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Confronted by Angry Old Japanese Man!

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Hmm... Would offering to lend your mower to him to cut his grass work? A bit of 'passive-aggressive-ness'. His garden would be tidier and you'd get less pests coming over. Might make him think a bit too? (doubtful tho', I'd guess).

Ash Nguyen

I just recently spent a week working with a friend of an existing coworker who we hired on temporarily. He had lived in Japan for work, married a Japanese lady, and stayed for 10 years before returning (with her) to Canada to retire from that job. We had tons of excellent chats and just overall a great week working together, thanks to what I've learned about Japan from you guys over the years! He was amazed that despite having never been there myself, I'm the first new person he has met since returning to Canada over a decade ago who actually "gets it" (much more of the full picture), as opposed to only the idealized/glorified perspective of life in Japan like most others here.