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I've been wanting to do this for a really long fucking time.

A really damn long time. Like two years.

 With Remnant 3 finally done, the curtain coming up on the end of the  first "Sovereign-Verse" arc means this is the time to do it.

I want an apprentice.

I want to create a sith-apprentice to mold, shape, and make into me part 2.

To prove that what I'm doing and how I go about it is something I can replicate.

 This would require a contract being signed regarding intellectual  property, trade secrets, and as well as %'s in regard to sales, so  please don't put your hat into the ring unless you're willing to do  something like that.

I'm literally looking at this as an apprentice thing.

This would be open to existing authors, or hopefuls. I don't care either way.

To apply:

 Submit at least at least a 10,000 word sample of your writing to arandsubmissions@gmail.com

Preferably in a Doc or Docx format, please.

There is no upper limit, but I can't promise to read the whole thing.

You can use Fade to Black or full Sex-scenes if you include them. I obviously don't care either way.

Doesn't have to be a complete story, or even Harem.

I'm just looking to see an example of what your personal writing style is.

I look forward to reading your submissions.

Feel free to share if you like.


Jordan Gabriel Holt Smith

It's at moments like this I truly wish I had even a modicum of artistic talent.


This sounds like a great idea and would love to support your apprentice when you believe they are at an exeptable level.

Zac James

So much writers block it's not even funny, got something I was working on but I could only get about 2,000 words/6 pages out before everything vanished from my mind


Good luck in your search!


What are you thinking of having the apprentice do? Slush pile? Plot? Writing? World development? Edit?


2 questions, is there a deadline for the submissions? What skill level are you looking for?


No deadline. Skill can be fixed depending on Talent. Talent can be compensated for with Skill.

Logan Carl

I'll try, I have GREAT story ideas outlined, I just never really got around to the small details =O


Do you recommend the first few chapters of a story or would a middle excerpt work?

Corey P Ames

Benefits include magical farming implements, extra planar contracts, and dryad coworkers.


(Swings both arms slowly, both right and left moving from outer to inner, bringing right and left hands together, palm in fist) From the masters words, talent are the abilities you bring. Skill will be the abilities you discover at shaolin temple. (Exhales slowly, wuuuuuuuuuh...)

Jake Thomas

I might have something. Needs a once over before I send it, though.

Nicholas Donovan

As much as I would honestly love to, I just no longer have the time, my job is stupidly demanding, and the only thing I had far enough was on a tablet that got stolen before I could get it backed up to the cloud. I do hope your hunt for an apprentice goes well Will, I can only imagine what you could get with a creative soundboard to bounce ideas off of.

Nick Cartwright

How long is the contract for? Is this like a x number of books contract? X number of years? Lifetime?


Hey, I'm interested in become your sith-apprentice. I have sent in an email, and I hope you enjoy!