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“Final Question: What vertebrate doesn’t have a backbone?”

It was another trick question, but if I hadn’t been so upset I might have been able to work it out. Instead, I felt my chubby fists clench, lifted my chins and spat:

“Chris Kaiser.” There was a gasp from the audience. Chris’s smile faltered.

“We were looking for ‘Hagfish.’” 

“Same thing,” I shrugged, as the final Stripe on the wall behind me flashed to red.holding my arms out to my sides.

The tingling started again. It was familiar now, though no less unnerving as I lost control of my body, both for the final time and forever. My hips grew ever wider until they wouldn’t fit most doors. My belly grew rounder, sagging lower until I’d likely never be able to reach my privates again. My chest ripened into mellon sized monstrosities that I’d liked never fit into a bra again. I’d entered a kind of excessive life-altering fattness that would likely define me from that point onward. Contemplating a future living like this made me feel light headed. 

The Growth finally stopped and I dropped my arms to my sides, sending ripples through my expanded form.I tried to lift my belly, only to find it too heavy. I adjusted, but my heavy leg made it difficult to move. My appetite was the cherry on top. It was the TPP’s way of ensuring I had a tough time undoing what they’d made me into. I was ravenous, and it occurred to me that if I wasn’t careful I might get even bigger. 

“Thank you everyone! You’ve been a lovely audience.” Chris turned to take a bow, but there was scant applause. Once the lights were out and the cameras were off he pulled the stack of notecards from his pocket and tosse them onto the floor. He turned to watch me as my platform descended below the stage and held my eye contact until I was out of sight.

Two techs were waiting for me under the stage. They draped a blanket around me and led me toward the dressing room. It was a long, slow waddle down the dark hall with frequent breaks to catch my breath. Most people my size had years to grow accustomed to carrying such girth. Apparently the executives hadn’t considered increasing my muscle mass a priority.

My heart pounded, and not just from the exercise. The Door to the dressing room stood closed at the end of the hall and my sense of foreboding only grew as we drew closer. One of the techs opened the door and I had to turn sideways to step inside, sucking my belly in to keep it’s doughy roundness from rubbing against the doorframe.

Ellie was nowhere to be found, but a giant set of overalls and a T-shirt the size of a tent lay on the couch in the corner. The door was slammed behind me and I took that to mean I was on my own. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but blinked wiped them away, smudging my glasses in the process and having nothing to clean them with. 

I grabbed the T-shirt and held it in front of me. It had a large Phish logo on the front. Likely Kaiser’s idea of a joke. I pulled it on with some effort and managed to get it over my titanic tits, but it kept rolling up on my belly. The overalls weren’t so easy.

At first I’d planned to drop them on the floor and step into them, but given that I couldn’t reach past my belly that plan was proving to be difficult. I resorted to dangling them in front of me by their straps and trying to step into them, but after a half dozen failed attempts the stress of the situation finally bubbled over and I collapsed into tears, sitting down hard on the couch and hearing the sound of splintering wood as the cheap furniture struggled to support me.

I heard the sound of the door open and someone stepped inside.

“Oh my god, Tiffany.” A familiar voice said full of compassion and concern. She hurried over and helped me pull the overalls onto my legs before standing me up and hooking the straps over my shoulders. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss my nose before snatching the smudged and foggy glasses from my face and wiping them on her own shirt and placing them back on my nose.

Ellie stared back at me, looking slim and beautiful as ever as my sobbing faded into quiet hiccups. 

“I-I lost the show.” I admitted. 

A sad smile tugged at the corner of Ellie’s lip. “I know baby.” She pulled me in for a hug, pressing herself into my belly and wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders. “Come on,” She said, finally letting go. “Let's get you home.”

Ellie had apparently left the room during the final question to call her lawyer. She didn’t think it was fair that I could be fattened up an extra time despite only getting only five questions wrong, though she conveyed her opinion using much more colorful language as she helped me into the passenger seat of her tiny car. We’d moved the seat back as far as it would go, but my belly still pressed against the dashboard. 

Once she was sure I was secure, She marched around to the drivers side and got in. gripping the steering wheel with white knuckled fury. She managed to take a deep breath, calm herself and then turn to me.

“So what the hell was up with question seven?” She asked.

“I uh… Got it right but they still made me fatter.” 

“No, that was question six. I’m talking about the one about the Beatles.” 

My heart skipped a beat. “I... guess I got it wrong.”

Ellie actually laughed. “You got it wrong? Tiffany, the answer was ‘Billy Preston’. You’ve made me listen to ‘Will It Go Round in Circles’ more times than I can count.”

“It slipped my mind! I was under a lot of stress up there.” I paused, doing my best to look hurt. For a moment she didn’t say anything. She just looked me in the eye and finally responded:

“You know that I’ve seen your internet history, right?” 

“Oh God.” I buried my face in my chubby palms feeling the heat build up on my cheeks and my fingers go numb. The feeling of blushing wasn’t unlike the feeling of being transformed. “I didn’t mean to get so big… it just sorta happened.” 

“Hey!” She assured, patting my shoulder. “It’s okay. I’m not sure I’d be able to resist if I had my darkest sexual fantasy dangling in front of me like that.” She punched my shoulder and started the car.

“You’re not mad?” I tried to ignore the way the vibration of the engine made my belly jiggle and my shirt ride up under my breasts.

“Mad? No. But now that the secret is out I am going to tease you about it constantly.” She patted my belly with a few slaps that only caused it to jiggle more. I blushed even deeper, when I saw the twinkle in her eye as she looked over my thickened booty and burgeoning breasts. I was so distracted that I almost didn’t notice that we were going the wrong way.

“This isn’t the way home.”

“No it’s not.” She shrugged. “I figured I’d make a quick stop to buy you a pizza.” As if in response my belly let out another loud rumble and Ellie smirked. “Maybe more than one pizza.”



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