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HQ Manager - HQM (The black haired woman in the center)
Big Hand Mikey ( The guy under HQ Manager)
Male Staff - MS (The guy on the left)
Female Staff - FS (The woman on the right)
Casey - (Burnette on the left behind HQ Manager holding a tablet)

HQM : So, these are new bounties...
            Hey, can you finish now!?…

Mikey: Sorry, no can do ma'am
             Your ass is too sweet for me to stop

HQM: …
           But it's been two hours!!

MS: No worry Ma'am, I don't mind
FS: It's quite an enjoyable sight

HQM: If you say so...
          Anyway, Casey, how about the new bounty list, you said there are more bounties this time?

Casey: Yeah, here's the list...


Continuing the story of the bounty hunter manager's lore, I'm thinking to call this story under "Bank of Masters". Since Casey, the bounty hunter manager is working for the bank. Finally figured out what to call the bank. In this scifi world, banks holds a lot of power and status in the government.

Starting this month, I'm planning to do bi-monthly posts here. If just one post a month felt my Patreon a little too "dead". But just art posts, decided to stop doing short comic, because doing comic burns me out too quick. Maybe after I've got enough Patreon subscriber that I don't have to take commission anymore, I'll start making comic again

Included previous images from the same story (The last two images)



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