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"Samus is captured in her full zero suit by a Metroid-variant - normally, they drain life force and kill the subject, but in this case, the Metroid has found a way to sync with Samus, learn what pleasures her, then overstimulates her so it can feed on her energy"

This is my first time drawing Samus, I wanted to draw her many times before but always forgot. Thanks to RachWrites (from DeviantArt) for commissioning this, I finally have the chance to draw her! The caption in the first paragraph was also provided by RachWrites.

Now I'm also using Mega cloud storage, hope this will make it easier to download my images,




Absolutely *gorgeous* result here -- really nice use of the painterly style to make things feel both rendered, but also slimy and wet to befit the setting. Great work! :)


spectacular work!