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Brian Mack

I'm really blown away by this! How hard to you have to work to find people on their phones? Do you spot them every time you go out? I really don't tend to see it around here much, anymore. Only occasionally. Kids: ABSOLUTELY in the back in a child seat. I haven't noticed a kid bouncing around the front in years! I used to do that. I'd sit on mom's lap to "help her drive", as she smoked a cigarette and I inhaled all of that delightful blue air. Thankfully, those of us who survived the '60s know better, now. Dogs: ALSO in the back, from big dogs, to fifis. Some are even harnessed in special "dog seats". Haven't seen a fifi driving a car in many years. (What's going on, over there..? A little slow to get with it, unfortunately.)


Every time we drive somewhere, Brian. Only video it sometimes when a passenger can take the video and we feel like it. The cops so rarely enforce it and everyone thinks it is "normal", so most of them do it. Japanese people rarely have the ability to recognize danger unless someone in authority explains it to them. Scary, isn't it.


After babies, the fifis take driver irresponsibility to a new level here... They're literally at eye level.