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Now that I'm finally comfortable with messy lineart, drawing comic doesn't feel too punishing. Although I should probably try to avoid coloring the comic page (it takes twice as long and I'm still bad at coloring environment) and just focus on finishing the comic drawing first. The next pages will just be in greys without color.

I want to write a comic about Wonder Woman becoming Zatanna's pet after the world have achieved peace. Although I'm still figuring out the part in the beginning of this story on how Zatanna manages to convince Wonder Woman to trust all of her instructions no matter how ridiculous it is.

I'm open for suggestion to improve the dialog writing. I'm very bad at writing, I feel like the time I took to figure out what to write in the dialog bubble took longer than coloring the page. I hope it's not too terrible reading that.




Love the Wonder Woman slave series - although I think I'd be fun to have Zatanna in some bondage at some point ;D

The Cad

Top notch!


Absolutely looking forward to the rest of this. I can't believe she let Zatanna talk her into it either! I still kinda suspect there's some *magic* involved, rofl.