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Yep. Changed it.

I'm sure there will be those who don't like it, those who do, and those who say it doesn't look like Tala.

That's the way art goes.




I think that looks perfectly like her elegant self.

Remnantt Iarsma

in the words of a wise tribe, " My Queen." all honest love it. it reminds me of my Viera Character on FFXIV.

Eloren Koori

Agree, better than the old cover. I always saw her with something closer to Clouds Buster sword as far as size though.


Looks way better than original cover. More of what you expect to see on this type of book, not that dull line drawn art that’s on the original cover.


I love it.


I can dig it.

Yitzhak Brill

Looks good, and I'm glad you chose to have the two beast-kin women as the characters on the covers! While I do miss the old covers (namely that they could connect with the Asgard Awakening covers), I think the change is well warranted as the VeilVerse grows ever larger. The style of cover does follow your theme as well, where each focuses on one of the leading ladies. I feel that this will help draw in new readership too. Anyone who take the time to voice any serious complaints can easily find the old covers online, and they can put the images side by side themselves.


Love it. Very nice.


I love the ears, I think they would be a bit down a bit more. Thinking about the biology of rabbits.


This is fine. Are you going to update book 1's art too?


Anyone who says that isn't Tala haven't read the description. That is pretty dead on for my mental image.

Daniel Sifrit

I don't think they look particularly accurate for rabbit ears -- which swivel where they attach. And also fold back to streamline. But it is probably as far anthropomorphic as you are gonna get from Caterina. Who does good work, but you can ALWAYS tell her covers because they have a common style. At least she doesn't "double ear" -- that always drives me nuts. (I used to have rabbits as a kid) But yes, I wasn't a fan of the old covers.

Daniel Sifrit

On my copy on Kindle I get the new version on the library page but the "Original" is still in the document. So you don't have to pick, really.

Drew Risch

Damn I want more of this series 😭

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Always thought it weird that you would accept that atrocious original cover for one of your books.


You need a passer by who reaches out and touches a ear between thumb and finger and says... Ohhhh... How soft! How much for an ear? The resulting bloodbath might be a page or two. Oh I know! The rabbit of carremburg attack!


I find it just as weird that no one has yet taken the rare opportunity to say.. Pyon! Pyon!


Betterer ...


How long till cc3

Jeff Ford

Tala Tala~~~~More like Huba Huba


Haaaaaa. Wish I thought of that...

Alex Lindsay

She is very attractive, more than I had pictured in my mind. I like it.

Andrew Smith

It looks good, but I had assumed that Tala had fur all over.

Corwin Amber

I agree that that is what I thought too. However I actually like the image more this way :)

Robert Hammack

My mental image also had more fur, but I like this one and it strangely doesn't trip my pet peeve of the "chain-mail bikini" trope which is basically because sex sells, but is wildly impractical for actual warriors / adventurers. admittedly, I still don't see it as appropriate for a warrior or adventurer type, and the small pauldron on the left shoulder is pretty strange by itself, but at least it seems like there's enough cloth to prevent most scratches just from walking through lite brush or tall grass :)