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Heck of a spoiler - doesn't appear to be anything here! ;)


I got the luck of beta reading it. *So* glad I don't have to worry a about spilling beans now.

Scott Mem

Is this going to have an extra chapter in the compilation as well?


Finally confirmed we're in a Zues world, time to wreck some shit. Also really looking forward to seeing the emperor and who can command him.

Tanner Lovelace

Do the compilations usually have extra chapters? I haven't bought any since I thought it was exactly the same as the individual books.

Kevin Clark

Coffin deserves to be 8. She was there in his darkest hours, literally, and it’ll probably unbreak/heal her.


Otherlife, WW & SS4SH all did - so I'd think it likely


Don't know if everything can be healed. The god/goddess she served before Leah has never been ID'd, if that's Zeus it's likely she wouldn't be able to heal as long as Zeus is still in power.

Kevin McKinney

I really want to know how Anna has made examples of people enough to cow Rike.

Joel Magnuson

The extra chapters actual tie the ending up better in my opinion, I like me a happy ending. Especially the Otherlife extra chapter.

i shteynberg

Compilations have extra epilogue. I found extra in the wild wastes compilation to be very interesting. Extra in the super sales kind of went over my head, can not even recall the details of it.


so...not a spoiler exactly, but are we going to get a story from the world that Alex left originally? Will that possibly be the space age story that Mr. Arand hinted at?


Yeah, that'll be very interesting to me!!


Might be Second Shift, or Wild Wastes before the event, or SS4SH even.


Grand! :)


according to the end of the SSoSH3 (at least the audio book that is) the SSoSH series ended with that book. It'll be the next series focusing around felix and Vince's new group Legion of yosemite


I just realized that Alex was likely from his world's analogue of the US, from his 'bases everywhere' comment.


not really. if you remember England once had "bases everywhere" as it were. it could be a strange version of sovereign earth where the revolutionary war never occurred and England took many other locations and became the superpower but never went exoplanetary like sovereign earth


For all we know, an alternate Bangaladesh becomes a world power, leveraging its awesome population to push out underwater & reclamation mining, trading, aquaculture & seasteading projects globally. Or Canada finds new ways to utilize it's huge resource base to corner the international market. Or.... well, there're multiple scenarios for each country, either the ones we're familiar with or others spawned by alternative pressures in different timelines...


I'm thinking its core world #02, that seems to be the most similar to our own with the 13 colonies breaking off from a kingdom... that's if the US theory is true.


so im guessing all of these trilogys are leading up to a major war with zeus? Putting all the pieces into place for a massive war including all the MC's? The second set of trilogys for each series will be that war perhaps?