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Unsfrau again

Today I have a very important update regarding my work and how my patreon will work from here onwards.

I've put a lot of thought into this and came to the conclution that is something I need to change in order to keep my enthusiasm and inspiration flowing, so I can create more and better content.

  • Patreon polls: from now only the first place will get a color piece, and second place a "rought sketch".
  • Legendary Tier was removed.

Taking a break on march, being on hiatus after my accident, and now experimenting on doing new styles and other stuff has made me realize there is some things I wanna create and as much as I love taking suggestions or commissions from others, doing what comes out of my own mind is what I enjoy the most, so I wanna avoid another case of being so tired of drawing that I need a break. I hope you understand where this comes from and I'll be forever thankfull for all your support!
Of course I'll keep doing +18 stuff, in fact there is some projects I'm working on that involves more segs and lewds so I hope you are looking forward to what I'll do in the future!

Thanks again for all the support!
See you soon!



I get where you’re coming from with your decisions. Looking forward to art/projects you have planned for the future. Take care👍