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“What kind of oath do you expect me to take, exactly?” Quinn asked, her voice taking an edge.

“An oath of secrecy, privacy, and that you won’t betray this trust to anyone. On your soul and your life.

“That anything we speak of here, and now, will never be revealed to anyone outside of a similar oath to me,” Alex said.

“What about them?” Quinn asked, pointing to Sylvia and Nannie.

“They’re my Numbered, they don’t count. Now… this oath would be on Leah, are you willing to deal with me?

“Otherwise, this meeting will be over. We’ll have lunch together if you’re willing, then I’ll leave you to your own devices. You can proceed however you see fit,” Alex said. “Whether here in Brit or elsewhere.”

Quinn narrowed her eyes, staring death at Alex.

“He actually means it,” Sylvia said, breaking into the conversation. “There is no lie behind his words.”

Nannie nodded her head simply in agreement.

Hm. Wasn’t expecting them to help. Though to be honest, they know how this game goes now. Since they both experienced it.

Quinn moved her glare to the two Numbered.

“Fine. I swear it. To everything you stated, on Leah’s name,” Quinn said.

“As do I in return,” Alex offered back. “Now, with that settled. You say you want me to put together an army, and take back your family throne. Is that the simple version?”

Quinn nodded her head once. “Yes, that’s it.”

“And what exactly am I receiving for doing this service?” Alex asked.

“The… the previous agreement with Ridge was based on a series of trades and traditions. They would protect our lands, and we would provide wives or concubines as needed for the Ridge family.

“It’s been this way for many years,” Quinn said.

“I have received nothing from you, or your people. Why should I assist you?” Alex asked.

“We would of course give you the same that we did for Ridge. The same deal,” Quinn said, her words final.

She has quite the presence.

“No,” Alex said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“No,” Quinn repeated, her face not understanding.

“That’s right, no. I have no need for concubines or wives to defend your country. You may be a beautiful young woman, Quinn, but so are these two,” Alex said indicating Sylvia and Nannie. “And they’re both sworn to my bed.

“What else do you have to offer?”

Sylvia put one hand on her hip and shifted her body toward Alex. At the same time, Nannie lifted her chin up, looking down at Quinn.

Hm. They took a certain amount of pride in that statement. Interesting.

“I can pay you,” Quinn said, her spine stiffening.

“The cost of a campaign, even a short one can be prohibitive. I imagine if you could afford the soldiers, you’d be hiring mercenaries,” Alex said.

“I’ll pay you after I get my family’s throne back.”

“Uh huh. No guarantee on that. For all you know, your entire treasury is empty, spent, stolen, or shipped elsewhere.”

“Land. I’ll give you land.”

“What, in the wilds? No thanks. It’s beyond the protections I can reasonably give at this time.

“Not to mention it isn’t really suitable for much. I hear that land can’t grow much more than grass.”

Quinn minute shook her head back and forth. As if she could argue away his points. Even if they were completely true.

Slowly, her head tipped downward, her eyes breaking contact to settle on the floor.

There we go.

“I do have something I want though,” Alex said. “And it’s within your power. It wont’ even cost you a single copper coin, either.”

Quinn wrinkled her nose, her mind clearly jumping ahead to where he was going. She didn’t speak though, her eyes still focusing on the ground.

“I want you as a vassal, Princess. I want you to become part of the county of Brit.

“Not immediately, mind you, but over time. I figure a decade or two would be slow enough to make it seem like it was an inevitable thing,” Alex said.

“You want me to… be your vassal?” Quinn asked, facing him directly now.

“To start, yes. In addition,” Alex said, holding up a second finger. “I want you as a concubine. You personally.”

Quinn’s face became pale as a sheet.

“Third, you’ll be celibate. Pure as untouched snow. You’ll not engage in a romantic or sexual encounter with another man or woman, without permission from me.

“That’s what I want. Agree to those three items, and I’ll save your clan. Otherwise, you may have lunch with me, and go your own way. As if nothing had ever happened, and you never told me no.

“You can say no, and nothing will happen to you. At all. I won’t even be offended,” Alex said, dropping his hand to the arm of his chair. “No is as valid an option, as yes.”

“You… you, you, you monster,” Quinn hissed at him, her face a bright red now. “You want me to prostitute myself, and my clan, to you.”

“If that’s how you want to look at it, yes. I do. I want you to myself, and I want your clan to eventually become a county.”

“And what am I supposed to do as a Queen without a husband? Hm? I’ll never produce an heir if I don’t wed,” Quinn said, her voice becoming raw with emotion.

“I’ll be happy to provide you with an heir when the time comes. As far as being a Princess, I don’t believe you need to be married to be Queen,” Alex said.

The Princess was not taking deep quivering breaths. It was clear she was little more than a ball of incensed fury right now.

“You can always say no, Princess. You came here looking for something, I’m offering that, at a price.”

There was a soft tap at the door. Sylvia laid a hand on Alex’s shoulder and turned to the entry. Opening it slightly, she peered out. Then opened it all the way.

Two men in livery entered quickly. They put down four settings for lunch, and left immediately.

Nannie looked to the dome on her food, then to the Princess.

“Any chance you going to decide before we eat? I’m hungry. Can’t turn my back on you unless you agree, and if you decline I’m going to make sure you eat by yourself over there,” Nannie said.

Sylvia laughed softly to herself and then sat down next to Alex. Immediately lifting the dome off her meal.

“Five, you’re positively a delight. Oh, it’s some lovely looking meats and some soft bread,” Sylvia said. “If you like, I could get your lunch into manageable bites for you so you don’t have to take your eyes off her.”

Nannie glanced Sylvia’s way with a furrowed brow, before looking back to Quinn.

“’Kay,” said the murderer turned bodyguard. “Thanks… Four.”

“Of course. Us Numbered have to stick together. How else will we get our revenge on Master?” Sylvia asked with a smirk. She leaned over to Nannie’s food and started prepping it.

Sylvia is trying to worm her way into Nannie’s graces, isn’t she. Not a bad plan. Get Nannie on her side quickly, and Sylvia is suddenly much more likely to get along with the rest.

“How… how often would I be expected to serve as concubine?” Quinn asked, her small body slumping into her chair.

“As often as I like, and in whatever way I deem fit. That’s the role of concubine after all. Though I’d never share you with anyone else.

“You’ll call me husband or master in private, and whatever appellation is correct in public,” Alex said, not turning away from Quinn. “Though I can promise you this. I will never, ever, mistreat you in any way, nor disrespect you in public.

“I’ll even have a vassalage contract and oath prepared for you today. You will receive all the benefits, protections, and expectations a normal vassal would receive.”

“A vassal. A concubine vassal,” Quinn muttered.

“In charge of her clan, with a strong protection given her, and all the goodies that come with it. Like trade, protected trade routes, and a garrison,” Alex said. He wanted to make sure she understood the benefits that came with vassalage.

Closing her eyes, she hung her head.

“I agree to your price, and swear to it,” Quinn said, just barely loud enough to be heard.

“I accept, and swear my own word on this oath back to you,” Alex said. He felt the deal smash into him. It felt like a bolt of thunder had just cracked over his head.

“Splendid,” Alex said after a short pause. “Come on over here, my dear concubine. Let’s have lunch. We can talk details about you and your clan.”

Alex wanted to eat right now. He had no doubt the rest of today was going to be filled with meetings to go over numbers, troop dispositions, money, and planning a campaign.

All things he didn’t care much about and left to his managers to handle.

Though he’d still have to be there for final say.

Need to check in to see how much that deal made for me.


Groaning, Alex dragged himself through the door of the inn, and into the common room.

Ugh. Considering the crystal column was literally replaced with a new one, and then filled up almost seventy percent, this is worth it.

But in the same breath… it really isn’t.

His guards assigned by Rudolph had already cleared it out of everyone, and rented out the entire building. Even going so far as to have anyone already in the inn, removed.

Anyone displaced was paid twice their room price in recompense.

“You ok, Master?” Nannie asked.

“Tired, Five. A full day of meetings, followed by a mad dash on a horse,” Alex said. “Only to have to wake up early tomorrow morning and hit the road to go see Baroness Tilly.”

“Ha, you don’t mind seeing her. You liked seeing her just fine, last time,” Nannie said.

Alex nodded his head, then tripped over his own feet practically, nearly taking a header.

Nannie’s warm grip on his elbow was the only thing that kept him upright.

“You really are tired,” Nannie murmured, her fingers closing around his arm. She began to gently guide him over to a table.

“Not all of us got to take a nap during the meetings,” Alex said, sitting down at the bench Nannie put him next to.

“Heh. Need my beauty rest. There’s only two of us bodyguards even after all your promises.”

Nannie sat down next to him, their backs to the wall.

“You don’t need any beauty rest, I think you’re actually rather pretty,” Alex said honestly, yawning.

“Uh huh.”

Closing his eyes, Alex let out a breath and slunk low in the chair.

Only to be shaken roughly.

“Master, wake up. You’re falling asleep upright,” Nannie murmured.

“Sorry, Five. Just give me a moment and we can have dinner,” Alex mumbled, unable to open his eyes for longer than a second. He truly meant it to. He didn’t want to sleep right now. “I want to have dinner with you. This isn’t exactly how I wanted it to go though.”

Nannie grunted and then grabbed him by the elbow. Levering him up from his seat, she got an arm around his waist.

Alex didn’t even try to fight her. He just leaned into her and let himself be guided.

Suddenly he was dropped into a soft bed. He couldn’t even remember getting up the stairs. Then rough hands started pulling at his boots.

Lifting his head a bit, he found Nannie crouching down at the foot of his bed, working his boots off.

In the haze of his sleep addled brain, he realized she was being very different right now.

Maybe cause I thanked her and meant it. Told her my thoughts.

“Thanks, Five. You’re a love,” Alex mumbled and let his head flop down into the bed.

Nannie said something under her breath, dropping his boots to the ground. Then her hands moved up to his belt, and she started pulling the tongue of it out.

Alex started to doze off even before she got his belt unhitched.

Slowly, he came out of his daze. Shifting his weight up, he tried to make it easier for Nannie.

Only to realize he was under the covers, and in nothing but a night shirt and his underwear.

Nannie had already stripped him and put him to bed.

Lifting his head up, Alex looked to the window. The curtains were pulled, blocking the window.

As far as he could tell, it was still night. And likely early in the morning.

She actually undressed me. I thought for sure she’d just leave me as I was.

Settling back into his covers, Alex let out a soft sigh. He felt rather wide awake.

Then the bed shifted just a bit next to him, and a soft snore ripped through the quiet room.

Turning his head slowly, he found Nannie slumbering next to him.

She’d changed into her sleep tunic, her armor and weapons set aside. Though she was on the outside of the bed, and he could clearly see one of her short swords resting up against the wall nearby.

Watching her quietly for several moments, Alex wasn’t sure what to make of her.

He’d identified early on that she needed to belong. To be part of something. That excluding her, made her want to be part of it all the more.

She reeked to him of a life that she herself was disappointed with. One that she’d been forced to shape with what tools she had.

You’re not a “bad dog” are you, Nannie. You’re just a “beaten dog made bad” aren’t you?

I bet your predisposition to violence, and that you seem to need it, is much like Threes wish for pain.

Instead of physical pain on yourself, you inflict it on others.

Now he had to wonder how far that belief he’d just put together extended. Were her experiences with sex just as rough and tumble as her life? 

How did I phrase it? Softer than One under all that tasty evil? I was only testing at the time, but maybe I was closer to the truth than I thought.

Damn, she really does fill out that sleep wear. She really does bind her chest down or something.

Shifting to his side, Alex slowly moved to face Nannie directly.

No sooner than he settled down, her eyes slid open, her blue eyes immediately locking onto him.

“Sorry, I was admiring you as you slept,” Alex said honestly.

Nannie blinked, her hands sliding up out of the covers to grip the edge of them.

“Why do you say dumb lies like that?” Nannie asked. “Like that you wanted to have dinner with me and… and have sex.”

Ah. She’s partially upset that I didn’t follow through.

Alex smiled sadly and scooted closer to her, causing her to draw her head back.

Reaching over with one hand, he began to very gently run his fingertips through her hair.

“I wasn’t lying, Five. I do want those things. And I really was watching you sleep. I was wondering if I could get away with touching you, without waking you,” Alex said.

Dragging a finger along her hair line he trailed it down to her ear.

“See? You’re lying again,” Nannie growled. Her teeth were bared and her eyes angry.

She didn’t pull away from him though.

“No, I’m not,” Alex said, and then moved up against her side. Her skin felt smooth and soft, though backed by rigid and firm muscles underneath.

“Uh huh. You can just order me to spread my legs, the end. So just do it and let’s get this over with,” Nannie said, the heat in her voice raising.

Alex sighed unintentionally and moved his fingers up through her hair again. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone. I didn’t want to bother you or make you upset.”

Alex let his hand slip free of her hair and moved several inches away from her.

“See? You can’t even stomach being near me,” Nannie said.

Uh… what?

Unable to help himself, Alex laughed and shook his head. Realizing it’d only upset her he stopped and looked into her eyes.

“Five, I want to caress you, kiss you, and make love to you. And I’d like it very much if you wanted it, too. I don’t want to just have sex with you. 

“If you want me to move further away, I will. If you don’t mind me getting closer, that’s what I’m going to do. So… let’s make it easy.”

Alex checked her posture and demeanor and found she was clearly listening before he continued.

“I’m going to move closer to you in a few seconds if you don’t tell me not to. Then I’m probably to start touching your hair again, unless you tell me not to.

“After that, my other hand is probably going to come up under your tunic, and start gently rubbing your stomach. Then it’s going to work it’s way up to your chest. Unless you tell me not to.”

Nannie blinked rapidly several times, but didn’t say anything. Her mouth half opened, but she said nothing. As if she were unsure of her own response.

Moving on his own promised actions, Alex moved in close to her. Pressing up to her side again.

Then after a single beat of his heart, his hand came back up and began to lightly play with her hair. His fingers carefully curling through her short locks.

Seeing no resistance in her, or even anger, he brought up his other hand and moved it under the covers.

Nannie’s eyes widened slightly when his hand came up under her tunic, bypassing her nethers and pressing to her lower abdomen.

Gently, carefully, with just the tips of his fingers, Alex began to lightly stroke and caress the taut flesh of her stomach.

He could feel her skin prickle under his touch, and he heard her breath catch.

Leaning forward across her shoulder, Alex pressed his lips to her skin. Right where it transitioned into her neck. Letting his hand in her hair become less active, he began to continue to trail kisses up to her neck.

Nannie shivered from head to toe, her hands clenching into the top of the covers.

His hand in her tunic began to travel upward again. It didn’t stop until his fingers gently curled around one of her breasts. Gently cupping her flesh he brushed a thumb against the erect peak of her nipple.

Shuddering as she lay there, Nannie tilted her head back and to one side, exposing her neck to him.

Taking the invitation, Alex gently and lazily worked his lips back and forth across her throat. 

Eventually he reached the end of her delicate neck, forcing him to move up. Right over her jaw, and higher until he began laying kisses on her cheek.

Drawing ever closer to her mouth with each kiss, he finally stopped as he pressed one just to the corner of her lips.

Closing his eyes, he nuzzled her ever so lightly. His hand in her tunic hadn’t stopped caressing her breasts however. He’d carefully been moving his hand back and forth from one to the other. Stroking, fondling, and squeezing her tender skin gently.

“May I kiss you, my Five?” Alex asked. He wasn’t about to force anything on her right now. Not when she was letting herself be vulnerable.

Trusting him.

“Yes,” Nannie whispered huskily. “Please.”

As gently as he could, he turned her face fractionally toward him with the hand in her hair, and then laid a gentle and warm kiss to her lips.

She responded hesitantly, kissing him back with after only a second.

Alex continued to kiss her. Repeatedly so, never letting his lips leave hers for longer than a second or two.

After what felt like forever to him, he pressed his forehead to hers.

“May I have you, my Five?” Alex asked.

“Can I say no?” Nannie asked, her voice quivering.

“Of course,” Alex said immediately, and meant it.

“Then no,” Nannie murmured.

Feeling a twinge of disappointment, Alex nodded his head with a smile and moved to shift back to his side of the bed.

“Wait… yes. Please… please… make love to me, Master. I’m sorry, I feel so confused,” Nannie said before he moved away from her.

Ah. She really is softer than Riley underneath. She also doesn’t even know it.

Or won’t admit it.


Alex was spent. Emptied.

After a minute had passed, Nannie released him from her embrace, her hands sliding down his arms. Letting him end the kiss.

Moving his head back a fraction, Alex took a slow breath, then kissed her once more. Though much more lightly this time.

Nannie opened her eyes, looking up at him. They were a bit glassy.

Then she sniffled, and started laughing. Only to immediately start crying.

Seeing the oncoming emotional breakdown, Alex kissed her, and slid his arm under her neck.

Rolling to his side, he drew her into himself, then pulled her face into his neck. Wrapping his arms around her back, he didn’t say anything.

He just listened to her sob-brokenly into him.


Darwin Baide

i love it when we get multiple chapters at once, gives me something to read while not working.


That was a sweet chapter. I like how faceted the numbered are in this story—jumps out at me more in now than in FF1 for some reason.


The long awaited copulation of 5, are redacted lines gonna be in the finished novel?