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Going to load this post up with news and links. Here we go!

Swing Shift 2 is officially out now. Please spread the word, post to other groups, and do tell everyone ;)

And if at all possible, please, please, please, please, leave a review. Leave reviews for all my books. Reviews are so heart-breakingly needed that it's almost a joke.

Amazon does everything by reviews.

You can pick up Swing Shift 2 here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YLJYD5C

Audiobook questions about SS2: Andrea Parsneau/Eventually

Other related news/links:

If you want to read the books as they're written, I suggest Patreon which is at: https://www.patreon.com/WilliamDArand 

Facebook Page is over on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WilliamDArand/ 

Andrea P. is working on Dungeon Deposed 3.

She's also agreed to do her own rendition of Fostering Faust 1-3 next year. 

Incubus Inc. is out on Audiobook now.

You can grab that here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Incubus-Inc-Audiobook/B07YLBLBL5 


chanh pham

Hmmm, don't really know what to think about to rendition if ff, really loved Savannah's narration. Either way, going to pick it up.

Chris Edwards

I can already hear Andrea's voices in my head reading SS2.

David Fletcher

I did that the whole way through the book. The ending was interesting. No spoilers given here.


Good read

Kevin Clark

Super solid return. Loved the epilogue. “It’s going to get messy. Very messy.” Awesome. OT question. Is Alex “The General?


I can’t see that. I love Alex and his numbered but I don’t see him as the general. I think if anyone is the general it would be Rene. But that’s my opinion and I have no insight to the future.

Kevin Clark

I have to disagree. Sam mentioned the “General” and wondered how it went. Leah said, the emperor was going to call upon him to fight a 20 year war. Rene is a rogue and thief. People will follow but he’s not a leader. Felix/Vince comparison for reference. Out all the characters, only one has the strategic mind to lead an army. And William said Alex will have another trilogy.


I was under the impression that Rene was formally trained in the military. And with his ability to learn information and then use that information at such a fast rate I figured he was the best of all the main characters. But no must no fuss. Im ok with anyone being the general. I just want the story. Lol


Just finished the book. Awesome! Where was the mention of "The General" you guys are talking about? I seem to have missed it.

Kevin Clark

Alex showed up and I ran down the rabbit hole of possibilities 🤔

Brandon Pio

Love the book, cant wait for the sequel to come out and for more of those loose ends to get tied together and fleshed out. So much geeking out about the possibilities. Also, reviewed.

James Breaux

Spoilers: So then Mel is a Campbell and is sister in-laws with C&C? Awesome!!!


I think Gus should announce a new rule. No required contracting orgy for new contracts that are not officially wives. Then bail from the house with Ness and maybe Trish on contracting nights until Melody stops unilaterally packing the harem. Gus should talk to Ness about it. Because I really doubt Ness is totally onboard with any of the new 4. I'm very glad that we are finally starting to resolve the Kit/Lily mystery. I hope Victoria got found/reanimated on some recon mission back on the homeworld in the meantime.

Kevin Clark

Alex....Alex Winters, as in child of Alisa? 🧐

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Really took the cake, especially towards the end. Like a big fat boulder coming down the mountain. Awesome.