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Here we go.



Very nice! An artbook would be fantastic. Would love to know how you envision the Legion's Fist looking as well as the other suits. Love me some mecha ;) Also, your boredom = my happiness


Who is on the 2nd and 3rd pic?


I heard posting new chapters was a way to relieve boredom. Something about chemicals in the brain...


Definitely enjoying the art. :)


You should get bored more often. Cause I’m loving when you’re bored. :)

Robert Hammack

yeah, I'd definitely snap up a KU artbook, then purchase individually on payday, like I do with all books :)

Robert Hammack

are those last ones Pancakes or waffles? or maybe myriad? inquiring minds want to know! the ear color is different if its Pancakes (Andrea) but possibly just artistic license since technically, they are all clones as I understand it and should be identical.

Robert Hammack

BTW, I kinda agree with the the earlier poster about radically different ear/tail color, though not nearly as strongly. I think I like these waffles illustrations better, as the ear / hair color is much closer. just my 2 cents. Also, if your DeviantArt buddy is amenable, a duo drawing of both pancakes and waffles together would be awesome :)

Robert Hammack

BTW, just curious - did you foresee how popular the Pancakes! meme would become at the beginning?


You should get bored more offen ☺

Rafnar Caldon

Don't stop getting bored.

Travis cox

Be more bored please


I disagree with it because animals, especially domesticated ones, aren't all perfect color symmetry. To each their own. :D

Robert Hammack

good point, and why I said kinda agree. however, I would be more ok with it if, say, the ears were different colors, or spotted, etc. It's just that aesthetically, I prefer the cleaner look, but the way it's done in illustrations like these is merely an artistic trope meant to bring attention to the ears / tales, in my humble opinion. also, for realism, reference should be made to the actual animal, in this case a wolf. In the end, it comes down to the aesthetic / artistic taste of the individual, and it would really suck if everyone agrees....


These are really great! I'm a fan of the anime style and being able to see the characters I've come to love. Again awesome stuff; thanks for sharing!