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 Miu came quickly. Stopping in front of his desk and then standing at a loose sort of attention, her eyes boring into him.

“Everyone out,” Felix said. “If your department head can’t protect me, no one can.”

The night crew of bodyguards only left after Miu gave them a quick nod of her head.

Felix laid his head back against the head rest of his chair when the door clicked shut.

“Wraith committed suicide while obeying orders,” Felix said simply.

Miu stood stock still for a moment, then nodded her head once.

“I’m considering upgrading you, and powering you up, in such a way as to replace him. The problem being is you’re also the department head for my bodyguards. I’d like your thoughts,” Felix concluded.

Miu shifted her weight uneasily from one foot to the other then clicked her tongue.

“I dislike it. But I agree that I am probably the best candidate. My natural power makes me formidable with even the least bit of training,” Miu said, her mouth turning down into a frown. “Victoria could take my place as department head, and probably should. She’s who they look to if I’m not around. To be honest the position was never permanent for me. I was only filling in.”

“And what position do you want then? You’re the mystery, Miu. I’ve tried to get into that head of yours. Heavens knows I’ve tried. But I can’t seem to get anything out of you. I want to know more. Know your desires. Your wants,” Felix said, leaning forward now.

He didn’t get too many opportunities to get into Miu’s comfort zone. Not ones that she brought up herself.

Miu’s nose twitched and she looked away to one side. After what felt as if it were forever, she turned her eyes back to him.

“You would use that information to beguile me into working harder for you. Your carrot, as it were,” Miu said.

“I can’t deny that. But is that so bad? To be rewarded for your efforts? It’s not as if you’re not doing the work anyways,” Felix said, doing his best to sound reasonable.

Miu’s lips pressed together tightly, then shook her head.

“My wants and desires wouldn’t be attained easily,” Miu said.

“Try me, I’m open to suggestions.”

“No, you are not. This isn’t something that could be given,” she reaffirmed. Her voice had an odd pitch to it, and her eyes flashed in a peculiar way.

Kit had once said your mind was unique. Different even.

What are you hiding in there?

“And how would you know unless you asked?”

Miu shook her head again, then folded her hands together behind her back, and rent into a rigid stance.

Realizing it for what it was, Felix let the subject drop.

“List out everything you’ll need training, and power wise, to do Wraith’s job, if not better. I’m willing to dump a ton of points into you if that’s what it’ll take,” Felix said. Leaning back into his chair, he felt tired and drained.

“Understood,” Miu said. “I’ll have it for you by tomorrow at noon.”

“Thank you, Miu. You can go,” Felix said. There would be no further conversation without dragging it out of her. And that wouldn’t really get him what he wanted.

Not really.

Grunting, Felix decided to wait up for Eva.

Then he’d crawl into bed and wait for tomorrow.

And whatever new joys it might bring.

Felix scoffed once and pulled up his terminal again. He might as well get some work done.

Before he even started to type, even before his bodyguards retook their positions, his phone went off .

Glancing down at the display he frowned.


Tapping the accept button he pushed his ear-piece a bit deeper.

“Felix here,” Felix said into the phone.

“Felix, it’s Dimitry,” said the Russian loan shark.

“What can I do for you?” Felix caught the eye of one of his bodyguards and held up a thumbs up, then turned it down, then back up while shrugging his shoulders.

“Line’s clean, boss,” said the bodyguard.

“And by the way, line is clean on both ends,” Felix said, making sure to be direct and to the point.

Dimitry chuckled darkly.

“My thanks. I’d like to call in that second marker I have,” Dimitry said slowly. “It’s a simple meet and greet. I’m somewhat cut off from the rest of my organization here. It would go a long way to have a proxy relay information face to face about the situation.”

That doesn’t seem like everything. What else does he want? I mean, he could just call someone or send an email in a cryptic way. Couldn’t he?

“I’d also appreciate it if you could give them two-hundred thousand in cash,” Dimitry finished.

Felix mulled that one over. He owed Dimitry two more favors. Transmuting items to gold, changing it to cash, and then handing it over wouldn’t be terrible.

Not exactly pleasant, but not horrible.

“And that’d be your second favor? That’s all? Deliver the money, this is from Dimitry, thanks bye?” Felix asked. He wanted to clarify the situation. To make sure everything required was stated simply.

“That’d be it,” Dimitry confirmed.

“Alright. Send me the contact information. I’ll see if I can take care of it tomorrow or the next day. It’ll be done before the week is out though, I can promise that,” Felix said.

“Ah, thanks, Felix. I appreciate you keeping your word.”

“I wouldn’t be a good ally if I didn’t, now would I? Oh, I was wondering about that order of rifles?”

“Ah, yes. I turned those over to your personal bed assistant. She was quite eager to get another order of them.”

“Eh? Alright. I’m sure she has something in mind.”

“Wait, so she is?”

“Is what?”

“Your bed assistant?”

“For a bit now. Why?”

“Does she… uh…”

“Does she?”


Felix let the line hang open for a few seconds, a small smirk on his face.

“She does.”

It was two days later before Felix finally managed to make the time for Dimitry’s chore. That and to get the gold transfered to cash without creating a serious issue. The IRS was probably watching Felix like a hawk. He had no doubt a few people had suspicions about his newfound wealth.

In the end he had a few trusted people take ownership of the gold and transfer.

How many villains would trust their employees with that much cash, after all?

Drumming his fingers along the case full of cash, Felix stared out the window at the passing homes.

“You’re fidgeting,” Miu said from his left side.

“And?” Felix asked.


Making eye contact with the newly trained assassin, Felix drummed harder.

“Felix?” Victoria asked from his right.


“Please stop?” the swordswoman tried.

“I’m nervous. I’m allowed to fidget,” Felix complained.

“You are, but it’d be nice to get there without Miu contemplating how to make your life miserable when Andrea arrives,” Victoria offered. “She hasn’t seen you for a bit. I can’t imagine she’ll be entirely stable.”

Miu’s eyes brightened at that, her frown turning into a devil’s smile.

“Ah, yeah,” Felix said, his fingers stopping instantly. “That’s uh… a very good point.”

Then again. It really isn’t Andrea who’ll need the attention. It’s Lily. Far be it for anyone to ever suspect she’s actually a cuddle bear. A cuddle bear that needs attention and affirmation. Over and over.

“Are we sure about this?” Victoria asked.

He’d have to thank her later for giving him an easy out.

“I’m sure that it’s Dimitry who asked. So it’s probably a criminal boss of some sort we’re supposed to see. That’s about it. That’s why you’re both here,” Felix said.

“And why you’re in body armor. And wearing Lily’s locket,” Miu added.

“Yes, and that.” Felix reached up and fingered the small cylinder that hung around his neck. She’d told him to wear it whenever he felt his life could be in danger. That it’d provide a shield that’d give him enough time to get out of harms way.

Or enough time for her or someone else to show up and save my dumb ass.

The driver gave the wheel a turn and brought them into a parking garage. The exchange was simple.

Get out, put the case down in a numbered parking space, and wait.

When a black car showed up and parked in the space next to it, Felix had to make himself visible so the occupants knew everything was on the up and up. After that, he could get back into his car and leave.

The End.

Felix wasn’t really sure if he liked the plan or not. It had the potential to be so simple it couldn’t be messed up. Yet it also was so simple it couldn’t be anything but messed up.

He certainly didn’t like the part where Dimitry had made him as the face. If he hadn’t, he would have just sent Miu and Victoria in his place. There wasn’t really a need for him to be here.

Unless it was a setup.

Thou name art paranoia.

Holding back a sigh, Felix handed the case over to Miu when they stopped.

Twenty seconds later, and Miu was back in the car, minus one case full of money.

“Done,” Miu said, putting her seatbelt back on.

“Hmph,” Felix said, eying her, then the case critically.

“Your paranoia is getting worse,” Victoria said. “Is it because you don’t have Lily or Andrea around?”

Feeling his eyebrows come together and his mood turn sideways, Felix glared at Victoria.

“What? It’s an honest observation,” Victoria said, defending herself.

“Leave him alone. His paranoia in this situation is warranted,” Miu said defensively of him. “Even if he does miss his bedroom antics.”


“Hush,” Miu said, interrupting him. “Headlights.”

Following the pointed finger of his assassin, Felix saw light trailing along the wall on the far side. They were turning through the ramp.

Gradually, a black sedan came around the pillar. It swung into the lane and drove slowly towards them.

It shifted into the exact parking spot it should, and went into park.

Getting out of the car, clambering over Miu in the process, Felix stood up and made sure he was visible for at least five seconds.

Then he got back in, shutting the door behind himself.

“Time to go,” Felix said quietly.

The driver, one of his bodyguards he didn’t know the name of, put them into drive. They were off and away.

Right up until twenty men with rifles stormed out of a fire escape and started unloading on both vehicles.

High powered rounds were no match for the tanks that Felicia, Mr. White, and Felix put together.

But that didn’t mean he wanted to stick around and test that durability either.

The bodyguard spun the wheel, bounced them over a parking bump, and floored it down the lane.

“Damn,” Victoria cursed. Reaching to her hip, she pulled out the pistol Andrea had been training her in. After her death at the farm with a bullet-hole between her pretty eyes, Victoria had trained determinedly with pistols. “Considering they’re firing on the other car, this wasn’t a set up.”

“Did they get away as well?” Felix asked. He’d ducked down low in the seat. He trusted the vehicle but didn’t at the same time.

“Yes,” Miu said. “One of them even got the briefcase.”

“Well that’s heroic,” Felix muttered. The driver slammed them around a corner, the tail end of the car fishtailing out wide behind them.

Bringing the vehicle back under control, Felix was suddenly very glad specialized driving lessons had been part of the training program.

There was a deafening crash as they barreled out of the parking garage.

Smoke, steam, and sunlight were all around them in the street. The car had come to a dead stop.

They’d put something at the entrance to try and block them in. Powering through it as if it were nothing, the car had rolled through it.

Leaning over Miu, Felix looked down to the ground.

Their wheels were spinning wildly in the air, and the bottom of the car was wedged up on something.

“Time to beat feet,” Felix said. “Hit the street running. Any path you want to take Vicky? Miu?”

Miu bit her lip, looking to Victoria.

The swords-woman growled, her head turning left, then right as she looked down the street in both directions.

Then she looked up.

“The building across the way. Apartment complex. Roof should give us access to the other building. The buildings from here are all lower or even. We can hop the gap between certain ones and make our way out of this,” Victoria said.

“Interesting… plan,” Felix said. Getting behind Victoria, he laid his hands on her shoulders. They’d have to bolt fast.

“Came up with it after we got the address. Did a quick search and checked it out by satellite. Just in case. As you’ve said before, no plan survive enemy contact,” Victoria said, grabbing the door handle.

Behind him, Miu slid up against his back, her hands on his hips.

In the driver’s seat Felix watched his bodyguard. The man gave himself a once over, then pulled out his pistol. Shifting over the center console he moved to the passenger side and got ready.

“Go,” Victoria said, opening the car door. She hit the pavement at a sprint. Felix scrambled out behind her. Getting his feet under him, he got moving.

Behind him, he heard the bodyguard and Miu bringing up their rear.

Victoria popped open the door to the building that was their target and ducked inside.

There was a muffled shout and curse.

Felix was only a second behind her, shoving the door open as he charged through.

Victoria had a blade buried in the throat of a dead eyed man with a shotgun next to him. His heels were drumming the ground as his hands futilely worked to pull the knife out.

“They’re everywhere. This isn’t a simple attack,” Victoria said, pulling her knife free.

Giving the dying man a glance, Felix realized Victoria had severed everything in the mans throat. Her weapon had only stopped because it hit the spine.

He’ll be dead in a minute, tops.

“I’ve never seen the uniform either. Is this a super villain group?” Victoria asked, standing up.

Miu sauntered over blasted her elbow into the mans forehead. He dropped to the ground unmoving.


“I’m not familiar with it if it is one,” Miu said. “Lily or Andrea would know. They had more dealings with them.”

The bodyguard had made it inside as well. He was at the door. It was opened only a crack, and he was looking out of it.

“Can hear them out there,” said the bodyguard. “They’re arguing about who has the money. Us or Dimitry’s guy. They’re here for a cash grab.”

“Damn. Alright, up we go,” Victoria said, moving to the stairwell off to one side.

Felix grabbed hold of the unconscious dying man and dragged him along. Finding the underside of the stairs empty, Felix moved the body that way.

Shoving him under the stairs, Felix left him there to bleed out and darted after Victoria.

Flight after flight they climbed. Passing by a number of fire escape doors that probably led into apartment corridors.

Up ahead, Victoria went out through the door leading onto the roof.

Felix shielded his eyes as he came out into the open air.

In front of him were two men, staring back at Victoria as she charged them.

One had a scoped rifle and the other binoculars.

Before Victoria get ahold of them, one man got a hand to his ear-piece.

“They’re on the roof! On top of-” his voice cut off as Victoria’s sword cleared it’s sheath, the blade coming around in an arc and separating his head from his shoulders.

The second man had slower reactions, and Victoria took two steps to reach him. Her blade flashed out, the tip of it sliding through the man’s chest.

With a soft gasp, the man collapsed to his knees, his hands closing around Victoria’s blade.

Placing a booted foot on the man’s chest, she yanked it out of his body and spun.

There was no one else on the roof.

“We need to go. Now!” Miu said. Putting action to her own words, Miu started running for the opposite side of the building.

Pushing himself onward, Felix followed. Even when Miu sped up and leapt off the side of the building.

Felix poured on the speed and doggedly pursued her. Getting his feet right before he reached the edge, Felix stamped down and jumped.

Sailing across the gap between the buildings, Felix caught sight of an empty alley beneath them.

Then he was rolling across the top of the building. Managing to not fall too poorly, Felix got to his feet and stumbled after Miu. 

Victoria and the bodyguard landed better than Felix did and caught up to him quickly.

“How many more like this?” Felix asked as Miu dove off the side of the building in front of him.

“Four more. But… but then we have to make a choice,” Victoria said.

The conversation paused for a moment as they all took a running leap off the building.

Gritting his teeth, and feeling the bruises his knees and elbows were already developing from landing hard, Felix cursed whatever god did this to him.

Getting up he managed to get next to Miu before she bolted off again. He laid a hand on her shoulder, and held to it tightly, keeping her stationary.

“I’m not made for this. I’m built for spreadsheets,” Felix muttered. Then more loudly he asked, “What choice do we have to make?”

“We can head into the streets where the western edge of this ramp down of buildings ends. That runs the risk of being seen and being on the run again. It’s very possible they’re not even there though, but it’s a risk. There was a lot of people back there, and they were trained, equipped, and prepped. I’d imagine they have a large swathe of the area encircled,” Victoria said. “Or we keep going over the rooftops to the south. It’ll end up dropping us off near an industry complex where it runs out of room.”

Felix could smell there was more to that one. Smell it a mile away.

“And?” he prompted.

“And it’s the safer of the two routes to choose if we think they’ll keep after us,” Victoria said.

“And?” he prompted again.

“And… and it’s supposedly where a villain known as where Neutralizer is supposedly building a base. The Heroes don’t know about it, and we only found out about it because Lily keeps in touch with her old contacts.”

“I don’t know him. Give me the tourist two sentence version,” Felix said, looking around nervously.

“He uh… anything within a mile, he can exert his power over,” Victoria said. “And before you ask, his power is to remove the power of others. He can only hold down about five people, which is why the Heroes guild doesn’t ever have too much of a problem with him. His counter is simple. They just send two squads for him.”

“Except for us right now, who don’t even number more than four, he’s a problem,” Felix finished for her.

“Yes. But that’s if he is even there, and that he wants to make a problem for us,” Victoria said hurriedly. “It really is the safer option. If we get down, and find them waiting for us, either we’ll end up in a fight on the streets, or being chased.”

“Where the hell is police? The Heroes? Shouldn’t they be working on this?” Felix asked in an annoyed tone. Opening his phone he stared at the screen. “Are you kidding me? No signal? On top of a building? That’s not normal. Something is very not right. This is beyond well coordinated.”

“I’d bet that communications has been cut in a few key places,” Miu said. “That or a few people were paid off. It can happen. I was the target of many bribe attempts in security.”

“So, it becomes more of a question of, do we believe that those chasing us were more well equipped, or that a villain may have an interest in us,” Felix said.

Everyone stopped talking. Far to the north west, the sound of a helicopter could be heard. In fact, it was just barely within eyesight.

“That isn’t a news-chopper,” said the bodyguard.

“South it is,” Felix replied.



She comes back. I just didn't want the entire opening of the book to be her. She tends to dominate scenes.


Loving the story. Just an observation of Dimitry. After Dimitry loaned the money to Felix, in the beginning, he hasn’t really shown me why he is the head of a criminal organization. Felix has far surpassed him in power and behaves more like a Godfather with repaying his favors. Also, why does he keep going to him for guns? You can 3D print guns these days, can’t Felix’s people develop better guns? With all the advance tech Felix has he should be selling to Dimitry. Also what happened to the undercover cop that was working in Dimitry’s organization?


All good questions, and all good points. The guns through Dimitry are only barely legal, but still legal. I'll leave it at that as the story starts to turn in the middle of book 2 :) As to why Felix isn't just squishing him... because he'd rather have a contact in the underworld. All the contacts he has through his people are super villain or higher. Dimitry's organization as a whole just isn't being explored yet, that's all.