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Abrah hopped up and down determinedly. Her thighs flexed as she rode Sam’s member, her back arched and her whole body tense.

Coming to a shuddering stop Abrah rolled her hips from one side to the other, settling his tip deep inside her. Then she let out a slow breath.

“I don’t think I can go anymore, my thighs are burning,” Abrah said, opening her eyes and looking down at Sam. “Lord Lust, I’m… I’m done. I can’t do anymore.”

Sam grinned up at the Demon-Knight. He’d been going at her unendingly for hours. More so than he’d ever attempted with anyone else. Even Wren couldn’t take the amount of attention he was giving Abrah.

Rolling over without a word, Sam pinned Abrah to the bed on her back. In a single fluid motion Sam had re-entered the Demon-Knight and was buried into her very slick and seed filled channel.

Thrusting in and out of her smoothly but with force he began pulling at her sexually once again. At this point he’d fine tuned her physically to be a counter-part to him.

Her being a demon had put her into a category similar to Jes. Where she literally was perfect mirror to him and responded in ways no mortal ever could.

Abrah’s voice started out as a moan and rose to a high-pitched whine in seconds. Her body tripping right past an orgasm and into the deeper over-stimulated orgasm she’d been experiencing since he got his hands on her.

“Ahhnn!” shrieked Abrah, her hands grabbing at Sam’s forearms. Sam feasted on her as Essence flew out of her.

As soon as she hit her peak, Sam spiked her, not bothering to wait for her to come down. Then spiked her again once she hit the maximum again.

Then again.

And again.

Over and over until he found where Abrah physically couldn’t handle anymore. Only then did he ease off on her, his hips pumping into her over and over until she finally came down.

Sam had hit his own peak during that, once more unloading into her. Though at this point there was more of his genetic material dribbling down her thighs and across her privates than inside her.

There was only so much room inside her, of course.

Panting, Sam came to a stop on top of Abrah. Her eyes were closed and she was laying limp in the bed beneath him.

“You didn’t kill her, did you?” Irma asked quietly from the doorway.

“No,” Sam said quickly.

“Not-dead,” Abrah said in two different gasps. “Very-well-sexed.”

“Yes, he does tend to do that to us,” murmured Irma. Coming into the bedroom she looked much more well rested. She was also dressed in clothes that were unfamiliar to him. Likely owned by Abrah.

They didn’t fit her around the chest and shoulders very well but they’d do for now.

“Noticed,” replied Abrah, her hands still holding to Sam’s forearms. “I’m-done.”

Smirking, Sam rolled off the top of Abrah and down to her side. Putting his elbow down next to her head, he looked fully to Irma.

“She lasted longer than Wren, didn’t she?” Irma asked, coming over to sit on the edge of the bed. She reached over and patted Abrah’s bare shoulder. “That means the only person who lasts longer is Jes and that’s because she’s… well… female you.”

“You have-Succubus?” Abrah asked, still panting. Her eyes opened partially and she glanced at Irma and then to Sam.

“Indeed. I’m branded to her along with an Elemental,” Sam answered. He reached over and laid a hand to Abrah’s sternum. “And speaking of brands. It’s time for you to accept mine.”

“Surprising. There aren’t-any of your-kind in hell anymore. Of course-I’m yours-brand me,” Abrah agreed and laid a hand atop Sam’s. The moment his brand formed it entered her. Much like an Imp, Abrah wore his brand now. She wouldn’t be able to ever truly escape him.

Not without taking the brand for herself as Jena did, but that wouldn’t ever happen again. The only person who could do that would be Irma and he trusted her implicitly.

“She really did have it out for your race, didn’t she?” Irma asked, watching the branding curiously.

“I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s just that my race has the easiest time generating Essence,” argued Sam. “Especially considering that it’s an enjoyable way to generate it.”

Abrah nodded her head fractionally at that, her eyes closing again.

The sound of bells could be heard outside. Sam had no idea where they were coming from but they were certainly loud.

“Daylight hours,” Abrah murmured, her breathing finally coming under partial control. “Everything will start opening up again.”

“It’s very curious that Hell goes by a day and night cycle,” said Irma. “But given the sheer number of mortals, I suppose something had to be done.

“Though I do wonder how the lack of sunlight would effect Humans. Pretty sure there’s a response in the body that needs sunlight. Right?”

“I’m not sure,” Sam admitted. He did know that Humans needed sunlight but not for what purpose or reason.

“Humans are all dead,” Abrah muttered. “Every mortal you see is a Cambion descendant. They’re not really Cambion, but their bloodline isn’t Human, either. We call them lesser-cambion. Since they’re neither Human nor Cambion.”

“Ah, anyways,” Irma said, patting Abrah gently once again. Then she put her hands in her lap and put her full attention on Sam. “That means we need to figure out how to get that spell off you immediately. Otherwise we’ll end up burrying Carissa and possibly myself.

“I’m not Human, but I have no idea if I can survive here. Given how much I share with the Human race… it’s not something I’d want to bet on.”

Blinking, Sam realized Irma was absolutely correct. He needed to act.

And swiftly.

“Abrah, does the city of Klesick collect taxes? Is it done in Essence?” Sam asked, his mind turning to the swiftest way he imagined he could get Essence.

“Yes. On every sale, property tax, and import/export,” confirmed Abrah. She hadn’t released her grip on his hand. She was holding to it quite tightly. “There’s also a yearly tax on income. We’ve learned a lot from the mortal world. Or… we had. Before we were trapped here.”

Impressive. I wonder who sits at the top of this.

There has to be someone, right?

“Abrah, you were fighting to own the city of Klesick. Did you have a valid claim on it? If you had won, who would have been your lord?” Sam asked.

“I had a valid claim on it, yes. My families. They may have disowned me, but I still have the right to the claim,” Abrah said. “And… no lord. Klesick has no lord other than the city-lord. It bribes it’s neighbors with Essence to not attack them.”

Smiling, Sam was suddenly quite thankful that Timithy had given him Abrah. He was going to use her as a lever to get what he wanted and quickly.

“Then we’ll install you as the city-lord,” Irma said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Then we’ll use part of the tax to do what we need to. We’ll be on our way, leave Abrah here, and that’s that.”

Sam nodded his head. It was exactly what he was about to suggest, Irma had just thought of it more quickly and gotten to the end.

Always good to keep people around you that are smarter than yourself. Makes everything easier.

“Solid plan,” Sam agreed. “Shouldn’t be that hard either. I’m rather charged right now.”

Irma had an odd look on her face for a second at that, then sighed and nodded her head. Whatever the thought had been that’d caused her distress, it’d been fleeting.

“Indeed. You and Abrah should go see the city-lord then,” Irma stated. “I’ll remain here with Carissa and wait. If a fight broke out, we’d only be in the way.

“If this were the prime, I’d be more than willing to fight with my sorcery. Being where we are though… I think it’s better than I don’t try.”

“Wise idea,” Abrah said quietly between the two of them. “Essence Sorcery is very strong but it is literally burning currency.”

Fair way to look at it. Everything in hell runs off Essence.

That’d make Essence Sorcery very… expensive.


Sam and Abrah were admitted into the castle quite quickly. To the point that Sam had to wonder if Timithy didn’t even contemplate the possibility of what Sam was planning.

Though, to be fair, he’s likely thinking that if I had wanted control, I would have taken it earlier. Coming to do it now… isn’t exactly the expected course of action.

“His security is very lax,” complained Abrah, turning to look at Sam across the table. Her hair was styled and her clothes were clean and fit her very well.

Sam had cleaned her up with a flick of a finger. She’d gone from looking like someone who’d starred in sixteen adult films back to back, to being fresh as a daisy.

He’d even gone as far as to give her some Essence. It wouldn’t do not to reward her for her efforts in the bedroom. She’d be that much more willing to assist him in the future for a repeat he imagined.

“To be fair, I’m sure he had people watching your home,” countered Sam. He was fairly certain it was true, too. “I doubt anyone could have missed our fun. You were quite loud.”

Abrah shrugged her shoulders to that, looking somewhat unsure.

“I mean, you bedding me was a given considering I was your prize. I don’t see how that would effect his security,” argued Abrah. “Whether or not they could hear me is irrelevant. Isn’t it?”

Apparently she had as little shame as the women plying their trade in the streets. Hell certainly had no qualms about sex.

Sam realized his thoughts about why Timithy might not worry over Sam was null. Abrah had just reminded him inadvertently that Hell was a very different place.

There must be a different reason Timithy was confident in Sam’s being here. That or he was just accepting of the situation.

Nodding his head, Sam didn’t argue the point any further. Instead, he continued to slowly build the entrapment spell he was working on. He didn’t want Timithy getting away once he got him alone.

With a pop, the door opened to the side and Timithy Klesic the city-lord came into the meeting room.

“I’m so sorry about that. I was in the middle of my mistress and I really wanted to finish,” apologized the Demon. Coming over to the table Abrah and Sam sat at, he pulled out a chair and dropped into it. “So, what can I do for you?”

“I need your city,” Sam said simply. “You can give it over to Abrah and walk away, or I can drain you of your life Essence and speed you on to the afterlife.”

Timithy blinked slowly then shook his head.

“I won’t be doing that. This is a title I earned on my own. I brought the city of Klesick into existence.

“I did it with my own two hands and my determination. No one can take that from me. It’s mine. I’ll not just hand it over.

“You may or may not be Lord Lust, but that doesn’t mean you can just-”

Timithy’s voice trailed off to nothing as Sam clamped down on the Demon with the spell he’d set up. No longer was the city-lord able to speak or even breathe.

“That’s a pity,” Sam said and then looked to Abrah. “You can take over once he’s eliminated, right? You don’t need him at all?”

“I… no. I do not,” Abrah said in a subdued voice. Apparently the fact that Sam had just completely neutralized Timithy was humbling to her. “Thank you for sparing me, Timithy, by giving me to Lord Lust. It seems you sealed your own fate in doing so.”

Sam looked back to Timithy who was now well on his way to expiring from asphyxiation. There was nothing the city-lord could do to stop Sam.

His defiance really only cost him his own life and nothing else.

“Dying for a moral that no one would begrudge him for… what a waste,” muttered Sam who then summoned his Essence blade into his hand. Reaching across the table he casually stuck it into Timithy’s guts.

If Sam was asked to die for the sake of a belief or a moral, he’d most certainly back down. Being alive was always preferable as one could easily pick that moral or belief back up afterward.

Dying for a moral seemed like the ultimate waste to Sam. Especially in a situation like this one. No one would even know Timithy died in defense of his title.

In the span of ten seconds, the city-lord of Klesic was drained of all his life essence. There wasn’t a drop left in his body when Sam finished.

Releasing the soul to the after-life, Sam felt no guilt at killing the man whatsoever. Much as he’d reasoned with himself during the battle, all he’d done was kill his foe.

“Hmph. That’s that,” Sam said and then pulled his sword out of Timithy. With his free hand he made a squeezing gesture.

The body of the city-lord was compacted into itself with a sickening squelch. Followed by the crack and pop of bones.

Slowly, Timithy was turned into a small lump of dark-brown mud. Little larger than a closed fist and looking not at all like a corpse.

Getting out of his seat, Sam picked up the squishy and wet ball then walked over to a window. Casually as could be he tossed it out and then looked to Abrah.

“Well, that’s done. What’s next?” Sam asked. His goal was very simple and he wasn’t going to let much stand in his way.

Getting home.

“I need to get a hold of the leaders of Klesick. Especially the generals,” Abrah said and stood up from her seat. “Would you accompany me, Lord Lust?”

“Please, call me Sam. Or at least, when we’re in private. There’s really no reason to address me as such when no one’s around.”

Coming to stand just to the side of Abrah, Sam tilted his head and grinned at her.

“Besides, you screamed ‘Lord Lust’ enough earlier. I look forward to this evening when I get you back into the bed,” Sam said with a promise. Irma and Carissa were willing participants, but the simple reality was he’d just generate more Essence using up Abrah.

Not to mention she responded better physically to the abuse.

This wasn’t about love making at the moment, it was about wild-hot Essence making sex.

“I-yes. I look forward to it as well,” Abrah said, though she looked somewhat pained. Concerned even. “Though, I haven’t been able to-”

There was a loud clang at the main door. The one Abrah and Sam had entered through.

It was followed by another bang, then the door flew open.

A host of guards holding weapons flooded into the room. They were Cambion, Demon, and lesser-Cambion throughout.

Both men and women, surprisingly.

“I’ve slain the city-lord,” Abrah declared as a Cambion with a sword came straight at her. “I therefore claim the position of-”

The Cambion swung out at Abrah, not waiting for her to even finish speaking. Their sword whistling through the air.

Sam didn’t have a chance to even act.

Abrah blocked the strike, yanked the weapon from the Cambion’s hands, and then put it through their face. The back of the sword coming out from the back of their skull. The helmet and it’s attached visor were crumpled around the weapon.

Yanking the weapon out of the now brain dead Cambion Abrah pulled the sword up next to herself. Sniffing once, she looked bored and annoyed.

“Would anyone else like to test me?” asked Abrah. “There’s a reason Timithy didn’t fight me directly, you know. Why he forced it to be a pitched battle. No one is my equal in combat.

“Well… except Lord Lust. I am not his equal in any way. Nor is anyone.”

Abrah gestured to Sam at her side with her left hand.

Her speech had the desired effect. Everyone apparently remembered that he was there, and who he was. On top of that it was obvious her words about her martial prowess was undoubted.

“Wonderful. With that being done, someone go fetch me whoever was serving Timithy as his advisers and whatever heads of state he had,” commanded Abrah. “I’m afraid I haven’t been back in the city in so long that I have no news of who serves what positions.”

Ah. That’d explain why most of her possessions at her home seemed to be old or unused. She wasn’t actively living there.

Though… someone was taking care of it. There wasn’t any dust at all.

Abrah stared at the guards and soldiers who were spread throughout the area. No-one was moving.

“Get moving or I start killing,” Abrah promised. She lifted up the blade at her side as if to emphasize the point. “Or I let Lord Lust relieve you of your soul. I’m sure you’ve all heard the rumors by this point.

“Lord Lust of the third tower, a Lord of Hell has returned. He’s starting with Klesick and is very hungry.”

A number of guards in slightly different uniforms rushed to the front of the grouping. While a few others left the room at a trot.

They all began apologizing and offering their well-wishes to Abrah. Hoping that they’ll be able to serve her in the same capacity and high-standards that they’d offered to Klesick.

Each and every one of them kept their distance from Sam. Doing their best to stay as far away from him as possible.

All while avoiding eye-contact with him and pretending that he didn’t exist, without doing anything to offend him.


I wonder whatever happened to my tower. I did open my first plane directly from there. Didn’t end up taking anything from there in the end.

Just walked on through and started over.

Reaching up with one hand, Sam began to lightly stroke his jaw and chin with several fingers. If he had the time, it would be enjoyable to go take a look at his tower.

Though… it’s somewhat concerning that rumors are spreading about me. Rumors that actually identify exactly who I am.

I’ll have to ask Abrah and others about it. See what they really know.

On top of that, I’ll have to figure out something to do with Carissa and Irma. They’ll be targeted after this. There’s no telling what old friends of mine might come calling.

Grimacing, Sam let his mind wander to the ever building problems. He’d solved one, only for a great many more to pop up.