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Alright. It's circling around enough that I guess I should speak to it.


Cultivating Chaos is already up for pre-order. December 1st is our go live. 

Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KFLSC27

And before people start asking, the audiobook is -already- done, and is loaded. With any luck, it'll go live the same day as the kindle book.

Same with the paperback.

So... here we go.

Spread the word, push it everywhere, let it be known. Arand wrote a wuxia, and it's coming on the first of December.

Gonna be a strange place for me for a while.



I like some wuxias, and the non broken English from the chapters you've posted here just amplifies the story. I read the 28 chapters as fast as I could, can't wait for the full novel!

Rafnar Caldon

Well now I've got my book for Saturday.


I don't mean to poke fun at Blaise, but he writes considerably slower than you, when can we expect his reply book?


Dec 1st. or Dec 2nd. It's one of the reasons Wuxia was sitting on a shelf for like 2 -3 months :)


Looking forward to reading it once it comes in. . .


Who is doing the narration if we can know?

Rafnar Caldon

Well he said he was hours away from finishing today but got distracted .... (Just needs editing after that.)


On the Amazon product page, towards the end of the book's description, it says "Except Ash is about to get his life turned around turned again." Did you mean to have that second "turned" in there? Just tying to help. :)


The narrator for Cultivating Chaos will be the lovely Andrea Parsneau


The preorders release usually around 12:01am or 12mn San Francisco time. Will, Blaise will release his book same time as yours?

Rafnar Caldon

as of the latest update from Blaise "My book, Asgard Awakening, will be coming out Dec 1-3, depending on when I hit the button and how fast Amazon brings it to market. "


Usually there's quite some time after a book is handed off to Amazon as they to check, convert, encode and check again submitted content before a book comes out so maybebaround 3-4 it'll be here.

Osmosis Jones

So what exactly is a veil?


Isn't really explained in the book for a reason. :) The brief slightly spoilery version? Think of it as an area in space and time that fell through and came out somewhere else. Veils are a section of land that is only beholden to itself. Veils sometimes will breach, and open unto one another. They can also move or shift with time. Beyond that, I'd rather not comment right now. :D There -is- a meta plot being established though.


is there a chance in seeing book 2 coming out soon for both Asgard and the chaos books