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In a Typhoon in Japan

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John Albright

Not sure why you are not wearing a helmet and white gloves in your car ! Typhoon!

Sylvia Söhner

Well, I can understand the canceling of a train when it’s not clear how strong the typhoon my be. But family can decide spontaneously. Could, I should say. I can also see the good Intentions in their „take care“ culture. Think they copied from the US? Was that always like that in Japan? But kids in sports in >30 degrees. That is insane. Here in Germany they think about heat plans (cooling rooms and water supply and such stuff) because of the climate change. So sorry to hear your kid suffered from that overcorrectness of nobody dares to back out from the attention pressure… I wish, you stay well. So take care 😂


Not logical, is it, Sylvia. Actually, "take care" does make sense.. because it is something we can do. "Be safe" is the one that seems silly to me because it is an adjective.. like saying "be lucky!" :-D You take care too, Sylvia! :-D