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Some NOT Eco Behavior in Japan

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Brian Mack

18-20 DEGREES..!? And they need AIR CON..!? What the heck? I live in a Nordic country and even I think that's pleasant and cool.


Nice temperature.. the smell of flowers in the air and stars in the sky... and they sit there staring at a tiny screen with the sound of the engine and aircon, Brian

Ash Nguyen

Are these people stopping by waiting for their kids on their way from somewhere else? Personally, if I had an hour to kill while waiting for someone, I would usually prefer to do so from the comfort of my own home and then come back later.


The kids are inside playing sport for an hour or two. I think it is just an excuse for the parents to have time alone while giving the illusion they are "busy". Going home or doing something useful would seem better, wouldn't it.