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Next week we'll be testing something new as well as start posting chapters of RoR3.

Something different.

Hard LitRPG, game world, Non-Harem(still with romance), with a Map.

Weird, I know, right?

Should be interesting.

I need to stretch a bit right now. I'm falling into a bit of a rut and I need to widen it out.

In a few minutes I'll post the map to the guardian tier as a teaser.



Always good to stretch the old legs, metaphorically speaking


Will their be a love interest? Don't get me wrong, love my harem stuff as much as anybody else, but what about an actual love interest?

Yitzhak Brill

Nice, looking forward to seeing where your muse takes you next!


That sounds interesting, will it be no romance or just no harem but with standard romance?


Ooo I'm excited. Your regular books hold up awesome even if you take out the harem elements. I'm pretty sure if you wanted to you could write a good monogamous romance really well too!


Ooh. Thas sound intresting.


Happy to hear I'm excited to see what its like

Logan Carl

Non Harem??? Demon Accords is good and non harem, so I guess a good non harem book is possible. I was burned out on Wuxia novels, and you changed the game with CC, so I'll believe in you.

Samuel Chesser

I wait ready for the challenge of the new world

Alex Lindsay

Don’t forget the Honor of Duty if you need a change! Many of us are anxiously waiting for the next book!

Rafnar Caldon

Maps you don't do maps


Well, I'm fine with both straight romance and harem, though I do tend to lean towards the latter. Still, as a personal preference it should be clearly one or the other. I'm not a big fan of the fake harem you often see in manga and anime where the male lead is surrounded by girls but spends the whole time in indecision where it's implicit that he'll be picking one of them in the end, after which the story will be over. I know some people like contesting over who Best Girl is and who he should end up with, but I just find it depressing. I can't really enjoy the romance over the knowledge that the other girls I've gotten attached to are all going to be cut loose save for one. You can't even find out if the rest move on and find happiness, since the idea of them finding someone else is too much like NTR for most readers. Some even prefer the idea they spend the rest of their lives pining after him, which just makes it worse for me. So yeah, he either ends up with all the girls or there is one clear pairing from the start without any other girls being strung along in vain. Love rivals trying to come between them are different of course, since they're obstacles to be over come so I don't feel too bad for them. But yeah, that's what I prefer. Probably doesn't matter here and you probably don't care much, I just felt like discussing it. As long as the story is interesting that's all that matters in the end.

clinton cuzzort

Honestly, a non-harem would be nice. I’m not a purist, though. It’s great, and if you write it , then I’ll read it. You were my first Will 🤫 (harem), and I’ve enjoyed every book you’ve written multiple times. But as good as you write, I can’t help but think if you were writing in another genre like commercial fiction or even sci-fi, you would be dominating the market. You’re a fantastic writer. If you decided to write sci-fi Western space opera romance thrillers, I’d read the hell out of it.


Yeah, I second this view point! Will, you are an amazing writer and I've enjoyed all your books so far! Feal free to expand your artistic horizons and try new genres and tropes to your harts content! ^_^


Same here, and in full agreement. First harem experience, and, well, it was different, but because you wrapped it up in a captivating story with compelling characters you can not help but love, I have never looked back and now cannot wait to see the rest of your creative journey. Lead on, captain my captain, I'll read them all.