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Poll time for the new year.

As I'm writing out the outlines for 0.4.1 (right now sitting at about 18 scenes with more going to be added), I'm also fiddling with some images and animations of a more adult nature. I got to thinking. Yeah, it's dangerous.

Early on, when I was really, really bad at animations, I used more static images and some dissolve/wipes to give the illusion of animations. Now, after a few releases, I'm just really bad at animations, but at the same time, I seem to be doing more of them rather than static imagery.

Which do you guys prefer? I'm not going to totally get rid of one or the other, of course, but knowing what you guys think makes for a better game will help me decide what to do.

(Also, there's an 0.4f SE version coming out sometime today. Couple bugs were found by the masses.)


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