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Jerry Waker

Your pics of clouds are quite lovely. The sky has always been important to me, especially when it shows it's deep blue colour. Waaaaay back, in my formative years in art school in 1973, I changed directions from Industrial Design to using my last year to studying the sky and making "True Blue" artworks. Photos in black & white, colour, printed matter, film and sculpture... wood metal plastic glass everything I could get my hands on searching for that white and blue shape. Being 23 years old I thought the deep blue was what made me feel so good that day. Gray days made me feel crummy and sour. Later I understood the barometer and air pressure makes you feel that way. But I'm still not completely convinced... I have never been without a PrismaColour 903. True Blue. I have a coffee cup filled with them

Jerry Waker

beside my work table I have a coffee cup filled with 71, 903's. They are the best colour to sketch clouds, I don't colour the cloud.... I colour the sky! Cheers Mate Jerry Everett Ontario


All of nature is beautiful, but something about the sky fascinates me too, Jerry. The clouds in this photo are what inspired me to take it.