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Dungeon Deposed 2 - Final cover.



Josh rush

I love it !

Jack Ling

Release date yet?


Nope. Still being written. Goes to the editor on... 02/11 though. so i imagine it'll probably be 03/01

Robert Hammack

First, let me start by saying it's a totally cool cover and good marketing. that said, I still have my usual issues with the artistic instead of realistic trend in illustrations, but this does look good, even if in real life (yeah right) it's impractical and would never be worn (like chainmail bikinis) I mean not even an attempt at pauldrons?. just a silly personal hangup, but if you're going to paint armor, at least attempt to base it on, you know, actual armor, not whatever looks sexy.


<shrug> I hear ya... but in the same breath... sex sells so... SEX!</shrug>

Robert Hammack

I know, and I even said it's a silly personal hangup, and it does look good. my comments are just a general grumpiness at the current artistic trends for the sex sells! crowd. I can go to luscious.com to see lewd photo's and illustrations, lol.


Agreed, but in this case... it's eyecatching. Even in a black and white kindle, a good number of men will pause and judge the cover. It's sad but... there we are :D

Robert Hammack

totally get where it comes from, and especially since you've gone full time, you have to follow the money to put food on the table. I just have one of those minds where I see all that exposed skin and go " Plenty of limbs and exposed area's to target, I'll take her down in a flash!" instead of "dang, she looks hot!"

Robert Hammack

I also find it sad how few people know anything about armor. most don't even know the types, like the difference between plate and scale, or lamellar, much less what vambraces, greaves, pauldrons, etc even are. as far as illustrators go, Don't even get me started on Frazzetta! cool, good looking, but impractical as hell. I like his work, but part of that is the laugh factor :)


Sometimes Frazetta makes me ask, "How do they WALK wearing that?!?". Then again, I have similar cognitive dissonance with most superhero comics....


:D looking forward to it!

Robert Hammack

I know just what you mean. Frazetta is admittedly a master artist, and absolutely fantastic at anatomy , showing muscular tension , etc. but I personally think that's part of the problem he's playing to his strengths, but that's why his characters are almost all just shy of nude, and what hey do wear is totally impractical for anything that people actually do, or anything but a perfectly temp and environmentally controlled environment with only soft surfaces, Imagine walking around in some of those gettups or hiking in the wild in them. (forget about appearance) how many band-aids or bandages would you need per hour?


Will, you got a release date for FF2? We only know it'll be in Jan. Also, is SShift a harem?

Zac James

My only concern is, why is she about to grab the blade instead of the handle? Otherwise excellent art for the sexy, sex sales.


I'm having trouble figuring out who's who. I'm guessing the girl on DD1's cover is Lauren from that brief time he met her during the war. Is this cover Wynne?


Damn, I kept thinking she didn't play as important of a role in the story, just finished DD. Secretly hoping he and Wynne develope a relationship. Something about their mutual desire for revenge and how well they meshed together from the start makes me think they're the main relationship to focus on. Can't wait for FF2! And DD2! And I'm obviously reading Sshift when it comes out as well. Farm doesn't really sound like my cup of tea, but I may give it another look. Altogether really strong start to 2019!