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The 0.5 alpha is nearing completion. All but one scene has been assembled and given a testing to make sure the visuals and spelling/grammar are correct. Up next is going to be the addition of hints and journal updates, and adding a little bit to the garden and trading functions. I haven't found a suitable inventory screen backdrop yet, so that will likely get pushed to 0.5.1.

I'll be putting a changelog up here in the next couple of days after I do my own alpha playthrough. After that, the testers will get the alpha version... I'm thinking it will be ready by Friday or Saturday. If all is good, the 0.5 SE will be available to patrons and supporters starting right around February 8th-10th.

There's actually quite little change coding wise in 0.5, so I'm not expecting a lot of bugs, but then again, I said that about 0.4 and look what happened.

It's -11 degrees F here. I hope it's warmer where you are.



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