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I ended up getting Covid.

Again. For the second time.

I know chapters have stalled out lately, and for that, I'm sorry.

I hope that this'll pass by next week. I'll try to load some chapters tomorrow morning. I've been feeling better in the mornings.


Kevin McKinney

Well … darn. Rest! Recover!


Understandable. I hope you feel better soon! :D


My guy, just get better. Fuck anything else. Your fans aren't going anywhere if they are already here. Sending love from Texas


It's OK your health comes first we can wait

David Morrissey

Dude, screw worrying about this. Take care of yourself and the family. I hope it stays mild and the recovery is fast. PLEASE - if it stays mild read up on the long term items and get tested. You don't need hidden surprises.

Kori Prins

Ouchie...at least it sounds like you are on the mend


I hope it passes quickly and easily for you!!

Rafnar Caldon

Take your time to get well.


Feel better! I hope the rest of your family is well, or at least also getting better.

Stephen Chernishoff

William, you've been pumping these chapters out like no other. I, for one, am thankful that we are even getting these chapters before the book comes out anyways. I appreciate the notice, but no need to be sorry my good sir. You come first, before the chapters and books :). Feel better soon and as always, Love your work!


Wow. That's some shitty ass luck there. Maybe you have some kind of vulnerability to the virus? What a drag. Hope you get well soon. I wanna just be done with the virus already. Every time I think it's past, you hear about it coming back to effect someone else. Can't we just be finished already?

Dominic Harney

Don’t apologise, it’s not like you ran around licking toilets. Just rest and get better.


Do not apologize, for getting ill. Just rest and get better. Books might be your livelihood, but nothing is more important than recovering, at this time.

Jordan Gabriel Holt Smith

Rest. There's no rush. I would would like to keep reading your books for many years to come.

Samuel Chesser

Don't die and don't apologize you are an amazing writer it should take you how long it takes you to complete your stories get well soon 😊

Steven Alexander

Health comes first. I hope to be reading your books for years to come. Take however much time you need off and get well please.

Brandon Pio

Dont care about the chapters, just about your health and your ability to finish the story, in your voice. Get better!

Christopher B.

Hope you get plenty of rest and feel better. As others have said, your health takes priority.


Be well and get plenty of rest!


Concentrate on getting well and taking care of your family. Everything else can wait.

Georg Kranz

Don't worry about us, see that you get well.


Holy crap, man. That's terrible. Get well soon.

Eric Hontz

Get yourself right and worry about writing later. Old WoW truism, your DPS drops to 0 when you're dead. Take care of yourself and we'll be here when you are better.

Steven Miller

Focus on getting better, that's the most important thing now.


Your health is more important than the continued story. Stay safe. Feel Better. Hydrate.

John Bray

Feel better. We will be here when you are able to return.


The snozzeberries tastes like snozzberries!


Stop making out with cambions! Everyone knows they dont wear masks!


My comment apperently didn't get posted. Get well soon and check the FLCCC and their protocols regarding the cough. They have no conflict of interest and are highly capable medical professionals. Make your own decision.