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It's been a bit.

I'm fully recovered from the broken arm and seem to be getting over my lovely sickness.


CC2 is complete and with the editor. It'll be released May 7th.

Work has begun on Remnant 3, Swing Shift 3, and Incubus Inc. 3.

Chapters will start going up on Patreon once we finish up with the CC2 chapters.

Closing out this next batch of books will be interesting. Everything in phase 2 is rushing toward the conclusion most of you have been expecting.

Let's see if I still can't surprise all of you on the way. :D



Glad you’re doing better

Jake Minor

Glad to hear it.


Happy your doing better

lucas rodger

mwahahaha yes excellent

Josh rush

Can’t wait !!!


Thank you for the update. Any plan for book two of Monsters Mercy?


You have just received the "One Armed Bandit Accolade. " Has written 100 books with 1 arm.


I'd think Steve working for Zeus fighting the rest of the team on Runner's side could be quite interesting....


Meh dunno bro. It's possible that Steve is working for Ryker. Look at the way the server is. It's already bad and they would have gone under if things kept going the way it is. Seems like the type of server that Zeus had already won and controlling. Then look at the m.o. Steve is almost like the soul "Remnant" that Ryker uses to power his spells. Ryker can break off his soul and also use other souls. Remember the child in the throne room? The "Remnant?" It had part of his soul, the imp it went through, and the person it killed I think. Anyways, seems like it might be Ryker fighting to win the server back or Ryker fighting for his own server. Doesn't seem like Ryker would fight for zeus because zeus caused the loss of the baby, but maybe he is testing something for zeus because of the threat to the baby? Or Ryker may be straight up trying to win the server back for Runner?

i shteynberg

I am glad that you are doing well and getting better.

Dennis Erwin

A whole month with the editor? Edits... We don't need no stinkin edits...

Drew Risch

GET HYPE [for Daria]!!!!!!!

Drew Risch

Also, any chapter today?


Creative Commons? Close combat? Nah, the shared-universe Cultivating Chaos


Iunno, PM, Steve is one where it isn't immediately apparent who his benefactor is. Renee, Ryker, Alex, Gus, the original brothers have all met & are working for/owe favors to/etc Runner or his triumvirate... Steve's talked to someone, but ain't clear who it was.


Yer bro it's not clear. Still hard to say its zeus since the server seems so messed up like. Zeus server already.

Jonathan Campbell

I haven’t really kept up to date very well ever since the finish of DD and FS partly because I absolutely fell in love with those two stories and was loathe to see them end but at the same time I look forward to seeing what happens next with Alex and Ryker and can barely contain my excitement about what it’ll be like once Alex and his are done there and he finally joins the family! Damn damn damn, ok screw it now I gotta go catch up so I don’t miss any more of the awesomeness especially once you get to your “Avengers Assemble!” moment of the arc of things though at the same time I cringe 😬 thinking about if we’ll get a Thanos or Galactus equivalence or an entirely different threat more tailored to your multiverse which I consider far more likely though I do think a brief Galactus type encounter could be interesting to see in a way. Regardless here I remain with an imaginary baited breath situation!


Luckily you wield your Zanpakutō with the other hand...glad you are healed up!


Also, I liked monster's mercy too and I am looking forward to that sequel as well. My favorite part was when he flipped out when then children got hurt. Yeah don't care if I'm going to hell...you need to die. That's some heroic shit bro. No benefits, not even hope, knowing you're not just going to lose but be horribly punished. Then doing it anyway.

Drew Risch

I’m jealous that you get to read a bunch of the books for the first time... damn you!

Jonathan Campbell

Lol thanks I always look forward to seeing just how yandre a new book will be, love the crazies when it’s not me lol part of me even holds hope for the future for Coffin ⚰️ and Miu, though personally I would absolutely adore an army of Andrea/Myrad with me their Alpha :)


We already have both Thanos and his object of desire, Death - Seville and Zeus.


Renee is my favorite main character to date, in part due to that exact scene.