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<Redacted due to Patreon's policies against content. My apologies. Come see me on Discord for the full file.>

“I mean… I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman as beautiful as you do that so… yeah,” Ralph murmured, somewhat slouched in his chair.

Marionette laughed at that, her face taking on a red hue. She reached up, took his hand, and put it on her cheek.

“Next time, I expect your hands on me. I expect it. I’m your Lady, right?”


“Say it.”

“You’re my Lady.”

“Yes… now say it again, and put your hands in my hair. On my face. Say it.”

Errr… is this acting, or personal desire?

She did write fanfics of this, didn’t she?

Ralph put his left hand in her hair and took hold loosely, his right hand cupped her face and he ran a thumb along her cheek.

“You’re my Lady, Marionette. I’m possessive of you, but not physically aggressive,” he said, trying to get to the heart of it. “You’re mine. You gave yourself to me. I don’t need to say it to know it.

“Do you need me to say it, so you can feel it? Feel my hands on you?”

He pulled her head just a fraction to the side so that her face was more firmly in his hand.

Marionette stared up at him in a weird way, then let out a slow breath.

“Yes, my Capitan. I do,” she whispered, her eyes slinking way from his own as she spoke.

“Then know you’re my woman, Marionette. My ships-mistress. My Lady,” he said the first part with a light tug on her hair, and the last with a tender pat to her cheek. “I should tell you now I plan on extending your contract so you’re with me for twenty to thirty years. Maybe even seventy. How could I ever let you go after all?”

“I’m your cargo. I’m registered to you. You could do that. You should,” moaned Marionette, her eyelids drifting down somewhat.

Ralph would never do that, but he figured it fit some mental thing in her head.

To be wholly owned by a Privateer.

Grinning, he patted her cheek again.

“We’ve got twenty minutes or so before they finish doing their docking procedures. Thirty if they get weirded out about the Confed ships,” he sad. “Did you want to work out? I like the clothes you’re wearing but you usually do that when you’re… doing maintenance.”

He still wasn’t sure why she called it that but it fit the “be owned” mentality he conceded.

“Mmhmm. I wanted to care for my Capitan and then to take care for his precious cargo for him,” she said, nuzzling his hand.

This was the type of personality she put on when they were intimate or serious. He hoped it was who she was and not an act, but he couldn’t be sure.

He’d likely never be sure.

Marionette let out a pleased sounding sigh, kissed his hand, then stood up. Using his knees to brace herself.

“Alright… uhm… thanks… I’m going to go do that maintenance you mentioned,” Marionette murmured, her tone shifting fairly rapidly. She seemed embarrassed now. “After all, if you’re going to keep fighting off military ships like that for me, I need to keep myself in top shape.”

She leaned in and hugged him, pulling his face into her expansive bosom.

Holding him there for longer than he expected she rubbed her cheek against the top of his head.

Without another word she slipped away and moved down the corridor to the cargo bay.

However he did catch it when she tried to look over her shoulder. As if to make sure he was watching her.

She kept moving as if she hadn’t caught him, or been caught by him.

It’s… very strange having a ships-mistress… very strange.

But a lot more fun and interesting than doing this alone.

Turning his seat around, Ralph looked to his display.

They were currently going through docking procedures at the port of Calesat.

On the planet of Calesat.

Through the Calesat terminal.

Normally he’d probably be anxious about this given just how level all of this tended to be. The capital of the capital of the capital, so to speak.

In fact, he had complained to Marionette about it which had resulted in her “fixing his anxiety” just now, as she’d termed it at the start.

Right now he was pleasantly uncaring and just looking at the screen.

Watching the docking process move along he glanced at his AI screen.

After syncing it into all his systems for the attack, he hadn’t undone it yet.

In fact, he almost didn’t want to.

Marionette had quickly forced the AI to start utilizing a whole slew of functions he’d never even considered. He couldn’t deny it was doing a lot of things he had been doing manually.

He just didn’t trust AI and still felt leery about it.

Right up until Marionette had called him an old man who would say he “needed a class” to be able to understand it. After that he had let her teach him all she could and didn’t drag his feet.

Right now, the AI had opened up the internal cameras and flipped it to the cargo view. As if it knew he wanted to watch Marionette.

She was currently going through what looked like warm up stretches.

The wide smile on her face was unmistakable.

Ear to ear, wide as could be, she looked incredibly pleased with herself.


I wonder if it isn’t so much as owning her, as it is reassuring her that I want her and no one else.

Could easily be that, couldn’t it?

In wanting her for years, there’s no way I’d get rid of her tomorrow.

That’s really logical and—

There was a bleep from his monitor.

Looking at it, Ralph saw he had an incoming transmission.

A live transmission.

Which most certainly wouldn’t be the port authority or the docking pilots.

Reaching out he tapped the monitor to accept the call.

Surprisingly, the monitor flickered and he was presented with a video call.

“Greetings Privateer, this is Warrior Eun Calesat,” said a rather pretty looking Calesat woman in her native tongue.

She had black hair, large dark eyes, and a skin-tone that was somewhat pale. For the Calesat she was quite attractive and Ralph found himself leaning forward in his seat.

The fact that her title was Warrior meant she was established within their community. He wasn’t sure what type of warrior but the fact that she’d contacted him lent itself to being some type of space-borne warrior.

“Greetings Warrior, this is Privateer Turlan,” Ralph responded somewhat formally, in her own language. The long periods of time between ports had given him the time to practice his Calesat language skills.

They hadn’t rusted much at all, thankfully.

The woman smiled brightly and her shoulders lifted.

To say the Calesat were flattered when you knew their language was an understatement. Knowing their language opened doors that even being a Privateer wouldn’t.

If you understood their culture, spoke their language, and dressed as they did, they took it as an immeasurable compliment.

“Privateer Turlan, I thank you! I was concerned that I would have to use my less than expansive skills in speaking your own language,” the Warrior said with some genuine warmth. “You’ve saved me the concern as well as the insult to your ears.”

“I don’t know about that, I’m sure you’d speak it fluently and well! Now you’ve got me curious,” Ralph replied, chuckling. “Maybe I should invite the Warrior to dinner just to hear her speak it to me, though I imagine regardless of how well you’d say it, I’d love hearing my name on your honored lips.”

Even as he said it, Ralph realized he was flirting with her.

Mostly because in his life so far, flirting with women, attractive or not, had gotten him far more than not flirting.

Laughing, Warrior Eun’s face turned a pale red at that.

She had even leaned back in her chair and had a hand raised up to her chin. One finger lightly running along her jaw.

Aaaaaand she’s forgotten the camera is on.

“Well! I accept! Thank you for the invitation! This will make it easier to discuss a proposition my small-Blood clan would like to discuss with you, on behalf of the larger Blood clan. This would be as soon as you docked, no less,” Eun murmured in a warm tone. Her eyes were slowly moving around as she spoke, clearly not looking at the monitor.

Confirming she’d forgotten the camera.

“Well, a proposal. Is it a proposal about the Warrior Eun? Because if it is, I’d be particularly interested, you realize,” he began and realized he should give her a small poke. A warning that her camera was on, that was also kind. “Your hair is exceptionally black by the way. I’m sure it glitters in the sun.

“I suppose though… if the proposal isn’t about the Warrior Eun, I’d be equally delighted to accept so long as that Warrior Eun was there.

“Well, maybe just because it’s Calesat. Calesat has always treated me kindly. May I ask what it might be about? Can I prepare in some way?”

Eun had blinked, looked straight into the camera at his words, and pulled her hand down from her jaw.

Her smile faded away and her face straightened out.

He did notice her hand start to drift up as if to touch her hair as he mentioned it.

“Ah, we would like to commission you as a Privateer,” Eun declared with a nod of her head. “We are going to begin a war with another Blood and we’re hiring Warriors. You have always been a good partner to us and we would wish to contract you.

“I-I suppose there could also be a discussion as to… to Warrior Eun that might come up. I have been told that this commission would be significant and to… to… mention Turlan’s Toll as well. However, I can’t say anymore at this time than that.”

Ralph slowly blinked, then sat upright in his seat.

She had his full interest now.




Marionette had dressed up in a spectacular way. Showing off her extremely good looks, figure, and fashion sense.

A dark black dress that fit snuggly to her but left a lot to the imagination, as well as only exposing enough cleavage to match the local trends.

Additionally she had a blue shawl that draped across her shoulders and had styled her hair to the Calesat way as well.

Ralph knew there was a lot more that went into her clothes and details that he’d overlooked. His mind had simplified it down to what he understood.

He couldn’t deny she was hard to look away from.

“You’re staring,” Marionette chided him, a smile curling her lips as her eyes slid over to him.

“You don’t mind,” Ralph responded, then adjusted his coat.

He’d made sure to dress up to a degree, then to try and dress in a color that didn’t contrast sharply with Marionette’s.

“I most assuredly don’t, but if you have to flirt, or look available, that’d be hard, wouldn't it?” Marionette asked. “As your Lady, I most certainly can’t flirt with anyone, in any regard. The best I can do is be distracting visually.

“Also… Ralph, my Captain, do what you must to get the best deal. I’m comfortable and confident in my position.”

Ahh… she’s telling me to flirt like I did with Delilah.


She’s not wrong.

“I’m sure I’ll survive,” Ralph answered and looked to the table again.

They’d been brought into the port, welcomed grandly, then escorted to a restaurant that looked incredibly pricey.

As they entered, they’d found that everyone had been removed.

It was empty of everything except a single set table for four.

Marionette and Ralph had seated themselves since no one was here to tell them what to do otherwise. In fact, other than the young steward who’d brought them into the restaurant, they hadn’t seen anyone at all.

“Of course you will. You’re an amazing Privateer. But, Captain… flirt. Do what you must. I understand it now and I know you value me,” Marionette argued. “Now, you said she mentioned the Turlan’s Toll. What… is it?”

“I don’t honestly know. My father told me to get it back,” Ralph said with a shake of his head. “My father was a fool. He died young and left everything to his brother. Even me.

“My Uncle took everything, lost everything, and ruined everything. In the end… it all passed to me but what ‘all’ was by that point wasn’t very much.

“Just the Siren, my letter of Marque, and a cargo-bay filled with… well… shoes. Everything from there was all my work.

“I’ve looked into it, family registers and things, history, and contacted as many people as I could. Whatever Turlan’s Toll is, it wasn’t on the books anywhere that I could access, and those who knew of it, just called it the Toll.

“I always got the impression it was some type of weapon or something akin to that. I’m really not sure.”

Marionette’s pretty face clouded over as she considered that.

After several seconds, she shrugged, smiled, and looked to him.

“Well! I didn’t really get to do my full maintenance routine so please forgive me if I end up getting right back to it when we finish up here,” Marionette apologized. “Especially if this place serves as food as good as their decor is.

“I had no idea the Blood of Calesat was such a lovely style and fashion. The computer had a decent connection at the last station so I was able to look into a great deal about the Calesat.”

Ah, that makes sense. She knew we were heading for Calesat so she planned for it.

She’s taking this seriously.

“Thank you!” said a light and crisp voice behind them. “I’m so pleased to hear a lady of your stature say such things toward the Calesat.”

Ralph glanced over his shoulder and saw Warrior Eun coming there way. She was only twenty feet away at the point that Ralph spotted her.

She was dressed in a very similar way as to Marionette surprisingly, though she was in black and green instead of black and blue.

Marionette had stood up by this point and Ralph did so belatedly.

“Goodness, you wear green so elegantly,” Marionette gushed, putting a hand to her collarbone. “I wish I did. I’m afraid whenever I try it always just doesn’t seem right for some reason. I’m Marionette, the Privateer Turlan’s Lady.”

The way she’d said it was an appropriate address for herself and her position.

In a way, it was like stating she was off-limits and that her position was that of an inclusionary role to Ralph, but not one that had a say.

“Ah, that explains much,” Eun stated and marched right up to the table. She gestured to the table with a wide smile. Her eyes lingering on Ralph. “Please, sit. I’m genuinely flattered that you both thought I garnered such attention as to dress for me. Once I discovered I was honored so I took the time to dress for this as well.”

Marionette smiled, sat herself down, folded her hands in her lap, and then remained silent while looking to Ralph.

Her eyes were telling him to begin flirting immediately.

Or so he imagined.

“I mean, how could we not dress for the beautiful Warrior Eun,” Ralph responded with a smile. “Did you win your Warrior Title in battling off thousands of men who all wanted your attention? Beating them in hand-to-hand combat all while showing off that gorgeous smile?”

Eun blinked and her mouth opened. Only to break into a smile, her head tilting to one side.

She was most certainly not a politician given how her responses weren’t controlled in any way.

“Space combat. Fighter combat,” Eun elaborated.

“Oh, so you’re beautiful, terrifying in space, and educated,” Ralph murmured, gesturing at Eun and leaning back in his seat confidently. “You speak the Confed tongue fluently and without accent. You made it seem as if you had troubles with it.

“Warrior Eun, I’d almost believe you were a Confed woman and I’d be trying to sweet talk you into letting me get your phone number. Only to begin trying to plan how to trap you in a bed and keep you to myself.

“There’s no way such a woman of breeding, wit, and sagacity could be unattached. Surely you’re paired to a clan leader of some sort.”

Laughing, Eun’s eyes flicked to Marionette, then back to Ralph. As if considering the presence of the beautiful woman and Ralph pressing her as he was.

“I’m fairly certain that I’m not the thrust of the conversation,” Eun countered.

“I would argue that you already conceded you were part of the conversation. Did you or did you not state that Warrior Eun would be part of the proposal?” Ralph replied, then looked to Marionette. “Wouldn’t you agree? Clearly someone such as her should be discussed.”

“I most certainly agree. Warrior Eun is most certainly a woman of value,” Marionette agreed, turning to look at Eun as well while folding one leg over the other. Then she leaned partway forward and held her gaze to the other woman. “Would you please tell my Captain, Warrior Eun, about yourself? Such a fascinating and interesting Warrior should be discussed! I’m but a Privateer’s Lady but I’d be flattered if you told us more.”

Eun blinked several times, her eyes darting between Marionette and Ralph.

Well shit.

Marionette works as a dandy wing-man.

“I’m… unattached. By choice,” Eun got out in an odd tone. “I… Turlan’s Toll. Blood of Calesat wants to give you a commission. It’d function in the same way as a Letter of Marque, and also have a corresponding contract.

“You would receive a military rank of a… Captain? I think it’s Captain in your tongue. This would protect you from any legal issues as you’d be part of the military though you’d need to fly with a Calesat transponder.”

Ralph nodded his head.

He wasn’t surprised by this.

Calesat had been building up stockpiles for months if not years. They had a bone to pick with the Blood of Vanah and it wasn’t likely to be settled until one or the other was beaten in a war.

“Your pay of course is negotiable and you’ll receive Turlan’s Toll,” Eun continued. “We’ve outfitted it with all the latest weapons and defenses. Before you ask, because I’m sure you will, we acquired it several years ago by chance.

“The AI defenses have kept us out of accessing much of the ship systems. We simply… can’t use the ship. But we were able to access the ship otherwise.

“We readied it assuming you’d be willing to take on the commission for us.

“I would-I would be your on-board liaison to make sure you’re handling your commission with the Calesat’s expectations, though I would not be your crew-mate. Just a… ah… the word slips me. Observer? Just an observer. You would have no ownership or claim over my actions, other than as a captain of a ship. Just as I would have no ownership or claim over your actions, other than to observe and suggest.”

Turlan’s Toll is a ship?

That-that almost makes too much sense.

The designation of the Siren almost makes that obvious in retrospect.

I thought it was just a ship that blew up.


Two… does that make the Toll, one?

“Oh how lovely, it’d be good to get the ship back,” Marionette gushed with a laugh, even waving a hand at Eun as if it were an almost easy-going expectation. Slipping right into the brief silence from Ralph’s inability to push ahead. “After it’d been lost the way it was, the family has been operating as if it just didn’t exist.

“Now, you said that my dear Captain would negotiate the contract details with you, and that you’d be part of the contract?

“Could you explain it a bit more in detail to me? You’ll forgive me for butting in just a bit, but as Lady Siren, I imagine I’ll still be taking care of Captain Turlan even if he changes ships, though my contract personally really only extends to him.

“Hence me asking about yourself. You and I should figure out your own needs and how it’ll intersect with my duties. Like laundry and such as well as other things.”

Such… such an amazing wing-man

Ralph nodded his head, grateful for the window Marionette had carved out for him to recover.


Thomas Frank

Agreed, considering some of the other things on their platform...this seems like BS.

Carson Caudill

How to contact on Discord please