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Making some progress here and there! I'm trying to work on it every other day while also drawing some other stuff so this isn't the only stuff you get.

This is pre-cutting. Right now I'm just trying to get her proportions right. The body as you see it will be cut and edited into assets after I have done all the shading. Bigger or more complicated sections will be separate from the beginning like the head, face, tail, hands and hair. 

Basically the order I'm going is Body > Clothes> Hair > Face

The final version won't have a nude version. I'm just taking the extra step to future proof the model in case I want to make a bikini version or a different outfit at one point. This way I'll have the complete nude model without having to make additional edits on the body.




Huzzah, this is an ambitious project. And one that has me eagerly awaiting it's realization. Rock on Chicken Prez!