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That's some excellent news for anyone who's been looking to go to Japan ever since the government shut the doors from tourists, more than 2 years ago! Dang, time sure flies... it feels like yesterday when this pandemic started. Nonetheless, I'm very happy for everyone who can finally execute the plans they've had for ages, or since this pandemic started! Even my situation has improved considerably, as I finally received my visa documents from Japan about 10 days ago. Had to travel to the big capital city on Monday in order to apply for the visa at the Japanese Embassy. Me being from a relatively small town, it certainly was a big confusing mess trying to navigate my way to the embassy within the crowds of people. Didn't like that experience at all... I prefer smaller cities. I also managed to bring something back with me, and I'm not talking about souvenirs... I got sick with something, and I don't know or care if this is the rumored COVID-19 everyone has been talking about for the last 2 years. I only care about getting rid of it by next week, because my flight to Japan is set to depart next Tuesday. I have a good chance to make it there by Wednesday, at least technically, if everything goes smoothly. But considering how wrong some other things have gone during this complicated process, it would truly be a miracle. Fingers crossed, I guess. Honestly, this could just be a common cold, because I feel rather well, apart from having a sore throat and blocked nose. But then again, people have had COVID completely symptom-free, and they unfortunately spread it around unknowingly. At least I know I'm sick and able to lock myself in. Though it's been getting better recently, I have no idea if I'll be fine by the day of departure. The timing for this nonsense couldn't be any worse. I haven't been sick with even the smallest of illnesses in 2 years. Had I gotten sick a month ago, I could've just taken my time recovering from it and then forgotten about it, but now I have to make every effort to recover as much as I can, as fast as I can, so I can finally go through with these exchange plans. Throughout this year, I have had to deal with so much nonsense, and there's always been something that isn't right or something begins obstructing the process. This illness is just icing on the cake. Fantastic. No matter what ends up happening, I will forever remember this one time I got sick right before one of the most important events in my life. Time will tell whether it's going to be a warm or cold memory.


You start the day after you arrive?!! Very Japanese of them! :-D


Yes, and I already informed them that I'll be in Japan for the contact lessons. If I won't be, it'll be a massive hassle to get the word accross that I couldn't come after all, and then organize distance lessons for my courses. BTW, they only allow distance lessons for students who aren't in Japan, which is kind of strange. Another strange thing is how some things have to be carried out through a middle-man. For example, during one orientation session a student asked if the materials could be made available somewhere, and the answer was they would send it to everyone through their personal advisors. So not directly to them, but to their advisors. In my school things like that would be more direct, because that's the fastest and most reliable way to get a hold of people. If you introduce even one person to that chain, it becomes more complicated and time-consuming. But I'm sure you've already experienced that and much worse countless times in Japan. There will definitely be a lot more similar situations that don't make sense ahead of me, and I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry. One of the Japanese professors at the school reminds me of the big dude who runs this channel, because he had very similar observations. He informed us about how Japanese people REALLY love documents, and how we just have to accept it, because we nor he can change that. All the information I've received from this channel echoes in my head, and I found myself constantly nodding in agreement, whenever he was talking. So really, thank you so much for all the stuff you've been talking about throughout the years! Here's hoping the flow of content never stops, because it is very valuable to a lot of people – especially those who go to Japan. I'm sure you guys also love making it, otherwise we wouldn't see such dedication from you year after year! I imagined this comment much shorter when I started writing, but I ended up spilling the beans after all. Again. Sorry about that!