprised at the fact that Lucian knew Dominic could actually use magic, he once more didn’t argue. He drew up a Camp Fire spell from his available mana and flicked it through the window.

Landing on the bed, it caught fire instantly and began going up in a true conflagration.

Turning his back to the house, Dominic started running. He had only the clothes on his back, what he had raided from his father’s room, and nothing else.

“Now, while we’re escaping, I shall do my best to acclimate to the current trends of the world,” declared Lucian. “I’ll be doing that by reading your memories. Most of the information I held is very outdated.”

“Wait… then why… are we… going to… Ashcroft?” Dominic got out between strides. He didn’t understand why they would go somewhere that far away if Lucian’s knowledge was outdated.

“I had only a short time to go through your father’s and uncle’s thoughts before they passed,” Lucian murmured in a subdued voice. “Not enough to get a very clear picture, but enough to know what they wanted to do.

“Both of them wished to get to Ashcroft with you and your cousin in tow. Because it’s the seat of the Fash branch families. Your family truly believed that it’d be the last place your enemies would look.

“Now… keep going in this direction. I’ll get back to you. It’s likely we’ll have a great deal of work to do to get the throne back under your family’s control.”

Dominic ran on through the night.

Behind him, his childhood home burned down, and the bodies of his family cooled in enemy hands.


Collapsing to his knees, Dominic practically dunked his head in the stream.

He could move no more.

Leaning over the flowing water, he began to drink directly from it. He sputtered partly, since his face was almost fully submerged as he drank.

Dominic gasped for air as soon as he pulled his head back. He continued to kneel there, panting beside the flowing water and staring up at the pale pre-dawn light in the distance.

“Well, at least we’re away,” murmured Lucian in a dry tone. “Sire, I believe as soon as you’re well enough, we should start moving again. Perhaps at a walk until such a time as we can move faster.”

Rolling his eyes, Dominic continued to take deep breaths. He wasn’t about to do anything at the moment. His legs felt like they were made of cooked pasta and his heart pounded like a hammer smashing against an anvil.

“Oh, yeah,” Dominic said, getting his breathing to a point that he could speak. “Let me just get right on that. Another marathon. I’m good for it. Clearly, my Villager job inspires you to ask for so much.

“Cause I don’t know what planet you’re from, Lucian, but I’m no Sire. I’m not even a Sir. I’m just Dom, the Executioner’s kid. The one who had to buy his first time with a woman because they all think I’m a plague carrier.”

“Ah, yes,” Lucian said. “First, stand up. Start walking. Same direction. Just cross through the water after you take your boots off. We need to keep moving. Those who broke the covenant will be panicking to find you, I imagine.

“Second, I’ll allow your inheritance to be processed. You’ll most likely understand more once that is acknowledged and accepted.”

“Oh yeah, my inheritance, the bag on my back and—”

Several blue windows appeared in front of Dominic.

You are the last inheritor of the Ancient Bloodline of Randolph.

As the sole member of the clan, bonuses will be increased.

You are the last member of the Randolph Royal Family.

Your kingdom is under the administration of a fraudulent king.


No Protection: Have an heir and guarantee the survival of your Bloodline.


Musical Chairs: Reclaim the throne and take your rightful place!


King without a Castle: You need a home!


Pyramid Scheme: You have no foundation, hire a household!

This must at least include: Chamberlain, Steward, Head Cook, Head Butler, Head Maid, Marshal, Royal Blacksmith, Stable Master, Personal Bodyguard, Royal Physician, Royal Guard Captain, and Knight Captain.


Axe You a Question: The Axe of your Bloodline is unclaimed! Find and claim it!

Your status has been updated!

As soon as he started to read the windows, Dominic began working at his boots.

It was obvious to him that Lucian had played straight with him so far. Everything he’d said was exactly so.

Any type of response Dominic could give, sarcastic or otherwise, was a waste of breath.

“Right, okay,” he said instead, pulling his boots off and starting to wade across the river. “Any chance you could explain what the fuck all this is? What the covenant is? Why have I never heard of this ‘Ancient Bloodline’ until this moment, despite the fact that I’m part of it?”

“I’ll keep it simple, as this isn’t the time for an in-depth history lesson,” Lucian said with some growing anger in his voice. “Your family was betrayed. By family, no less. Though not blood, thankfully.

“The queen’s sister seduced the Royal Guard Captain, killed him, and let in your family’s enemies. The Fash family, which was nothing more than a ducal bloodline.

“After that, it became a civil war that started on the back foot. Your ancestors fought valiantly, but without their treasury, it was an uphill fight.

“I’ll spare you further details, but due to the betrayal at the start, the Randolph family could never truly recover. Many of your family were captured, though the rest fought on. In the end, there would be no chance of winning for your family. Not without those who were imprisoned.”

Dominic clambered out of the river and kept walking. He’d wait until his feet had dried somewhat before he tried putting his socks and boots back on. The grass he was moving through was fairly dry and would do a good job of stripping away the moisture on his feet.

“Your family and the Fash family came to an agreement. A covenant that would protect your family and allow the Fash to take the crown,” Lucian continued. “It was extremely weighted in favor of your family if it was violated. To the point that the Randolph clan would be in a powerful position if that were to occur.

“That was the plan. To wait for the Fash family to break it. And so they have, and here we are. We can now begin the work to re-establish the glory that is the Randolph Bloodline!”


He seems… very… invested in the Randolph’s ‘majesty’, as it were.

“And once we have reclaimed that glory, we can work towards trading with the upper echelon of the outer worlds again,” Lucian said with finality.

“Outer… worlds?” asked Dominic. Lifting his right hand, he called up his status window.

What… what the fuck? Choice available? I can promote?

But… I’m not even eighteen!

And-and-and it’s a Dimensional Backpack. I mean, the axe vanished into it like it was, but this confirms it.

That’s… that’s not something that should be here. That’s something that should be in... like... the royal treasu—

Dominic nearly stumbled as his thoughts caught up to the situation.

Dropping down to one knee, he quickly started putting his boots back on.

Right. Okay. Royal treasury. Yeah.

I’m… uh… I’m a royal. A royal who had to buy a prostitute for his first time.

A royal who’s a Villager and never went to school but— oh… oh, that’s why father and uncle taught me. Taught me things I would never need as an Executioner or a Villager.

Economics, politics, accounting… things they told me I’d need for my own household. Now it makes more sense.

It also makes more sense why Lucian told me to take the contents of the bookshelf—all my father’s books and the lessons they were teaching me.

Standing up, Dominic started walking once again. Reaching over his back, he touched the top of the backpack. That allowed him to access it directly, just as his father had instructed him to do should he ever encounter one.

Ha… if I should ever encounter one. One that was sitting in his footlocker.

The contents of the backpack appeared in a blue box, much like all divine messages did.

“Ah, good,” Lucian said. “I’m glad you’re checking your inventory. Don’t forget to change your class. I recommend Prince-in-Hiding. It’ll provide us with most of the benefits we could hope for, but with very few of the concerns.”

Prince… in Hiding… That’s a class?

Moving back to his status screen, Dominic tried to examine his class. As if he were looking for more information on it.

Instead of providing him with the definition for Villager, it gave him a drop-down list and two small disclaimers.

Please select four classes.

Please note, King-in-Hiding and Prince-in-Hiding are mutually exclusive.

“Four classes? That’s… not possible,” murmured Dominic, still marching ever onward.

Lucian thought that was hilarious, apparently. He didn’t respond immediately, he merely laughed to himself. Laughed until the sound finally fell away into soft gasps for breath.

“The Randolph Bloodline is ancient and powerful,” said the spirit finally. “So powerful that it allows the family head to select multiple classes.

“However, you can only change them when in a safe space on land that you own, or during a change in status. You’ll be able to change it right now due to the inheritance, but not again until you own land.”

Dominic just shook his head, contemplating what all this meant.

Then he tried to call up his Bloodline information.

It responded quickly and willingly with a blue window.

Randolph: Ancient Bloodline. Royal Bloodline.

The Family Head can utilize multiple classes.

The Family Head can designate the unique class Axe-Knight amongst family members or household members.

The Family Head holds dominion over the Elder Earth Dragon Lucian.

The Family Head holds dominion over all family members.

All family members will gain double attribute gains.

All family members speak, read, and comprehend the Draconic tongue.

All family members receive the following buffs at the age of their majority, or when they are given their inheritance: Draconic Regeneration, Draconic Health, Death Stroke.

“Elder… Dragon?” Dominic asked, even as he continued to walk.

“Indeed,” answered Lucian. “I was once such a being. Your ancestor defeated me, but rather than slay me, offered me a deal to bind me to your line.

“It has been most rewarding so far, though our current situation has left me in bitter remorse. We must raise the family up once again and defenestrate the Fash.”

“Yeah, that. Sure, right,” Dominic muttered. He had no idea what that word meant, but he assumed it meant to kill them. “So, I can pick four classes?”

“Yes. Though you have equal talent in the martial arts as well as magical arts,” said Lucian, suddenly sounding much more pleased. “I would suggest taking Prince-in-Hiding, Executioner, Fighter, and Caster. That’ll give us a lovely spread of stats and skills to work with.

“There’s no point in the other classes at this time and being a Ranged class would be a detriment to us.”

“It would? Cause… uh… I wouldn’t mind sitting back a way, throwing spells and shooting arrows, ya know?” Dominic countered.

“Agreed, but your talent in physical combat is quite high. Of everyone I’ve ever served in the Randolph family, only the one who defeated me had a higher level cap potential,” explained Lucian. “Now, select your classes, then retrieve The End of the Line. We can at least solve one quest.

“Because it might be the easiest thing we ever do. There’s so much work to do. So much. Even after we retake the throne, the work won’t end.”

Dominic didn’t know how to feel about any of this. He felt decidedly like a character in a storybook. One who didn’t seem likely to have a good ending.

Tapping into his status window, he pulled up his class, then held it affixed in his mind.

A new window appeared, allowing him to select the four classes he wanted.

As much as he wanted to be snarky and deliberately choose things Lucian didn’t suggest, he couldn’t deny the Dragon was right.

Though I’m very curious to see what he sees when it comes to my level. Apparently, he knows more than I do since I can’t see my full stats until I pick an adult’s class.

Rapidly, he chose Prince-in-Hiding, Executioner, Fighter, and Caster, just as Lucian had suggested. He did, at least, make sure that Fighter was the class listed at the top of his selection. Just in case it chose that one to display should anyone have a high-level inspect or analyze skill.

After picking the classes, he re-opened his status window.

Oh my god, I’m stronger than anyone my age and then some. I’m almost as strong as those knights who came through once.

And this is all at level one, isn’t it?

Dominic tried to pull open his extended information window. Thatwould show him his current and maximum levels, experience, hit points, and mana.

I’m a monster.

No… no one gets above level one hundred on their cap. Even the King is rumored to only be at one hundred and ten. Something that is considered a god-blessed miracle.

But… I can go all the way to two hundred? What class is that?

Selecting the two hundred max-level-cap number, Dominic waited for the information to surface.

Then he felt his face freeze up when it did.


Wouldn’t… that mean my King-in-Hiding is likely even higher?

I can’t ever show anyone my extended status window.


“Wonderful, now pull out that axe, and let’s get that quest finished,” said Lucian.

Dominic decided not to do that. He needed time to process what he’d just discovered.

“Let me… walk for a bit before we do that,” grumbled Dominic. “I need to think, Lucian. I’m sorry. I’m just overwhelmed.”

“Oh, that’s fine. There’s no rush,” said Lucian, clearly trying to soothe Dominic. “We have lots of time. Lots and lots of time. Long walk, after all. Lots of other things to talk about and plan.”



Liking it so far! Can't wait to see where it goes.


You have recieved the Hat Trick accolade!

Samuel Chesser

This seems like it's going to be fun


Wow this is really cool. I like that the mc doesn't seen to be a whiny brat. Just to be clear though, this is not part of the sovereignverse right?


“No. My axe axed her a question. It was ‘How much of your head will end up on the ceiling, how much on the walls, and how much on the floor?’” Steve said. Quest! Axe you a question: The Axe of your Bloodline is unclaimed! Find and claim it! Your status has been updated! I love talking axes. So many similiarities. Wouldn't it be interesting if this was Sevilles world long after? Every ones semi related cause he had so many kids kublai khan style? I know its supposed to be a new project but the similarities between the game notices, axe (heirloom, axe knights-possible evolution from witch knights, etc.) Make me wonder what it would be like?


Doh paste and cut! It would explain why the map looks like home with a stream to filch, citadel, along the edges, and the walls of lamals.


I am truly looking forward to see where this series goes. Are you planning on expanding this universe as well?

Dominic Harney

Got to say it was very surreal reading this.

Yitzhak Brill

Oh, I like this! Always nice to see some non-SovereignVerse projects come up!


Looks good. Though I'll miss the harem, I don't mind if it's regular romance. I hope you go power couple though. If he's going to marry one woman, she needs to be able to keep up and stay relevant rather than just be a trophy. Either someone who can watch his back in battle and hold her own, or someone who specialises in the area's he not as strong in such as the administration etc of running a kingdom. I also hope she has a cool personality. Someone interesting. Well, i'm just running my mouth off. I'm sure you've got it all in hand.

Dennis Palsson

I'll miss the harem. I like the love and support they provide. It's not the bedroom games I like, it's the thought of being on the couch with everyone cuddling and watching a movie (or scenes like that). But harem or no harem, you are a great writer (imo) and I'll read pretty much anything you write. You've got a great track record with me.


You did a great job hooking me with this first chapter. Has me invested in the mc already.