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I wasn't really happy with where Survivor was going. So I brought out something from the warehouse. Anti Hero, the story of Rene.

I gave it two passes in editing to bring it up to my current writing style, and shifted some of the story around. I also modified the chapter length extensively.

This story will be taking the place of survivor going forward, which is going into the warehouse for a time.

That's the risk I run when I let my muse dictate what gets written. :)

Sorry folks. Expect to see a change in chapters soon.



Sounds good bud keep up the awesome work


Yay! I've been looking forward to Rene again for so long.

Tyler Jansen

Too bad. I was kind of liking survivor, but it's your muse.

Josh rush

So is this in the same universe srry if I should know already

Josh rush

Just making sure it was..I love this universe

Jeff Ford

I love this idea personally. I was sad AH was kind of dying on the vine, was a great story

Drew Risch

Aw, I really liked Survivor! Or rather, I really like certain elements - the relationship ship with the AI was fun, as was the future tech that would have given him a hell of an advantage on a Stone Age planet, (I’m sure).


Can't wait for survivor to come back, but will happily enjoy another series :)

Jason Broderick

I was rather enjoying a story written with a main character that shares my name. Sad to see it go.