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Work life balance has been on the fritz this week.

I thought that this might be a good opportunity to get some feedback!

Fat till Friday is demanding most of my attention, I'm also taking occasional commissions for people that want other arts from me.

What are some good ways to keep you patron people happy?

What are you subscribed for and what do you need!

Drop in the comments, or send me a DM if you're shy!


Roi Hartmann

Fat Till Friday was looking so interesting so I decided to support it and basically that's why I'm here. Besides the early access releases I think it would be nice to have some behind the scenes stuff like WIP stuff and hear about what game related are you currently working and planning on. I would seriously suggest that you would consider dropping release rate to once in a month. It would give you time put more stuff in to the update. I would rather play an update with tad more stuff on it than play tiny update every week or two.


I definitely agree with the above. I haven't played the last build out of worry I’ll be burnt off the game if I keep playing the more frequent releases. Would also potentially save you any pressure in trying to have something out each week


I was actually considering doing the tungsten tier just so you could devote more time to your game, but it's honestly still too expensive for me.


Every donation helps! I'd rather have a lot of people supporting my work than just a few big fish