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Hit by Crazy Driver in Japan

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Brian Mack

Aw, damn..! Sorry, brother. You alright, otherwise? No passengers? I'm sure the muscles got a bit of a strain from all of the aggravation. Probably going to feel like you ran a marathon in a few hours. That's a real pain. Driver's side, too. That's got to rattle your cage, a bit. A fender bender for sure, but is there any damage to the under carriage? Still drivable? Happened to me, once. Heard the screeching of brakes and then * SMASH *! Laundry truck just plowed into the rear of my vehicle. Had a bit of a whiplash, out of it. The remarkable thing was they just pulled the whole thing out, and it looked good as new afterward. They'll at least fix the dent, but who needs all this, eh? 80/20 on the blame..!? What the absolute hell..!? And she ran a stop sign without even NOTICING you in broad daylight..? Uh-huh. I'm sure the police will ask to see her phone as part of the investigation. Hang in there, Ed. All the best.


All good, Brian. I am worried they will write off my car, because that is the Japanese way! Will make a video a the details become clear. About 30 years ago, I was in Australia and a BMW ran into my rear at about 70km/hr. Haemoraged a disc in my neck. Any fool can have a driver's license, right?


Sorry this happened to you, and I hope that taught the other driver a lesson. I also hope that your wing can simply be strtaigntened back at the body shop or at worst, replaced.