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Talking Behind Your Back in Japan

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Kieran Rainbow

Japanese cultural quirks strikes again!

Moto Lee

I know EXACTLY, what you are saying and agree. Japanese fella in my local area, I use to invite him to several (bloke) activities and he would 99% decline. But I would see him at the park often with our kids, so we were still acquaintances (I'd call it too) NP. However, I stopped inviting him to "fella activities", so he messages me and says "please keep inviting me" (perplexing). But I did and again he declines 99% of the time. So, Im not going to do this forever ! I stop I see him at the park recently and he walks away from me, ignores me (perplexing). My impression is ……your are a baby. TELL ME mate (directly), what's the issue from your perspective? Im not a mind reader. TBH, my thought is ........you're a pussy. Normally I would just leave it a that. However, Im in Japan ….lets play the childish game “charades”. Im also curious too. Last week, went to a baseball event with a bunch of gaijins ………invite my local Japanese acquaintance (first time in a loooong time). Responds immediately, declines……too busy with work 🤷‍♂️ So I suppose he just likes getting invites from a gaijin (novelty), that he declines. Makes him feel good. Actually, when I say “decline” above. He didnt decline he just never responded. And from what Im told in Japan, that means “no”. In my culture……I would always respond to a friends invite and say “sorry mate, I’d like to go, but works busy right now….catchya next time”. As a matter of courtesy