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Getting out of the carriage, Alex took in a deep breath and let it out.

It was good to be back in Brit.

Even if it was so late at night it might as well be the next morning. Then again, Rebekah, Sylvia, and Eleanor had all slept with him in a pile in the middle of the carriage. They’d gotten out at the gate though to start tending to their duties.

“Alex,” Carla said, stepping up to him from around the corner of the carriage.

Turning, he smiled at the taller woman.

Her black hair was curling into ringlets now, her complexion looked very healthy, and she had a solid weight to her that was firm muscle and good nutrition at the same time.

Smiling back at him, the scar that ran from her cheekbone to her jaw gave it a grim look.

Carla looked healthier. Happier. Like a normal person.

But she was still his bad girl.

“Hey Two,” Alex said, and then walked straight into her and hugged her. “I missed you. I take it one of them is sleeping, and the other feeding?”

Carla froze up at Alex hugging her, but slowly relaxed, then even hugged him back in return. Her arms tightening around him slowly until his back popped.

“I missed you,” Carla murmured in his ear.

Ever since he’d whisked away Carla’s family and provided them with the means to a stable life, Carla had changed when it came to him.

Calling him Master had fallen away somewhere, and now she had a zealot’s drive to dote on Alex.

Carla cleared her throat. Then did it again.

“I… I love you, Alex,” she mumbled into his ear, sounding incredibly awkward.

Shocked to his very core, Alex leaned back, looking up into Carla’s face.

Did the woman who would watch someone be raped, murdered, or beaten to death as casually as eat lunch… just tell me she loved me?

I think our darling Two might just graduate back to being Carla.

We’ve broken her so far beyond what she was, she can take up her name again.

If she wants. She might not want it anymore.

Something to think on. I’ll run it by Anna first to see what she thinks.

Or Valeria.

“I love you, too, Two,” Alex said, brushing his thumb along her scar. “And what brought this on? You’re supposed to be my evil-hearted bad girl. Going to tell me you want a kiddo next?”

Carla nodded her head, then shook it rapidly.

Holy shit she does.

“I’m… I’m your bad girl I’ll always be your bad girl. But… I… I don’t like it when you leave,” Carla said, her voice sounding incredibly insecure. “I talked to Mistress Anna about it, and she told me I loved you and-and I didn’t really believe her.

“Then I told my aunt and she said that I was in love with you and we had this really long talk about my life and what I’ve done and I just couldn’t keep it together and I realized I want to love you and maybe have kids and-” Carla sputtered to a stop and coughed twice as she ran out of breath.

Laughing, Alex patted Carla’s cheek and then kissed her.

“Oh, Two. Did you finally break?” he asked as he pulled away.

“I think I did,” Carla said, frowning severely at him.

“Good. Be my bad girl. Know that I do love you, truly, and that we can talk more about the rest later,” Alex said. “Now, I do need to greet the others as well. What am I walking into here?”

“Anna,” Carla said, her frown slowly turning into a smile. “She’s breastfeeding both Alex and Leah. Mary’s asleep, Nannie is napping with her. They get along really well.”

“Got it, anything else?” Alex asked.

“Messengers came in today with dispatches. The roads to the east are becoming passable, and a lot of the winter banditry will be going away as they go back to their farms,” Carla said.

“You ever miss it by the way?” Alex asked, jumping subjects a bit. He continued to hold his hand to her face, his thumb brushing back and forth. “Being a bandit?”

“No. Never. Not at all,” Carla said, shaking her head. “Even at our worst together, it was better than banditry.”

Snickering at that, Alex patted Carla’s cheek, then gently slipped free of her grasp. “Speaking of, where’s Katherine? She make it back yet?”

Turning, Alex set off for the keep entrance, and his personal apartments.

Katherine Lin, Alex’s ex-wife Holly’s niece, had left almost the same day Alex returned. Making it impossible for him to enact the clause he’d made in Holly’s marriage contract that would tie Katherine to him for a year.

Except now she’d be returning to find out her and her family were his direct vassals.

Along with Eleanor’s family.

“No. But if messengers are making it through, chances are she’ll be here in the next week or two,” Carla said, trailing along behind Alex.

Nodding his head, Alex let his mind wander as he walked deeper into his home.

It wasn’t until he opened the door to the nursery that he came back to himself.

Sitting in a wooden rocking chair was his wife, Anna Brit. She was topless, and had a baby to each breast.

Her brown curls were pulled back behind her, and her clear brown eyes locked to him. When he’d first met her, he’d thought they’d looked empty.

Now they were full of life, determination, and a frightening amount of love.

Stepping into the room Alex glanced to Carla, who stoically didn’t meet his eyes and remained outside. Realizing she intended to stay there, he closed the door.

Anna looked like she wanted to bounce out of her chair and smash herself into him. At the same time though, she clearly was unwilling to move at all for risk of disrupting her babies.

And that’s what she treated them as. Both Amelia, and Alexander were her babies. Even though Amelia had come from Mary.

Walking over to his wife, Alex smiled at her.

“You look amazing, Lady Brit,” Alex said, getting an eyeful of her.

Wrinkling her nose at him, Anna grinned, shaking her head.

“Stop it. I have my babies. You can’t make me fluttery when I’m doing mommy things,” Anna said.

“Sure I can. It’s how I convince you to make more babies,” Alex said coming to stop next to her. With one hand he carefully smoothed Anna’s hair back, then leaned down and kissed her.

“Hello wife,” Alex said as he pulled away.

“Hi, hi, hi. I missed you Honey Bear,” Anna said, wriggling in her chair just a little. “Stop looking at me like that. You’re making me fluttery. I can’t be fluttery right now.”

Fluttery was her way of describing being randy for him.

Despite being a mother, a woman who would murder someone with a smile, and happily broke woman over her knee with heavy handed contracts, she still was a bit too innocent and naive at times.

Laughing softly, Alex sat down next to her, and looked to his children.

Amelia and Alex the second were both pink faced helpless little things. Where Amelia had a fair amount of brown hair, where her brother had almost none.

“Let me put them down. They’ve just dropped off,” Anna said. Standing up she walked over to a curtain to one side. A nurse-maid appeared and gently took the children from Anna.

Anna refused to let anyone breast-feed her children but her or Mary, but she also was still acting the part of a lady of station.

“Oh, goodness. My nipples always hurt afterward,” Anna said, walking back to Alex. Her breasts were on full display, though they were both clearly wet. Anna was gently brushing at herself with a handkerchief. “And the… whatever the word is… dark circle… is getting bigger. It’s all getting bigger. Even my nipples.”

Anna sighed then lifted the straps of her dress over her head and settled herself back into her clothes.

All the while, Alex just watched. He did his best not to sexualize Anna’s chest right now.

Then Anna was atop him, wrapping his head up and squishing his face into her chest.

“Welcome home, Honey Bear. I’m so fluttery right now. Do you think it’s too soon to… to play? Do you think I’m healed up down there?” Anna asked.

“No idea. And probably something you should ask the mid-wife,” Alex said pulling his head out from between her death trap. Laying his arms around Anna’s waist he tried to start the conversation he needed to have with her. “The king granted us all the land grants. We own a considerable chunk of the land of Gaelis family itself.”

“Ooh! Goodie!” Anna said, bouncing in place lightly. “Daddy will like that. He was thinking it’d be a good place for you to establish a barony and use every legal loop-hole available to make the Duke lose money. Or just bother him.”

“Ha, fine. I’ll make him the Baron. Baron Ulles of house Ulles. He can go make Gaelis’ life hell for me. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it,” Alex said with a chuckle.

“Oh? Oh! Yes. He’d like that I think. He’s said he wants to turn over all of the roaming and traveling assets to someone else. Apparently he wants to get more into this banking idea you and him worked on,” Anna said. “Him and mother already started bought a house here in Brit and started putting in furniture.”

“I figured that’d happen. Grandkid and all,” Alex said.

Anna grinned at him, nodding her head rapidly. “Yes. Mother wants to meet you. She should be around in a few weeks.”

“Oh? Good. She as beautiful as you are?” Alex asked.

“Mom’s prettier,” Anna said gravely.

“No one could be prettier than you, Anna my love,” Alex said. “I regret changing the subject away from such a lovely topic such as you, but I need your advice. I was thinking of having a Vassal’s Feast and calling everyone to Brit.”

Anna frowned, staring down into Alex’s face. Her hands were resting on the heads of his head.

The massive and frightening gears that was her mind were in motion now. Grinding up the entire idea.

He had no doubt that Anna was smarter than him, and also a simpleton, at the same time. Her mind was a frightening and fascinating thing.

“Yes. We should do that. It’ll give me a chance to decide on if I want to keep Alanna,” Anna said. “We can invite Regina as a courtesy as well. Quinn, too.”

“Anna… are you… sleeping with Regina?” Alex asked.

“Whenever I can,” Anna said, nodding her head.

“No, I mean… are you having sex with her?” Alex clarified.

“Oh. No. We kiss a lot. Cuddle. And I like to touch and grab her, but… but bedroom… stuff… is only for you, Honey Bear. I just keep them warmed up for you is all,” Anna said. “I have them all on the line wanting more, but I make them go to you for everything.”

Laughing, Alex didn’t even know how to respond to that. Leah had told him that’s what she was doing, but he still didn’t quite believe it.

“Right. Thank you for keeping them warm for me,” Alex said.

“Of course! Its fun. I like kissing them, but I’m not attracted to them,” Anna said.

“Alright, well, while your parents are here for the Feast, they can receive their Barony during that time,” Alex said.

Anna blinked, her eyes focusing on him. “You’re being true, husband? You really want to make my dad a Baron? We’re very far removed from any nobility. We’re the furthest a branch family can be before they’re no longer a branch and-”

“Anna, would it make you happy?” Alex asked.

Smiling at him, Anna nodded her head immediately.

“Of course it would, Honey Bear,” Anna said. “Silly man.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do,” Alex said.

“Ooooh! I love you,” Anna said, squishing his face between her hands. “Can we see if I’m all healed up yet? I really want to play in our bed right now. I’m so fluttery. So very very, very fluttery.”

Anna paused then leaned down and pressed her forehead to Alex’s.

“I want it. Now,” she said. Her tone was deadly serious. “Let’s go make another baby while I’m fluttery.”

Right. Got it.


Anna wore herself out, then passed out in her bed. Falling asleep so quick it was a lot like a switch had been flipped.

Leaving Alex needing a bath, and the sun rising. 

Sighing, Alex slipped into the study attached to his bedroom as quietly as he could. He wasn’t sure if Riley or Rebekah might be trying to ambush him from his bedroom.

Anna needs more sleep. Poor thing is trying to take even turns with Mary but she’s not handling it as well.

Walking over to his work desk, Alex sat down in it heavily.

With his luck, it was likely Riley would show up soon, and demand his attention.

That or get extremely clingy.

Who he really needed right now was Valeria. He needed her mind and information.

By his own oath right now, he couldn’t support Regina for another two months. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t get everything ready without openly supporting her.

The problem was, he wasn’t sure how far he could push it without it becoming obvious he wasn’t beholden to oaths.

Valeria knew almost the entire story, having figured out most of it on her own.

Sighing, Alex scrubbed at his face with his hands. It was going to be a long day, and he already felt like he needed a bath and a long soak.

The door popped open, and the soft click of hard soled shoes got his attention.

Damn. It’s Riley isn’t it?

Letting his hands fall, Alex lifted his head up.

Valeria shut the door, then slipped a key into the lock, and turned it.

Her black hair was piled atop her head in the current style for such a thing, and her hazel eyes were for him alone. She was wearing a green dress that barely covered her and seemed to drive the eyes to her chest and hips all on it’s own.

Okay… I really have no idea how to take this.

Let’s… see what she does, then go from there.

“Hello, Alex,” Valeria said, walking over to him.

She dropped the Master title as well.

That makes Carla, Rebekah, Riley, and Valeria. Something’s happening, isn’t it.

“Seven helped me put this together. You like it, don’t you?” Valeria asked, holding her hands up, indicating herself.

Nodding his head, Alex couldn’t deny he did like it. It looked really good on her.

“Damn,” Valeria said, clicking her tongue. “It’s not fair. Seven has you figured out, Alex. Down to decimal points. Hmph.”

Valeria sat down on his lap, and laid an arm around his shoulders. It put her impressive cleavage in front of his face.

“I figured you’d need me, so I got here before One could,” Valeria said.

“Well, you’re right. I do need you,” Alex said, lifting his eyes up to Valeria’s face. “And I missed you.”

Smiling at him, Valeria leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.

“Missed you too, and I love you. And I can admit that and not feel… fear. Or at least as much fear,” Valeria said, the sighed, shaking her head. “So? What do you need?”

Wow. First Carla, and now Valeria. If Rebekah tells me she loves me next I’m going to lose my mind

“Invitations sent out to all my vassals. Going to have a Vassals Feast,” Alex said. “Which means I also need a Vassals Feast put together. Think you, your counter-part, and One can arrange it?”

“Mm, that’s actually a really good idea,” Valeria said, nodding her head. “You’ve never had a Vassals Feast since you became someone else. It’d be a good time to have it.”

Alex blinked at that.

She’s trying to tie her soul to mine. She already suspects I’m different in every way. And there’s no doubt she’s aware of me being the champion.

“Yeah, that kidnapping killed the real Alex Brit,” Alex said with a shrug. “I woke up in his body. I’m from a world a lot more advanced. Way more advanced. I have a lot of ideas on how to change the technology here but I’m going to have to be careful and quiet about it.”

Valeria stared at him, unblinkingly.

“When I die, Leah is going to ship me to another life to start all over again,” Alex said. “Anna is coming with me of course.”

“Re-really? That’s… all true?” Valeria asked.

“It sure is, Three. Swear it on Leah,” Alex said, his arms loose around Valeria’s middle.

Frowning, Valeria just looked at him for several seconds. Then she nodded her head.

“Fascinating story. Would you tell me more of the world you came from another time?” Valeria asked.

“Sure. Not a problem,” Alex said.

“Can I give you my soul? So you can take me with you when you go?” Valeria said, sliding the subject toward where he’d expected it to go.

“Probably. But you’ll have to work out the details with Leah and Anna,” Alex said.

“I can do that. You’d… really let me come with you? To be tied to one another for all time?” Valeria asked. “I’m not a good p-”

“Three? It’s likely Two and Seven will ask for the same thing at some point. If I can handle those two, I think I can handle you,” Alex said, patting her hip. “Focus. Feast. Doable? Problematic?”

Valeria took in a short breath, then nodded her head.

“Yes, Alex. Very doable. Not a concern in the least. We’re currently at about… a million and a half golds right now. I used a few of Mistress Anna’s Numbered to count it all up. A feast wouldn’t even cost more than a hundred or so golds. We’re making that easily back in our trade with Quinn. We’ve become the through-point for horse-trading and supplies.”

“Oh? Fantastic. How’s the horse stuff going? Quinn sent me a letter that she had plans on how to keep the horse-market liquid,” Alex said.

It took Valeria several seconds to apparently understand what he’d meant.

“Ah, yes. I did see the results of her choice. There are some very upset people in the Empire. Apparently they were expecting to buy herds of horses and breed them, themselves,” Valeria said. “Quinn has only released male horses that have been gelded. She doesn’t sell female horses. Under any circumstance.”

Looking annoyed and angry, Valeria glared at him.

“That was your doing wasn’t it?” Valeria accused. “Quinn is acting far beyond what I was expecting of her. What I saw of her while we there is not how she’s been behaving since we left.”

“Do tell,” Alex said with a grin.

“You… we all thought you were bedding Quinn whenever you went into a closed door meeting with her,” Valeria said.

“That’s a lot of sex. Don’t get me wrong, I have an amazing libido now adays and it seems like I can just… keep going in an abnormal way, but even I don’t think I could have that much sex.”

“You were training her. Instructing her. Teaching her. Weren’t you? You were making her into a miniature version of yourself,” Valeria said.

“I was trying to do that. That’s for sure,” Alex admitted.


“Because she’s so deeply sworn to me, that if she even thinks poorly of me, I think Leah knocks on her forehead,” Alex said. “I can dump everything into Quinn and never fear a problem from her direction.

“It’s why I also treat you Numbered like my hands. I give you advice, build you up, and break off the pieces from your psyche’s you don’t need. Can you tell me any of you are worse than when I met you?”

Valeria slowly shook her head at that.

Then she grinned at him. It was a predatory thing that made his memory flash back to the fact that she’d locked the door.

“I deserve-your love. I demand-your attention. I would like-you to love me,” Valeria said. “And I would like it right now.”

“Okay. I can do that. I promised you that’d happen, so let’s make it happen. We’ll wait for One… and then I’ll love you in the way you deserve to be loved,” Alex said, then he leaned in and kissed Valeria’s throat.

Shivering, assassin leaned closer to Alex.

“I’m so scared,” she murmured. “But I deserve love. I deserve it.”

“You deserve it,” Alex said, then bit down into her neck. Valeria squirmed in his lap and moaned softly.

“Does she have a key to get in?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” Valeria whispered.

“Great… let’s go to the bedroom, and we’ll wait for her,” Alex said.



I was a bit confused about the usage of dashes in this segment: “I deserve-your love. I demand-your attention. I would like-you to love me,” Valeria said. “And I would like it right now.”


Formatting is tricky on mobile. Anyway, how should that be read? Do the dashes indicate cadence? Is she running words together? Something else?


Wait - is the daughter named Amelia or Leah? Are they using Leah as a short form or nickname for her? Both names are used...

Stephen B.

I assume her name is Amelia, and Leah is the nickname. Given the over-arching plotlines and her namesake, that would make sense :)