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Here's a link to the newest up-to-date version of the game
It's available to all Patreons above the $5 tiers. 

If you are below the $5 tiers I have good news! 

I am planning on releasing the Demo next Saturday! 

so I'm counting on those of you with access to help to find any bug, oversites or quality of life issues still in this version the game!

Know issues are as follows:

- Michelle sprites cause crash at larger sizes (Yeah, I know. I've still gotta draw those extra sprites)

- White square when selecting item from menu. (I think I've hunted down the cause of this one. Hopefully an easy fix)

- All foods make the same sound when eaten. (I need to dig up some free SFX when I have a free moment.)

- Flabracadabra recap. (I keep flip flopping on whether or not I should include a full FlabraKadabra recap at the beginning or if that would be annoying. Either way, I want to include something there before the player is dropped into the world.)

Things have definitely slowed down here,  but I'm confident you'll be impressed with my progress on this update!

Let me know what you think!

Thank you!




I'm trying to use the Mac 2.1 version and it says 'application can't be opened error 47'. I just tried the demo and the demo works fine.


Weird. The good news is that if you have access to the demo you have access to the most up to date version of the game. Next week I'll release another update. Be sure to let me know if the same problem persists.


I downloaded the beta, loved it and it ended after the first day. I bought the release, and it is extremely buggy. I ran into the setting bug from the computer, and I ran into multiple script errors, especially at the hospital. I am unsure how far you can progress, but I am still looking forward to a more completed build.


That sounds about right. The Demo is currently the most complete build. I'll be updating the beta weekly with release notes available both on Patreon and Itch.io.