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Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll possibly not be super active this month. 

I'm currently on medication and I'm getting the worst of side effects. I will be on meds for the next 3-6 months unfortunately. But I was told my body may adjust to the medication and the side effects may not be as bad as they currently are. No guarantee there but I'm hoping for it regardless.

I'm sure I'll have good days and I intend to use them to be as productive as I can be because I WANT TO. Things are just hanging a little in the air right now because I can't fully say how good or bad I will be feeling the following months. But I'll stay positive and hope for the best.

Thank you all for sticking with me! 💕🐓



Totally understandable.




Get healthy Chicky


I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery


Whatever the outcome, we're all here hoping for the best for you. Health comes first.

Illia Rieka

Health first. We will still be here. Hope everything goes well for you ❤️