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What are good summer activities that aren't sweating or beach things? Asking for my cow friend.

May or may not make poll from suggestions 🐔👍



Fireworks, riding bikes,picnics, cookouts, snow cones/ice cream

Russell McBride

Picnics, camping, BBQs, hiding from the sun because you work indoors and never see the outdoors except at night and could almostvpass for a vampire, you know normal things


Squirtgun/water balloon fights, having drinks around the fire pit, going to the fair, playing mini golf, going to the amusement park, setting off fireworks, going for ice cream or milkshakes, playing in the river..


damn do I really wanna draw a bike tho.... hmmm........... my fear of basic shapes is tingling

Russell McBride

I get called one at least once a week, usually with a warning about how bright it is out side lol


Naps under the tree, having snocones/shaved ice, outdoor walks/biking. There's quite a lot out there that don't involve the beaches or sweating. c:


Cook outs. Firefly chasing/watching/catchung. Sitting around a campfire


Driving along the coast. Or through Slovenia I guess.

Illia Rieka

Maybe a day out at an amusement park? That or a summer festival with fireworks.

Jim Avery

Tennis is one. All the others have been said. This is a comprehensive list of all possible summer activities.