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Bad News First.
I will be delaying the release of Fat 'Till Friday and its demo by a month.

I still have 5 locations to design and draw and over a dozen characters who need to be created. I am slowly realizing that that is more art than I can produce within a month. I'm hoping that the extra month is enough time to finish everything, and at the same time, I'm very inexperienced at game design, so I don't know for sure what a propper timescale should look like.

Rest assured that you will be informed of my progress, regaurdless.

The Good News!

Thanks to some help from a patreon, we've managed to get the Itch.io patreon integration working! follow the link bellow to play the most recent distribution of the game:

Anyone in the red bolt tier or above should have full access. Just be sure that you're logged in to both patreon and Itch.io. Be warned that the game is still in development so it may crash. If it does, be sure to send me a screenshot of the error screen.

I'll add known issues bellow and edit this post as we find more.

Known issues: I haven't drawn Michelle's larger sprites yet so, if she gains more than thirty pounds, the game will crash the next time it draws her sprite.


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