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Book is done.

Uploaded to Amazon.

Waiting on them now.

And while it seems somewhat sad to ask...

Leave a review, post about the book in the various facebook groups, forums, friends, anywhere you can?

I could use any and every bit of help you lovely people could give me.


I'll update this page when the book goes live.

Just went live: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074XV3Y19 



I don't often make comments, but I am curious why you got Vince to ruminate about Felix before he even glimpsed him the first time, (Chapter 12 page 20 .) If it was meant as for shadowing it feels like a sledgehammer and took me out of the story. I'm big on continuity and that didn't feel right. The reason I didn't write this sooner is that I only read the omnibus the last 4 days.




Can't wait


Seems up? <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074XV3Y19" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074XV3Y19</a>


Do you get anything if I use my Kindle Unlimited account to read it?


Should I go ahead and keep any errors I find to myself?


I'd say keep it to yourself. But it's up to you. I personally don't care anymore once the book is released. :) Amazon eventually sends me a list of what people report, and I can go in and make changes then.

James Strozier

Impeccable timing. I was just finishing up reading another book. Now I can finally start this one.


Congrats! Great work! I'm curious, what's it like for you whenever you finish writing a story and get to publishing it? We've heard about the editing, but I imagine there's a bit more to it than that.


Well. I finish the book. I then collect beta readers and send it off to them. While they're reading it, I don't do anything creative in any way shape or form. I sit around, and wait. After the beta readers are done, I do my "second pass." Which is where I go through and figure out what I want to change, what the beta readers saw, and make any tweaks I want. Then I send it off to the editor, and start on the next book. After that, get book back from editor, push onto amazon. :)


Well I finished the book around 1am and left my attempt at a review. I was your 6th 5 star review, and I checked it again before I got off work at 6 and you had 12 of 12 5 star reviews!! Red is now my favorite character

Iori Daemona Angel

Finished the book and posted a review on amazon and goodreads, I said all that needed to be said. My Favourite character is now Elysea, the power behind the throne.


Red is indeed a great character. Looking forward to seeing how the Yosemite develops in book 3.


Thank god, I face palmed so hard hard every time i saw the words "redacted."

Iori Daemona Angel

Dude, it pissed me off too! Weird that the author did that, though. E. William Brown don't do it on his patreon, maybe there is a reason though.