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Three Bad Words in Japan

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Brian Mack

As always, simple and straightforward advice. Well worth taking. My friend from Yokohama stated very plainly some years back when we were in a museum looking at an American newspaper from the end of the war with a bold half-page headline, how much they really -REALLY- hated that first word you mentioned. That's one to take careful note of, alright. (As an aside, firstly, I can't believe how the weather has gone from that amazing snow-covered morning to what looks to be a completely clean, sunny day. Maybe a little soggy, but no snow in sight. In fact, it looks quite pleasant. No gloves, no jacket... I'll take that. Secondly, it's awesome that you plunk yourself down in the rice fields like that. Every dude's got his go-to place to think about things, or to just "be" and think about nothing at all, eh? Up here, some might do the same "up at the cottage" if they have one, and bring out a chair and stare out over a lake. Sitting in the rice fields is the same thing. I live smack in the city and could sure use a place like that. It's the tranquility... That's worth its weight. Don't even need a fishing pole.)


My grandparents used to use that word, Brian. Worse words when they were talking about aboriginal Australians. Yes,a very mild winter. 2023 was the warmest year on record. Rice fields and my garden save my sanity.
