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Hello! As some of you may already know, a decent amount of the exclusive content on my partreon has been leaked online.

I've looked into DMCA takedowns, and while there is a process for starting one, doing so feels unnecessarily destructive. At the end of the day, it's impotent to understand that leaks will happen and that that's one of the costs of working in a digital field.

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone here who supports my work! Without you, most of this content wouldn't be possible!

I also want to take a moment to talk about sharing my art!

If you would like to share my exclusive/early access content then feel free to do so! I only ask that my art not be complied into a gallery somewhere as doing so would make this patreon page a bit redundant.

Thank you again, and I hope that you're excited for the new art that I plan to share going forward!


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